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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. What is the link to the web cam Loribear please?
  2. Well - a female posting here. If my other half booked me a boat for our 25th I dont think there would be a 26th - if you get my drift. Each to his own I suppose.
  3. We have a Shoreline and it is very quiet and economical but like the Isotherm they are not cheap. Well is anything you want for the boat cheap , I dont think the word boat and cheap or inexpensive go together at all. http://www.shoreline-marine.co.uk/fridges
  4. I bought us a few of these and will let you know how they are. I certainly hope they are magic as claimed. Isnt is sad that it will soon be time to winterise, boo hoo . I hope we can still be on the boat at the beginning of December and beyond.
  5. I thought that you would have had to have paid in full if it was only a few hours notice. Holiday companies usually require the full balance about 6 weeks prior to the holiday. If a genuine reason then their insurance should refund the holiday makers.
  6. I assume when you say on board with the Cobb (?) that is in the open air. People are quick to point out the dangers of using a BBQ inside. Can you post a link for a Cobb please?
  7. Not so sure about the BBQ on the boat , however safe they say it may be. Comes under "Great Holiday Extras".
  8. I tell you what Neil , you had dangled me over the gap to the boat at Gt Yarmouth, i think my arms and legs would have been splayed out at all angles too. Your Alfie must be an extremely good tempered dog he really must. I did chuckle that you had put on weight and the dog and lost weight on your holiday. Yes I can see now where the photo was taken , I just couldn't place it. We have often wondered about noise from the campers there, and I am glad that they were no problem. I did not realise that the fee , of i think £10 included the electric, that is good then.
  9. You are obviously talking about a permanent fix and I was just offering an idea for an overnight , temporary effort. What you really want is one that is constructed in two sections the bottom chamber as you say filled with a heavy matter and the top chamber for the air. Well you may have invented something that you could catch on.
  10. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TWO-HOLE-INFLATABLE-WHITE-BLUE-FENDER-PACK-BOAT-YACHT-RIB-DINGHY-FREE-ROPE-/400342856089?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_BoatEquipment_Accessories_SM&hash=item5d364b3199 They have an eye at the top and the bottom of each fender. I suppose you could tie a ltre bottle of water to the bottom of the fender and hope it stays there., or some other very heavy object but at least the bottle is plastic and would not damage your boat - Just a thought. Any port in a storm as they say. But only as a temporary measure.
  11. Like others I am thoroughly enjoying your blog - it is just like being on holiday but sitting here in the chair. Your photos are brilliant and I just love your pooch. How old is he? I have often wondered how folk get a rather large dog down to the boat when the tide has gone down rather a long way in Gt Yarmouth. The beauty of having a dog's life jacket. Another good reason. Jonzo - can I just say you are not alone at being bellowed at at Reedham. Now you would laugh but I am married to someone who will not speed , will dawdle everywhere and yes the other morning we got bellowed at as well. We were in stitches , I mean other half has to be told to 'get a move on or we will never get there' several times on a journey. As you say even just above tickover but with the tide we were getting black looks. The tide was very high that day and I think the Ranger was getting decidedly jittery about his moored boats. We just put our hand up to say sorry - as you do and pottered off even slower. A good mile down the river and I had to just say - you know you can go faster now please. Back to the blog. After the photo of the WRC there is one of boats moored (after the one with Eddy the Fish), where was this taken , because I cannot place. it. Keep posting.
  12. Jonzo - Nice to see that attitudes here in the NBN are at last slowly changing for the better. There was a time that if the dreaded letters - NBF - was even dared to be posted in here than a rebuke from the mods was swiftly forthcoming, Thank goodness this site is a tad more adult now and that it can offer help in this way. There was a time when the BBC could not mention anything being on ITV etc and visa versa. How times change. We all know each other exists and at times we all need a bit of help.
  13. Give it a few weeks and there will be no need for air conditioning.
  14. If this venture goes ahead will the moorings have both electric and water. Forgive me if you have said this already. They sound very inviting especially with the statement of ' room to turn round in the basin' That was one of the nightmares of visiting the Le Boat site, we popped in there for a pump out. The place was chocker with boats and you could not get to the pump out, plus we had to reverse out. All in all it sounds like a very good place to moor in the future and I doubt you will have any trouble with filling the moorings.
  15. Well they should do , how remiss of them. Thank you so much for letting us know.
  16. Thank you for your reply. After I posted I thought everyone will think what a dimwit. As per usual I didnt read it correctly. I am glad that the bridge will be ok and doubt that the worry of any hot weather will occur until about 5 years time if anything of the past years are to go by.
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