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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. What a smart boat, you have worked hard on her. Will you be North of South Broads?
  2. Rest assured you are amongst a lot of friends on here. Most of us use the same user name for the forums. Enjoy your time on the boat and keep us posted if anything interesting happens.
  3. Has anyone had any more news about the forum?
  4. Now if I have got this wrong may be someone will put me straight but I think near to Broadland Village Holiday Camp there is a pontoon type of mooring where I have stood and watched the racing and the boats have been moored in front of us. You have the Yacht Station and the Wherry to choose from but I would get there early as it does get busy on the Bank Holiday. In recent years they always have a fire work display in the evening which rounds off the celebrations. As I say this is on past experience but may be someone can be more current with their replies. By all accounts you can also moor at Topcraft for a fee. I would ring first.
  5. I was looking at the web cam this morning at Oulton Broad and it swung over to look at the old Hampton Boat Yard site. Is it safe to moor against the piling there. I know we used to moor there when it was part of Hamptons.
  6. Littlesprite rest assured you are not alone. I Dont do facebook (detest its very existence) twitter (I have a life to lead) mobiles that are all singing and dancing , mine just is for emergencies only, pay as you go. I bet there are more of us dinosaurs about than you would imagine.
  7. Oh good. I do hope he is successful as Bounty Boats site was really interesting.
  8. That lot is a bit hymns ancient and modern some are dated 2010.
  9. If you look at Norfolk Broads.co.uk I think it is Roys web site, it is literally full of spam. I know what I would like to do with these cretins but it is unrepeatable. What do they achieve except some perverted satisfaction.
  10. That was my thoughts 'another one to get stuck under a Broads bridge'.
  11. Wonderful , it takes all the stresses of the day and dissolves them. Thank you.
  12. Well my reaction to the title post 'green boating' was yep there are a lot of boats moored up in Marinas that are well and truly green. Boats soon go green if not attending to regularly. M
  13. Boats of the Broads is ok now thank goodness.
  14. I just popped into have a look see at Bounty Boats and it has gorn altogether now. Just says service is suspended. Will all of the items on there be put on here? I do hope so as it was such a good site. The Horning site appears to have gorn off with it as well. Truly will be missed if no more. All that information on Boats of the Broads un-replaceable. I have just found Dan's boating web site which is still there.
  15. Saw this , although it is from the great U S of A , it may be interesting. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8z918_vetus-bow-thruster-installation_lifestyle
  16. We have had a bow thruster fittied to our Bounty 30 but that was done by Moonfleet on the Norfolk Broads. You are right there were quite detailed photos on the site of fitting (if my memory serves me right) a Vectis bow thruster. I am hoping that some of the old gang will dig out a lot of their info and put it on here.
  17. 4 snaps up , where was that taken. I can see leccy posts and a 24hr mooring opposite. Just does not ring any bells. Is it St Olaves ? M
  18. Gancanny I do believe a Hampton" Safari" is for sale at St Olaves if I am not wrong.
  19. http://www.broomboats.com/news/ On Radio Norfolk the lady from Brooms was talking about their pageant today. I gather (trying to recall) they are going to proceed to Bramerton and then stop at Watersedge(?) back up to Brundall through the Broad there , with a one way system being operated by the BA then on to their Marina. I gather it will leave about 1 is. It should be a lot of fun for anyone in the area.
  20. From what I have been told. This is purely a BESL matter. They are going to restore the bank as soon as the snails have gone off for pastures new. Then the moorings are going to be as before and maintained which is good. All is not lost. The land owner in this instance, turned out was not the same one as had been thought in the first place. This land owner and the local business are quite happy for people to moor there. This came from BESL I thought that I should notify you as the local Parish Council that we, Broadland Environmental Services Limited, ( BESL ) have temporarily erected ‘No Mooring’ signs along a section of Rockland Short Dyke. A recent condition survey of the flood banks along Short Dyke has highlighted some holes behind the backs of the piling which could be hazardous to holiday makers trying to get off their boats. We had hoped to back fill these areas as part of our planned crest raising works but due to the present of the rare snail in the dyke we have in the short term postponed this work pending more surveys. This work is now programmed for later in the year and therefore the signs have been erected to help protect the public from injury. We are currently speaking to both the landowner and the Broads Authority to notify the wider public. Going forward we would hope to formalise a longer term plan for managing the moorings along Short Dyke to avoid this situation occurring in the future. It may be that the Parish and local businesses who may benefit from these moorings should be involved in these discussions. So hopefully before too long normal service will be resumed, as they say. M
  21. May be the snails have migrated at last I do hope so. We will moor there with caution.
  22. Oh dear that is shame. M
  23. What is the matter with people these days in this country. You have just given an example of the depths that some people have sunk to. What in gods name do they glean from destroying locks? Yesterday on the news it was said that years ago they used to post the announcement of a Royal birth on the railings at Buck House. They don't do that now because it would be stolen. Well words fail me.
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