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Everything posted by gancanny

  1. CITY LINK for me every time, usually booked via "parcel2go"
  2. are you referring to the lovable DC30 they are a very popular boat in the private sector now the hire yards have no use for them i believe richardsons still have one on the fleet, refurbished only 2 or 3 years ago
  3. maybe you have already done it but, i put "plastic header tanks" into ebay search box and came up with a few ideas, give it a try
  4. always thought the easticks 25, similar to the safari, was a strange looking boat it always reminded me of a "pug" breed of dog even on the lowest of tides i do not think it would go under potter bridge
  5. i do look forward to your posts john, they always make me chuckle
  6. what a great blog, and some cracking pics.
  7. sorry dan i should have pointed out they were not broads related still, i think they are quite good pics
  8. http://rense.com/general96/shots.html just want to share some snaps i took while out and about last weekend ( cough LOL )
  9. i am going for the YARE near to beachamp arms, maybe a little upstream
  10. i think you are more of a stalham person than an acle one
  11. at a guess geoff !!!! i will go for BROADLAND WAVE,
  12. pull yer sen together boy, now, cmon, tell us all , which boat have you booked ???
  13. the company name appears to be GEORGE CULLEY 8, WADDINGTON FOLD ROCHDALE LANCS i just googled george culley and it came out top of the page sorry
  14. you could try www.rubber-extrusions-seals.co.uk hope that works
  15. yeah. ' brundall church for me also
  16. wey hey, it worked for me also. why does it say "attached thumbnails" above pic, have i or have i not done it correct
  17. yes, it is working for me now, last night it was not showing
  18. they are having problems at the moment, no one can get on be patient
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