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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. But I thought that this was clearly marked by channel markers and all manner of signs etc. There is no evidence of any signs on their patch of mud.
  2. I can see where you describe Windsor Bridge coming to grief but cannot place the actually part of the river. Can you say where it was.
  3. Lovely pics, have you got more? I suppose the Brinks boat being slightly 'hungup' means you have an excuse for not getting out of bed as you keep being pulled back into the bed. Ideal for when you are 'hung over'.
  4. We have sent an inquiry email to Marineweld and will do the same to Brooms, we really are the dark with this and all help is appreciated.
  5. Can anyone point us in the right direction as where we can purchase a pulpit rail for our Bounty 30. We do not want it to go completely around the front well just between the two front cleats. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. I keep mine in a book in a safe place. As hubby once said, I cannot understand your coding system as to what the password is so lord help anyone else trying to decipher it. I thought if i wrote them all down in gobbledegook then it would be safer, yes a lot safer, we cannot even work them out.
  7. We stayed on Thursday night with four other boats. You could not ask for a more peaceful and beautiful spot. Great for a walk. I took this snap of the 24 hour Mooring there and the sign is like music to our ears.
  8. Believe it or not I still have the wedding ring, of course afterwards I realised why the Doctor said it had to come off , because of course your fingers swell so. So yes I am still wearing it. The Doctor wasnt very happy with me but he did a good job. I forgot to add that flying through the air and landing on your cheek bone of your face does nothing for your pride. It certainly attracted a lot of gongoozerlers. Looking at this photo - I just hope we dont end up like this when we get to the Lancaster Canal. Thank you for your post. M
  9. Lovely photos. The snap you took of the boats on the right hand bend on the Ant (one of our favorite spots up North) reminds me of the night 3 boats came along and similarly moored. Yes there were kiddies of all ages on board, which was what upset me more than anything as the adults language was appalling, I could not stay any longer listening to it. The parents should have been ashamed of themselves as what on earth will those kiddies grow up like, thinking that is every day language. As it happened we moved late for us and found that good mooring in front of Glistening Waters and stayed there for the night in peace and quiet.
  10. My poor finger goes quite white when cold but it has yet to drop off (joke) it has been some years so is healed nicely. When we do go on the Lancaster Canal I certainly will take photos as had a lovely new camera from Father Christmas. I hope you finger has now healed. They say as you get older you get wiser - I have my doubts as I do the daftest things at times.
  11. Well as i cannot recall the bridge so it cannot have been a problem. I had a bad accident one day into our trip , did a very silly thing. Forgot just how much one of these narrow boats weighs and I tried to stop it as hubby came into moor , and having the rope wrapped around my hand (please dont anyone ever do this) of course the rope was through the mooring ring and the rope got tighter and tighter around my hand , boat never stopped and I ended up flying through the air onto the toe path with my hand pouring with blood as the rope had near to cut one of my fingers off. The Shrop Doc was sent for an I ended up in hospital that night being stitched up. Of course after that trying to manage lift bridges with practically one hand , no it was no good me steering either, it became a matter of waiting until others came along and they helped us. As I say never ever wrap a rope around your hand, the trouble you just dont think. I now have one finger that half way up has no feeling in it at all but it is still intact and is my wedding ring finger so that night the first thing they did was take it off, it was either it came off or it was cut off, so all my married life I had never taken it off and that was that gone. I guess the true meaning of the word accident. However not to be put off, we have our Broads boat and am seriously looking into a holiday on the Lancaster Canal and thank you for pointing it out. I have contacted Pintail Boats and they are sending me some literature. Now that canal looks lovely. I am not into towns like Birmingham as I have said before but this looks lovely.
  12. The idea of 'no locks' is an attractive one. Can I just ask are there any of the peskie 'lift bridges' as they have on the Llangollen? These can be a pain when there is just two of you and two not very agile people at that.
  13. Thank you CooWee for the info. I assume this is a road trip. Am not up to walking a lot these days. If we are up that way at all we will certainly be bringing your info with us. Lori - so you can hire a canal boat for the day?
  14. Thank you Loribear for the photos etc. Yes we stayed this time last year in the Lakes and found exactly the same. Lots of traffic, but the scenery is wonderful.
  15. This is the second time of posting this. See what happens this time. Hippersons at Beccles do fuel , not sure of their current fuel price and the best pump out on the Broads for £12. Service with a smile which makes a change. You can pay to moor there overnight. Hampton Boats at Oulton Broad when he is there pump out £18. Burgh Castle pump out is £17 and I think that is irrespective of how many loos you have. Overnight mooring available but at a cost I think it is £15.
  16. Thank you Andy for your thoughts. It is good know there are people on the Southern Broads that could help.
  17. Oh that is handy, we only live at Worlingham which is a stone's throw from Beccles. Thank you for the info.
  18. Thank you Paul and Lorna. Can you tell me where Darbys Quay is please as we will probably go there by road.
  19. Foir just two limbs they can do pretty much anything. That is what I was afraid of. The trouble is the old bones are getting to the stage where we could do with a bit more comfort. We have got cushions that were from old sun chairs which I covered in a bright blue and white material but you have to be a bit smart and get them in if it suddenly comes on to rain. I just wondered if anyone had any ideas.
  20. Not exactly what you would call a Technical Question but has any fitted front well cushions for a Bounty 30. We are looking for something more practical than we have at the moment, that, could be left out (only whilst we are on the boat and during the day) and if you had a shower of rain , they would not suffer too much.
  21. "Just popped round Wroxham Tackle for a few baits" - I thought it was closed season. May be I have misheard but that is what is sounded like. Well done for the lovely video. How far did you go up the river in Norwich?
  22. No you are not wrong, the old Coop is now Roys. Not a long walk from the centre of town. Roys has loos at the back of the shop. (I say that as quite a treck from Beccles Yacht Station). I do think if you shop in Roys you get a certain amount of free parking. You could nip round to the butchers quickly as well as pop in Roys.
  23. If you are calling at Beccles by car , you can park in the old Coop Car park and just walk through to Seppings.. It is a huge car park and does not get full. I do think they are closed on Mondays. Best to check.
  24. Yes Maam is due today at Potter Heigham , something to do with the Heritage Centre, just heard it on the local TV news.. Nice day at least, she knows how to pick the weather. Sunny, not a howling gale as per usual. Lovely day.
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