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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. but I am putting my foot down hard to not getting another dog. Now where have I heard that expression before. Just recently my sister and brother in law lost their Jack Russell and at 73 and 85 respectively that was it, they were not going to have any more dogs, couldnt go through the upset of it all anymore, 2 months late and 'Hobbs' another rescue Terrier is lying in front of the fire. They just found their home too empty.
  2. I will contact them Monday . Thank you. Monica
  3. Just a moment ago I was looking through to see what the Brokers had on offer in the way of boats - well we can all dream and I happened upon a Bounty 37 for sale and guess what in the front well, exactly what we are looking for. I have given Jekells a prod as I think they have forgotten us completely. However, if anyone else knows of who or where we can obtain these type of cushions for our well (Bounty 30) I would be most grateful.
  4. May I second what Bonzo has said May ye aye ... Lang may yer lum reek! Anyone got a piece of coal for the first footing? Happy New Year to you all and pray God we all stay safe.
  5. Hylander


    I checked ours for salvage and have it confirmed by letter that we are covered for Salvage. Most important and like others hope to God I never need it.
  6. Hylander


    Oh dear i am sorry that these poor ladies have lost their canal boat. I wonder what happened. Is quite a worry.
  7. I assume you are still on board - if so - Happy Boxing Day. Looking at the cameras this afternoon you are not alone. Above Wroxham Bridge there are several boats moored. One lone sole at the YS Oulton Broad. Very cold last night but dont think it should be quite as 'taters' tonight.
  8. Merry Christmas to you. It is a lovely morning here near to Beccles in Worlingham so must be the same where you are. Take lots of care and have a really good Christmas Day. Have you got the Turkey in the oven yet?
  9. We went for a walk yesterday and caught sight of the Space Station , bang on time, thank you Gredel otherwise we would have missed it. We waved at it and wished the guys a very Merry Christmas. Just glad I am not up there I can tell you. Have a very happy day everyone.
  10. Looking at the latest post on boat recipes, a bit iffy , what!!!
  11. Ian I cannot send it without Greetings from Malcolm and Michelle - if you dont mind that bit I can repost.
  12. You would - there is always one a bit quick off the mark. I thought it was so pretty and then sat through it and thought oh bugger didnt expect the greetings at the end. Have a good one.
  13. Can this be edited. I didnt realise that it would come out with Happy Christmas Mum and Dad on the end. Good thought but went a bit wrong.
  14. http://www.noradsanta.org/ Our grandchildren love to see where Santa is on his travels.
  15. They were talking on Radio Norfolk this morning about names given the these days prior to Christmas, Black Friday, Manic Monday etc or whatever it was and wanted someone to suggest a name for today, last minute Tuesday was one, but the winner by a mile was - that'll do Tuesday. You go Christmas shopping and everything you pick up for whatever reason , is well , that will do.
  16. You have obviously moved as cannot see you anymore. Enjoy your time on the river and Merry Christmas to you for the day before Christmas Eve.
  17. I always bag it up and pop it in the freezer for January. Make lovely Turkey Soup to have on a cold winter's day. I am like my old Mum , she never wasted anything. I didnt think that you should give Turkey or Chicken bones to dogs? Yes I have a pressure cooker but normally boil my bones in a large saucepan. How long do you cook in the pressure cooker please? Best of luck all you cooks. I just know by the end of tomorrow I will like the rest of you , be exhausted and be feeling if I ever see another mince pie or sausage roll , it will be too soon. I had to settle for a yawn smiley as there isnt one for plain knackered.
  18. Hi Max I used to work in Bell House from 1997 ti 2007 before that worked at a solicitors in the High Street where they had just progressed from the quill pen. I don't recall the shop in question but the cinema is still there
  19. We still have the any old iron man come round here in Beccles.
  20. Look at it from another perspective Gracie. He might not have been able to have a good old Christmas Drink and now he has, coupled with the fact that you took sarnies as well. I reckon it is a Christmas he will not forget. What really matters is you and your family cared. Well done to you all. God made us all different, so rather than feel bad because he bought a couple of bottles of wine, just think how you gave him some joy.
  21. Hubby hails from Upper Halling near Rochester (born and as a lad) so we know Cliffe woods (sounds like a movie star). I always think that of a place near here called Carlton Colville (sounds like a Country and Western singer). We lived and I worked at the solicitors in Sittingbourne for over 40 years. Kent used to be a lovely place but some places are over populated and more like an extension to London in some parts, others (on the Downs) still beautiful. Hempstead Valley , if there was a snow fall always seemed to cop it more than the rest of the Medway Towns. Shortest Day today - so not long and we will be on the rivers.
  22. Well I will tell you, I would rather have my liveaboad neighbours than some others I could mention. I have to say that our liveaboards are a great bunch, yes and they all work and they keep their boats in tip top condition.
  23. Hmmm!! and I bet if you and I did anything like this we would be up before the Beak.
  24. Hempstead, you have suddenly reminded me of Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre, madness personified at this time of year, couldnt get in the place and then once in, you couldnt get out again. Thank goodness for moving to the Norfolk Broads.
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