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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Loving the photo Peter but oh it is a wake up call that all that weather is just around the corner. I feel chilly already.. How did you manage to post such a large photo. Mine come out very tiny.
  2. Cracking shot Deebee29.
  3. Is that Gran steering after a few glasses of Senatogen? Wouldl not be so funny if you behind them.
  4. JawsOrca where was your photo taken please?
  5. Will try to attach a photo.
  6. ChrisB you can always ask under the 'Freedom of Information Act'.
  7. Shall we have a collection for a mirror for one and all for Christmas...
  8. I agree with you littlesprite. I use the Fairy Dishwashing tabs which I wait until they are on special offer , wherever, which can save me up to £6 on a pack , which is rediculous, someone is making a mint or what. As you say even though they reckon they are all singing and dancing I still have to buy Dishwasher Salt and Dishwasher Rinse Aid and occasionally I do a 'deep clean'. And and a very big AND for all of you who dont have to do the darn washing up each night , NO I do not want to go back to washing dishes. It is a joy to be able to sit down like everyone else after a meal rather than spend ages cleaning the dishes and drying up. So despite all of my moans I still will use my dishwasher which i replace about every 3 years. I run mine when our electric goes on to 'night rate' and is cheaper. Like all appliances I keep an eye on them when running anything. I know I mentioned a pal whose house burnt down because of a faulty dishwasher and not wanting to give the impression that all of my mates are pyromaniacs , I had another friend whose flat also had a terrible fire in the kitchen and this was caused by leaving the kettle plugged in and the plug switched on. So it can happen to any appliance. Just luck of the draw.
  9. Hylander


    Timbo - if you phone the BA they will sell you tokens for the leccy. I tend to order ours when I pay for the tolls each year.
  10. Me too and the bank Manager - only joking about the Bank Manager. The darn thing was not what you call cheap by any means and was about £160 if I recall. Good make which was recommended.
  11. JawsOrca thanks for the warning but you could say that about any item in the house or on a boat. My pals house burnt down because of the dishwasher but I still have a dishwasher.
  12. We have just purchased a dehumidifier and yes it works like magic but boy does it eat the leccy up. Does this settle down after a while?
  13. Good shot Carol and you are right Cantley does have its own 'charm' even sometimes when you go past and they are obviously stirring the pudding , so to speak, and you get that hoppy smell.
  14. We were surprised to see that people who had paid to moor for the night had to still pay £1 for water. Different if you just pitch up from the river and get water but would have thought £10 included water if you required it. If you moor at The Wherry I am sure water is included if you need it. I have heard on a positive that the food in the pub is excellent so will be trying that some time soon. I would not be too keen if dogs are not on leads. I am really anxious if a dog off lead approaches me , having been mauled int he past.
  15. It certainly has had a spruce up. I have never noticed the carvings at the top of the arch before.
  16. Boatmadmike. Having met James Hoseason , what a lovely chap, he was very much a hands on boss and you are correct in what you say.
  17. Robin - I know one thing having worked in the law - I would not want to be doing your secretarial work. My god I can imagine the lengths of the letters that go out to clients. You must certainly hold the cup for the longest post ever. Saying all that (very much tongue in cheek) you make absolutely the point.
  18. Hylander


    We (the Royal we) have just purchased a humidifier for our lovely lady.
  19. Our experience of the Ferry Operator is that he always waits for us to pass and if we see that he is moving we lay back and wait for the chains to settle and then pass. For the sake of a few minutes it is not worth chancing things. The water there is extremely deep so the chains do go down a long way, so aim for the centre between the stationary Ferry and the other bank.
  20. I have just been reading about a lady who seached the internet for the DWP telephone number and up came 0905 815 0100. It turns out that this number is part of a scam. Dont ever use 0905 numbers. The scam is this, you dial the premium rate number and the call is then redirected to a genuine DWP number. The caller is unaware that they are being scammed until the bill comes in. 0905 numbers can cost up to £1.53 per minute. The DWP has worked with Ofcom the regulator to close fake lines but they keep appearing. I personally will not dial mobile numbers or these strange 08 09 or any 0 numbers from a landline. If I cannot get a proper landline number , I email or write a letter.
  21. If this is where my Mum used to call The Bitter Lakes, (is that the correct name) it is a huge expanse of water between each end of the Canal. I have been up and down it several times many many moons ago when Dad was in the forces and we used to go with him. I should think the two people in charge of each vessel could do with going to SpecSavers. Or thinking about it can you imagine one of them shouting "it is my right of way you know".
  22. Hylander


    Oh Gracie you a breath of fresh air!! Oh dear just read the posts above, they were not there before... We have not spent Christmas on the boat as quite frankly I think I would have to trail another boat behind for all of the stuff I buy. I am always told off about a week before Christmas and yes still heading for the food shops, about our cupboards bursting at the seams. There is only two of us but you never know 'we might be snowed in for a month' , someone ( God only knows who in the family ) , might visit. I just love Christmas and I think 99% of the enjoyment is before Chrsitmas Day and all of the anticipation. If you hired a boat with all the mod cons and the best heating, yes I dont see why it would not work at all. I am sure others on here have done just that.
  23. Sorry I thought you were at Stracey. Hope you get sorted soon.
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