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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Apparently there has been a break in the Atlantic cable so could be the long time.
  2. Quite frankly how we ever did the Warwickshire Ring without any hiccups I cannot imagine. I was at the helm the whole time of a 40 foot narrow boat. I had never seen a narrow boat before boarding. Oh I have just recalled the wonderful trip through Birmingham , past all those delapidated old factory buildings , smelly outfall pipes, everything and the kitchen sink floating in the canal, grounding on god knows what. Being pelted by bricks from one of the walk over bridges by kids. I now know why I pefer the Broads.
  3. At least today it says the engineers are working on it. So if anyone else is having problems that is the answer.
  4. Seems to be back to normal this morning but for how long anyone knows. I tend to just leave it and ignore it but other half will fiddle on his laptop and then wonders why he gets into all manner of problems. It was on the Sky web site that they were having problems so I wondered if anyone else had been effected. Those old gremlins at it again.
  5. For most of the day we have not been able to access our emails. Is anyone else having problems.
  6. That is a comfort to know it is not only me. Usually is though.
  7. Have tkane them all off and seem to be getting what I had before.
  8. I have clicked on in the past 24 hrs and all I am getting is a post about ' Norfolk Chinese' and my own. Are you telling me there have been no other posts. There are usually many shown.
  9. My last post showing for Jenny Morgan is about the Calender.
  10. I can see that Jenny Morgan and London Rascal have post in the last day and today and yet I am still not getting those under View New Content.
  11. Well you learn something every day. I did not realise you had to have the 'new since my last visit' on. We will see how i get on now. Thank you. Monica
  12. I have just been viewing 'view New Content' but nothing new for two days and yet today there has been new postings.
  13. Wonder what school they attended. It is joke.
  14. Thank you for making me smile this morning.
  15. i saw something posted on this on the NBF. It seems this mooring is to do with the St Bennetts Trust or similar. No it is not for all and sundry to moor there, but as has been said, enforcing said terms will prove quite interesting in the coming season.
  16. Welcome to the Norfolk Broads.net forum. After popping in September and seeing the guys all in their corporate look tops I thought how smart they look and it sends out a really professional message. Well done and all the best for the coming season.
  17. Lovely to read. Pity you were so considerate of your neighbours if the grumpy old git was one of them. Oh well at least you showed him how to behave. You were obviously on a Richos boat, when do they stop hiring for the season? Looking forward to the rest of your holiday tale.
  18. Apparently the Japanese have a syndrome called 'Retired Husband Syndrome' This manifests itself by allowing wives who are not use to them being around 24/7 to get a divorce. Nothing more needs to be said really.
  19. I did wonder. Yes we have seen the New Cut at its lowest. That was the day that Lodden and Rockland Staithe completely ran out of water. As you say now they are dredging the Cut it will hopefully be a lot better.
  20. When we came across Breydon bridge yesterday just about 1 ish the tide was still rushing out and yet you could see it was an exceptionally low tide. Are exceptionally low tides followed by exceptionally high tides?
  21. Please bear in mind that I think this boat is the Bee's knees quite frankly and would love to be able to afford to hire her. May be like others, when old Ernie pays out or the Lottery Lucky or rather unlucky dip comes up. So taking that into consideration my next comment is only a concern. In the main cabin you have shown us the two displays on the bulkhead of the fuses, controls etc. These are housed behind the main seating area behind a couple of doors. I do rather feel that this would be an absolute magnet for little fingers. With the ability to stand on the seating area and just be about the right height to operate Star Ship Enterprise , as they would see it, should there not be a child lock on each of them. I dont mean a lock and key because they get lost but the kind of thing you get on cupboards to keep the ankle biters at bay. I am a grandma and have first hand experience of little ones getting into everything. Just a thought.
  22. Finally picked up the rest of the curtains today. I just have to say although we have not actually put them up (a Spring job that one) , the quality of the material and workmanship is excellent. Judith is now going to do our canopy for us in the Spring.. What a lovely person to deal with. The reason for the delay was nothing to do with Judith, the time before last we made arrangements to meet up and there was a monsoon. so we all had to call it off, the next time we had the hurricane and the floods so a no no again, but today and last Friday everything was just fine. I cannot praise this lady enough. Such a professional. Thank you Alan of Ranworth Breeze for the recommendation.
  23. At night time most other boaters would be on their boat with their curtains closed. Right - butI I still would not want to go in there in the altogether and go to the loo and be thinking that someone stood on the bank could be having a right eyeful - if only a blurred eyeful. I would need to have curtains - sorry. May be a roller blind Brinks please?
  24. Can i just ask, you sang the praises of the frosted glass in the heads but were there no curtains at the windows? Can you see through that kind of frosted glass at night when you have the light on.
  25. If you can live to be a ripe old age and be healthy in mind and body then fine but if not and you end up like my old Mum of 95 who has Alzheimers Dementia, has no idea of time, day, her past, or recognises any of the family, then sorry but I will take the early train please. Enjoy life it is so blessed short. What do they say a little of what you like does you good. I went to Greggs today on this miserable cold rainy Monday and bought two of the stickiest gooiest Caramel Doughnuts I have ever seen. Yes we thoroughly enjoyed them, washed down with a good cup of Rosie Lea. Wouldnt eat them every day but the odd occasion - yep guilty. I personally have never heard of aspartame. Thank you for the warning.
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