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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Totally agree John, combined with poor quality/tired/inadequate batteries A little quality maintenance goes a long way!
  2. That's exactly right, so on a hire boat it's either poor maintenance or cutting corners.
  3. This is why we miss Swancraft Jean!!! Proper battery and charging systems and toasty heating
  4. With a well maintained system and good batteries it shouldn't be an issue.
  5. Reedham Ferry used to have a shower, maybe still does.
  6. Absolutely, good point. Never pass by if it's a handy top up.
  7. Hope the back feels better soon.
  8. We’ve been out in December and February for many years now so I can report on what we’ve found. There will be others of course. Can’t comment on electric posts as we never use them but most seem to be lit up so I assume they are connected. Note the comment on the winter semi live aboards above though. In winter the hot spots such as Horning, Ranworth and Loddon often have a cluster around the posts although one less now Tombstone has gone. We have had water at: Faircraft Loynes Boulters Horning Marina Services Ludham Bridge Boatyard Simpsons Stalham Sutton Staithe Boatyard Herbert Woods Bridgecraft Ranworth Goodchild Marine Reedham Loddon (don’t rely on this though) Brooms Swancraft Oulton Broad Yacht Station (pontoon only) There may be water at Beccles – possibly JA could advise. Often the yards are busy with winter maintenance and you may need to look for someone to help. A polite request and a big smile is rarely refused. Mrs Nog excels in this department. If someone is dragged away from the job they are doing to help you a small gratuity is strongly recommended on top of any basic charge. This is always accepted and appreciated. The stalwarts are basically Ranworth and Reedham. Because of their position you are likely to pass them at least once. It only takes a few minutes to divert to Ranworth from the main river even if you are not stopping there. As I mentioned earlier if you are sensible with water it can last longer than you think. We have never run out or had a problem. In extreme weather hoses can freeze, this is where the taps at Reedham are so handy. I have known even these to freeze but a kettle of boiling water soon sorts that out. Like all Broads trips always be prepared to have a Plan B. Just thought - if a pipe has frozen and not been used for a while you can sometimes get green algae type deposits coming out. Always best to run the hose for a minute just to check.
  9. I'll stand to be corrected of course but I think the only BA faciility in winter is Ranworth. The main source of water in winter is boatyards and marinas. Head still hurting, I will post all the places we've used successfully in winter. It really isn't a problem. The old boatyard mantra about filling everyday isn't strictly necessay, with care most boats will last 2 or 3 days.
  10. Just back from pub will do tomorrow when (slightly) more sensible
  11. Presumably you have a length of hose too Helen? Only need a short length as plenty of room in winter. Think all taps at Reedham standard size but one, if memory serves is small, garden hose type.
  12. Can't comment on electric as we never plug in. Reedham do indeed remove the hoses but the taps are still on. We have a very helpful small hose which Paul at Swancraft kindly made up for us. Push fit on the taps and job's a good un. There is plenty of water available in winter, will try to list a few later
  13. Nice one! We might not be millionaires but we are a friendly (mostly) bunch
  14. ...except in winter Forget to mention excellent community owned (I believe) shop in Neatishead as well as the White Horse. Very pleasant walk from Barton Turf and takes you past millionaires row as you go into Neatishead. Another thing to spend the lottery win on.
  15. Me and Mrs Nog walked from the little mooring at Barton Turf to the White Horse Took about 25 minutes from memory. Questions is - can you get from the Paddys Lane mooring to the road at Barton Turf or is Paddys Lane landlocked?
  16. Ah, probably. I'm more used to IMHO - in my (humble) (honest) opinion But yes, that would explain it. Well spotted. You maybe get GOS - grandparent over shoulder
  17. Know where you mean, yes that would front on to the main dyke so much easier manoeuvre. Get in quick!!!
  18. Arrrggghhh! Don't say that!! It will be sheltered in the pub anyway I know where Griff is coming from though. I can put up with any amount of cold, frost, snow etc but strong winds and/or constant rain are a pain in the proverbial.
  19. Probably. I've been in and out of Swancrafts yard numerous times, both as a very happy hirer and latterly as a visitor. It's tight but no more so than most yards. I can see what OBB means - a bow thruster makes the job easier but there certainly shouldn't be any problems. One thing I can guarantee - it will be snapped up if it hasn't been already. When the lottery comes up it will be my first choice of yard for a mooring.
  20. Solid choice, excellent pub. Please let us know how you get on!
  21. The New Inn has long had this policy but probably the only one that does it this way. Normally you would pay for the mooring itself which may or may not be redeemable against a meal. It's always best to ring anyway particularly in the current circumstances. For example the Bridge Inn at Acle was recently asking for advance table bookings for meals. Pubs now have less capacity due to Covid so I would always ring in advance. Having said that, please support the pubs! They need us now more than ever.
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