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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Is anyone else having problems with Sky email today. It really is being a ......... nuisance. Keeps saying all manner of things and yet the My Sky does not report anything wrong with any of their services. One of things it mentions is an SSL connection and yet I switched off a moment ago and restarted and it worked for about a nano second.
  2. Gives a totally different slant on the expression "little old lady".
  3. I agree. I do worry about the elderly around here who take their life in their hands in their mobility scooters. Trundling along oblivious of huge lorries passing and busses. Wish there was a spellcheck on here, or can I just not see it.
  4. I do believe we should pay something as although it has little effect on dredging etc it is still being used on a maintained waterway and it's only fair to repay. I am surprised it's so much though and I would have thought it would get a discount being used with another full paying boat as a dinghy with an outboard is a good liferaft! Likewise bicycles on the road , we build them a cycle lane , which round here most seem to ignore completely, they should also pay a toll/tax. These cycle lanes must have costs millions. We also get pensioners on these scooters with no crash helmets which are a complete worry. Sorry to change the subject - I expect a slapped hand.
  5. Hylander

    Easter Week

    Where was your last photograph taken?
  6. Sadly in Norfolk we have no motorways, very little public spending and no notable sculptures. Yarmouth/Breydon could do with a truly eye catching sculpture ..... but what. If and when Gt Yarmouth has the funds, - finish that darn bridge which is half done. What we need is a Royal visit , it will be finished then. Dredge and completely redo the first lot of moorings that have fallen into disrepair. That is just two things that would attract boaters to stay. I dont fancy mooring near to the bridge but would moor further back if it was all dredged etc. Dont we in Norfolk qualify for any of this Lottery Money that I duly give to each week with my 'unlucky dip' ticket. Personally speaking we do not want any motorways.
  7. Welcome form us too. May be you can entertain us all with tales of the riverbank at Potter Heigham , especially in the busy season.
  8. I got my sea legs in 1961 crossing the North Sea on our way to Bergen in a force 10 gale. That was on board a small Blackwood Class frigate of the Fishery Protection Squadron. Spent over twelve months on that ship, patrolling off the top of Norway, Iceland & Greenland, with the British Fishing Trawlers during the Cod War. Our home base was Rosyth. Gosh that makes Breydon look a bit tame.
  9. On a hire boat we once tied up in Richardsons Yard. Boy did the wind howl that night. We were grateful for a space in the yard I can tell you.
  10. The trouble is when you only have a week for your holiday, you feel you are wasting it staying at a mooring longer than you should. I can understand it. May be they were thinking if we could get to the shelter of Oulton Broad YS then we will be safe. I try and put myself in other peoples shoes at times and I really feel for the occupants. It could so easily have happened at St Olaves Bridge or anywhere along there, the area is so open and you literatlly have gusts coming at you from miles away and nothing to ease the situation whatsoever. May be someone will let us know how these people are. Reading elsewhere someone had posted that 3 days ago they had tried in vain the get the bridge operators attention but had to ring or radio Reedham Bridge to get Somerleyton Bridge to swing for them. I noticed that the yacht that has been on utube , a year on the broads I think it is, he called Somerleyton Bridge several times before he got an answer but in all fairness when he did , the operator knowing the train had not long gone over , swung the bridge immediately. So may be again, thinking of other folk, he may have had an emergency phone call all something else that held him up for a few moments.
  11. Oh dear someone's holiday mucked up again and I would think through no fault of their own, just plain bad luck in those dreadful winds. The Southern Broads can be quite unforgiving at times. Hence the need to always wear a life jacket at all times.
  12. This morning I kept getting a message about my SQL server - all in pretty pink. I left it as wondered what on earth it was but now the site is up working as per normal. Any clues please ?
  13. I agree very nasty at the moment. I can see one fence panel that will not be there in a moment - one moor good gust.
  14. Looks a tad choppy at Oulton Broad.
  15. If that is how you spell Hooley. We are near to Beccles and by Jim it has been very windy. The daffs are all flattened. The temporary greenhouse (one of these plastic things ) is ripped. I am wondering what it is like on Breydon today.
  16. Do they supply the sunglass to wear while on board?
  17. I read this - it may help. You can buy new black rubbing strake from Walker Rubber , 21-23 Burnet Road, Norwich,01603 487371
  18. Well as someone who professes to practice what she preaches this morning I thought here goes I will try this method on the 5 foot bed with a 14 tog duvet on it , single handed. Took me three goes. Firstly I had the cover on top of the duvet - wrong. Unrolled the thing. Secondly I did it all as she describes with the opening at the foot of the bed - wrong. The opening should be at the Head board end. Unrolled the thing. Thirdly - tried it all again and Bingo - no need to go to the gym (I must have gone round the bed 10 times) it worked. I think the jury is out here. I am like many others , duvet cover in side out, put all ends together and bring over duvet and shake down and do up at the bottom. Finally absolutely no neede for safety pins. Whatever next.
  19. Already on board in the cupboard in readiness I have two large F B puds and two FB pies. Long Life Milk - the Just milk from Tescos etc which is shaped like a normal milk bottle and easier to pour than a carton. Try wrestling with the carton and end up with 9/10ths over the work surface. I have a rule with the Long Life Milk which is on day 3 even though it is fine it goes down the drain at the end of the day and another is opened. Never had a problem. Ready to bake bread and rolls. Ready to mix bread mix - just add water for a variety of really tastey home baked bread. Long life jellies with fruit in. All very handy along with umpteem tins of this and that. And this is just in case.. Just in case of what I have never been quite sure of. A well stocked bar and plenty of drinking water - a real must have.
  20. I have been doing some searching, now Navigators and General say they include Recovery. Does that apply to the Broads?
  21. Just had a look in my cupboard at home and the ones from Morrisons are made by Simpsons. Not tried them yet but I am sure they will be just as good. On a cold night after a good main meal a steam pud and whatever will just hit the spot.
  22. I think Morrisons do a version as well. So you can still get your steamed pud that you can boil in the pan.
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