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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Double duvets work well. We go out extensively in winter and always ask the yard for an extra duvet. Its suprising the difference it makes. We've never plugged in yet. Buying cable and plugs and heaters could be expensive. Don't be tempted to plug in the existing system. Pop to Lathams and buy a thick duvet. Yards tend to supply summer weight ones.
  2. ......piloting a 42 footer down Upton Dyke single handed in Summer could be interesting. Bow thrusters??
  3. I suspect Poppy would be the Upton expert. Isn't Cove pretty much next door to Swancraft? I'm sure we have a Forumite who moors there.
  4. It was certainly opened in a refurbished form in December last year. Personally I liked the old pub which I think had more character. Lovely little hidden garden out the back too. However times change and I'd rather see it open than flats. They sold proper beer too on gravity.
  5. The Ram possibly but we'll keep mum about that!
  6. OMG - I feel duty bound to have a word with Paul..... ...but there again he has met you!!!!
  7. Not got on the Swancraft waiting list Mr Fire sir!!!!?????
  8. Good idea, Woods should have a good few boats out so there will be plenty of room. The yard staff would assist if needed I'm sure.
  9. You would have Fireman Sam as a neighbour!
  10. ......all old hat of course but the bit about mooring with the wind blowing off the bank is just as relevant today!
  11. Brian Eno was born in Suffolk so JM should approve Listen to Virginia Plain Mr Fire sir
  12. Agree JM - that was a couple of years ago - be interesting to see if Malcolm can get a photo.
  13. Didn't realise that, bit like Wayford. Wonder if that's why the board is a bit pessemistic?
  14. Could be a welcome boost to the campaign. Didnt know he lived in Geldeston! Changed a bit since the Roxy Music days! https://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2020-10-06/record-producer-brian-eno-joins-fight-to-save-his-local-pub
  15. Wonder if it's one of Strowagers - Looks clever stuff
  16. Is this it? Sorry about the quality - take from a video. Reedham - December 2018
  17. Ditto and welcome. If you have internet connectivity during your trip don't hesitate to ask us any questions as you go along
  18. You don't get to see the jokes...but there again.................
  19. Sound advice. Good job it was Salhouse Broad and not Reedham on an ebb tide!
  20. I bet Sam is probably relieved she's not a full time member!!
  21. Good grief, those levels are high, looks to be nearly over the moorings. Happy memories.............
  22. We'll be getting in bother with Mr Grendel sir for going off topic I'll try to scan it if I get time.
  23. Might be a bit out of date now though Mr Fire sir.
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