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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. The rise of sites like Facebook and Twitter leaves me cold Glad I am not alone in thinking this way. I detest their very existence, they cause so much harm and distress they should be banned. How people can spend all day on twitter , telling the whole universe what they are doing from minute to minute is beyond me. Have they not got a life. Soon they will be old and grey and wonder where on earth their life went to.
  2. They must have that off to a tee going through there at that speed. Mind you one mistake and it could put paid to a lot of problems and make the bridge wider to get through. Good photos.
  3. By all accounts there is one high and dry near to St Olaves Marina. Gone up with the tide and come down on the bank.
  4. Hylander


    Ok someone has a key.
  5. Hylander


    Has anyone got a mobile number for any of the staff at St Olaves Marina please? Gates are locked , no one can get in or out , even with their passes. Clutching at straws now.
  6. Got to get some money for their prezzies some how? No did not see that. Mind you I think the hackers must be on their annual leave at the moment as all sites seem to be getting 'got at'.
  7. Can someone find the end of the plug chain and give it a pull to empty everything please. Fed up with this game already. Thank you for the information.
  8. Has anyone been up to St Olaves that can say whether it is as bad as I have heard reported as far as access to the Marina is concerned. We had hoped tomorrow to check on the boat.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-norfolk-25254808 Homes have been lost - any mention of this on the main News channels!!!
  10. I see the one level boat near the entrance tarp is still hanging on by a thread.
  11. Dont know if this is of any significance but the tide has gone out much further at Cromer.
  12. Thank you so much Bill. Well done. We have to look out for each other.
  13. Looking at the Brinks Camera there are several boats with their tarps just about to take off. Anyone around there today , can you go and tie them on because some people live a long way away and cannot just get to their boats easily.
  14. Looking at the Brinks Web Cam there is a boat Bounty one level type with a tarp on the front that looks as if it is about to take off. So if anyone can get round there and tie it on a bit better before the strong winds arrive later it may save it.
  15. Well before certain elements decided to post, this was a very helpful post for anyone wanting to know exactly what was going on the NBF. Please dont spoil it for the rest of us, who incidentally dont do 'facebook' or 'twitter' but are normal chaps and chapesses who are extremely grateful to the team on here for being so tolerant and yes (it is the season of goodwill - well for most of us) obliging. I personally will be glad when the NBF is up and running and all of this nonsense disappears and we get back to how this site used to be.
  16. Well the poor old coppers are damned if they do and damned if they dont. A no win situation. Must be very disheartening.
  17. While in the meantime they go to ground or abroad and we never hear of them again. Sorry but police bail is abused in a lot of cases.
  18. Saw one the other day which I thought was quite cute - Plan B. I can imagine he or she had their eye on one boat and it did not materialize and they ended up with the boat they have at the moment. If it has to be RAF associated I am sure there will be lots of suggestions. My old pops was in the RAF and I can still to this day remember his number.
  19. Dont worry about our little old Beccles its doing just fine....
  20. Sidestand , talking to one of the residents at Potter I gather the two boats that were moored at the 24 hr mooring (not the stranded boats) I gather play cat and mouse with the BA on the moorings rather than pay for a permanent mooring. So they could well be the same two.
  21. Is that a personal opinion John or is it a policy of the forum , in which case I and others will not mention any other forum.
  22. The one up river of the Bridge has been there since October and HW dont seem to be in any kind of a rush to bring it through. Noticed there was a wooden boat I think it was Silver Light it was similarly stranded South side of the bridge waiting to be craned out the other side. Guess it is just a matter of waiting for the Pilot to be around when the tide is right. Also noticed that several very naughty boats were moored on the 24hr moorings there for a couple of days or more and on several occasions we noticed that the BA went past them and appeared not to do anything about them, by Thursday though, whether a different BA man on the boat, he moored up and proceeded to put notices on boats and also spoke to a couple who had been taking the P.. quite frankly of the 24 hr mooring policy. They were similarly given the bums rush on Friday and this BA chap came back to make sure they had up sticks and gone.
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