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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. 85,000! Good grief, that sounds a lot! So is full membership basically at Moderators (excellent) discretion rather than strict post numbers per se? Good job I sneaked in all those years ago
  2. Thanks Alan and apologies - should keep up!
  3. You need to make 50 sensible posts. Therefore ignore me and Fireman Sam
  4. .....just to add to the above. Mrs Nog will invariably turn a rope around a mooring post just for added security until we are safely moored. I always put springs on too. It only take a couple of minutes and means you don't have to faff about adjusting ropes and can leave the boat safely. Even in less tidal areas it keeps the boat snug against the bank especially if it's windy. We'll worth it IMHO
  5. This is excellent advice. If you don't have the luxury of multiple crew and there are just two of you, this is the way to do it. You will find that 95 per cent of the time the wind will blow away from the mooring. Wife holding bow rope, stern in river. Domestic, seen it countless times. We always try to organise it so that Mrs Nog is stationed on the side of the boat we intend to moor (having checked tide) with both ropes in hand. Step carefully ashore and you have immediate control of the boat. Secure as quickly as possible mindful of safety. Agree about the toilet too! As we go out in winter don't leave it until it's too late and yards are closed for the weekend!!!
  6. Done that trip up Hobro's Dyke many times and still shed a tear That corner can be a bit breezy so not always easy (t-shirt etc)
  7. The landlord from one of my local pubs told me that he gets changed by the bank for withdrawing coins for his floats. Seems a bit rich.
  8. Mrs Nog has frequenty observed that some folks seem to just sit there and expect the ropes to magically un-coil themselves and attach to the mooring posts!
  9. That would be shame. The yards have noted that this year has been a lot worse than normal, probably due to the staycation situation. I tend to concentrate on December and February. The weather is usually suprisingly good in December and the rivers are virtually empty. Bit colder in February and a few boats out but still very quiet.
  10. I wouldn't be suprised if it was quite a few. Given the number of newbies out this year they probably wouldn't realise unless someone warned them.
  11. Extract from a local Norfolk CAMRA beer guide in 1982 The place has a proud history and has survived thus far. OK these are exceptional times but as Ian says no reason it couldn't work in the right hands.
  12. All you need is a decent pair of wellies
  13. https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/geldeston-locks-pub-near-beccles-to-be-auctioned-after-closure-1-6853990
  14. True, although I guess Colin paid rent, although a lot less than the Berney. If someone had the cash they would have to pay business rates presumably but not electricity!!! Ignoring making a profit on your original capital investment I reckon you could tick over in quiet times.
  15. True but its a classic case of a seasonal pub, most trade in summer . However the Locks used to put music on in winter, molly dancers etc. Its a case of being versatile. As for locals - I'm sure if it reverted to a 'proper' pub you would get local trade. It was never going to work as a gastro pub. An experience operator like CC could make a real go of it I'm sure.
  16. Plenty of those around our manor!!
  17. Thanks JM but did you miss out a not there?
  18. Long as they don't shut the pubs completely. But I'm not banking on it
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