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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Thank you for the information. That gives us more scope to purchase the right mirror for the job. M
  2. Oh I see so everyone has this under their avatar but only the person concerned can see them. I trust I wont have to worry about such a thing as a warning point. Thank you for your explanation. M
  3. Do I have to have to be the only one with a section for Warning Points under their Avatar?
  4. Has anyone any experience of using the self adhesive mirrors on the boat. Our only doubt is, what happens when the boat , as all boats do , get damp in the winter time? M
  5. Thank you for your replies. Will certainly look into the glass suppliers.
  6. We are looking to replace the mirror in the toilet/shower room on the boat. Has anyone any idea where you would purchase a mirror suitable for a boat please? All I keep getting up is wing mirrors. M
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280688352607?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 We got ours from here and are extremely pleased with them. Didnt cost an arm and a leg either.
  8. How come I have space for warning points but others do not. What does that mean?
  9. Jonzo - as an administrator how do I send you a pm please? I have tried but it keeps saying you cannot accept pm's. M
  10. What the devil is all that lot about? Sure not a new tin of Spam already!!! M
  11. Hylander

    Well Done

    Thank for you so much for all your good work. It does look different but extremely smart. Well done. M
  12. That should be:- Should read info@sentinellt.co.uk
  13. I contacted the BA to make them aware that things were below par or rather there were reports as such. I am sure they wont mind me posting part of their reply which was:- Beccles Yacht Station is owned and operated by Waveney District Council through their company Sentinel Leisure Trust. The company can be contacted on 01502 588444 or email info@sintinellt.co.uk I have also forwarded you comments to our Senior Waterways & Recreation Officer for his information. I certain will contact Waveney District Council and gee them up a bit. M
  14. Sorry going to put my head above the parapet. Beccles is our home town and it is just as good as it always was. Peaceful , clean, not full of louts but just lovely country folk. As for the toilets and facilities at the Harbour, I was under the impression that until our lovely Harbour Master's ( who passed away) his dear wife used to clean these. May be things have been let slip but I am sure that the new staff there will soon get is ship shaped and Bristol fashion. You wait until we get some good weather - everywhere looks better in the better weather.
  15. Can you just imagine a boat load of drunks in charge of flares and I dont mean the one's you wear. Flares are best left to sea going boats who I would hope do not have the problem of drunken louts. M
  16. The usual reason - Flood Alleviation work. It will be closed right through to September.
  17. Brandenjg where were you at the time?
  18. Thank you all very much for your assistance in this matter and having taken some of the advice, I have today traced the wiring from the Tachometer back to the engine compartment and have found the Sender for the Tacho does indeed come from the rear of the engine via what I suspect to be the camshaft. The two wires are on a unit which is protruding from the engine via an enclosed shaft, rather like a distributor drive on a car. There is no power output from the terminals and I have continuity on both on the yellow and blue leads which go to the Tacho head. I was reluctant to remove the unit from the engine as I am not sure what it entails. I would rather have an understanding of what is inside before I pull it apart. Is there anyone out there that can give me some advice or indeed tell me where I might purchase a new unit. I have still to ascertain whether the Sender is faulty or whether the drive from the Camshaft to the Sensor is faulty. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Brian
  19. Hockham Admiral I have found the site and printed off your diagram for Brian. I did try to print the others as well but you only get half of a diagram and that is useless. It is probably done so you dont go printing them out for some reason. We (the Royal We) will keep plugging away until we get it working. The annoying part is having paid out for a new one but there again we always have a spare with the old one. M
  20. m bird I am sure I will find it. Sorry when it said technical I thought it meant technical questions about the boat. My fault entirely sorry.
  21. Although the attachment says viewed 13 times I cannot actually open the attachment and the old eyes are going, along with everything else. Can I open it or whatever they call it to view? M - Brian's other half.
  22. I should have added Thank you for any help - Brian
  23. Has anyone had any experience with tacho problems on a Bounty 30 with a 1500 BMC engine? The tacho is electric and I have replaced it because I thought it was faulty as it occasionally stuck. However the replacement is still not working , can anyone tell me where the sender unit is located or where the fuses might be if it is indeed fused.
  24. No disrespect but £3,400 for a LeBoat - most of them look extremely sad and in need of a bit of TLC.
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