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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. So pleased you are enjoying your trip on Broadsman. As you are posting , assume that all is well with the reception.
  2. I did wonder and am surprised the Mods have not removed them.
  3. The top three posts posted very close together - are they for real? Have not dared to open them.
  4. You have no worries, we have 3g dongles and they have never failed us.
  5. From what I can glean from all of the correspondence that my pal Ms T Wakelin and I have been having the situation is current. There is a list somewhere of all of these moorings and they are even more invasive Darn South being that there are about 15 or so of them. Like you I think if it was restricted to say the holiday high season - bit like the fishing is restricted from 31st October to 31st March at these 24 hr moorings , it would be a much fairer system. People must make their views known otherwise the BA will not know how people feel - one way or the other. This matter despite what the BA may think is not by any means 'cut and dried'.
  6. I received an email from the Broads Authority which lets us all know exactly where we stand with regard to 24 hour mooring spots in the future. â€¢ï€ Any vessel who is not prepared to allow double alongside moorings should make alternative arrangements, rather than mooring at one of the sites where it is permitted â€¢ï€ It is for individual boat owners to make appropriate insurance arrangements, and use their boat accordingly. We are advised that a comprehensive policy will cover this issue, but you should satisfy yourself of the position with your own insurer. â€¢ï€ Our policy is clear that any vessel moored to one of the trial 24hr moorings must allow another appropriate vessel to moor alongside, and the guidance that we have produced makes that clear. If you are not prepared to allow any vessel to moor against you then you should not be moored at this location. However, if you have a problem with the ‘unruly’ family that you describe, I would suggest that this is reported to Broads Control on 01603 756056, with details of the offending vessel inc name and number, along with your own details. In the event that a complaint is then lodged against you for refusing to allow a mooring it will provide additional information. The difficulty that we have is that a blanket policy that you suggest of giving the decision to the boater would likely result in exactly the position that we have now, where boaters would prefer to not have to share the facility and so no increase in capacity would be achieved. â€¢ï€ With regard to your comments on fumes etc, I am seeking some external expert advice in order to be able to address this point. However, I would remind you that double alongside mooring has been common practice in the past, and still is in a number of other waterways. â€¢ï€ This policy has been equally consulted and supported by the Norfolk and Suffolk Boating Association as well as the hire boat industry. The recent NSBA survey reported that lack of moorings was the biggest issue faced by their members. Finally, I would like to reiterate that this is a trial, and we welcome feedback from boaters on their experiences of using these sites. Therefore, I would be grateful if you would contact me again once you have any factual evidence or experience to relate. Best regards Trudi Trudi Wakelin Director of Operations Broads Authority 2, Gilders Way Norwich NR3 1UB 01603 756065 07971 156088 trudi.wakelin@broads-authority.gov.uk
  7. Thank you for your post on your trip, always a very good read. I really am speachless about your treatment at the Ferry Inn. Someone needs to go on a course about hospitality I think. How down right rude of them. I feel quite upset for you. Never mind at least your fish and chips sounded just the ticket.
  8. Thank you for the explanations. I just could not find the darn thing. Now I know what to do.
  9. Having pressed the save draft button recently I assumed that it would be obvious where my post had been saved ie a drafts folder but as yet I dont seem to be able to recover it. Have posted a new message now saying more or less the same, but wondered when you do save to draft, where does it go to and how do you retrieve it please?
  10. If you have shore power then the £80 fridge sounds like a bargain to me. Unfortunately we do not have shore power so had to plump for the more expensive version. Saying that it has been a godsend.
  11. sorry that should read 2 x 2 pints of milk not ltrs.
  12. Well I did save a draft but where it went is anybody's guess. Here goes again. The one we have is RR47 costs £424 in 2008 (where does the time go) but there is a similar one on the Shoreline web page for fridges which is a Narrow 100 ltrs RR5010 W £459. So have not gone up that much in 4 years. I did look for a top loader but they only one they do is a 12v freezer which is a top loader. Ours is 97 ltrs and is ample. Takes 2 x 2 ltr bottles of milk plus bottle of wine (essential) and a large bottle of still water on the bottom shelf of the door. Then there is places for tins of beer , butter, eggs etc above. A large freezer section with a lot of room below and a large salad keeper across the bottom. All in is as roomy as my little fridge I used to have indoors.
  13. We have a Shoreline not inexpensive by any means but is brillient. it is as large as a domestic fridge with proper freezer section at the top and also does not take a lot of battery.
  14. Oh I am so sorry. Poor old thing, I know some dogs do not like boats one bit but dear me he/she must have got into a right two and eight. Such a shame.
  15. What happened to the poor dog at Richardsons?
  16. I agree about the non appearance of Rangers. Notice the shed at Irstead was well and truly locked up each time we came past. So we were not the only folk to notice the unaccompanied children helming cruisers!! Would those parents let a child of 9 or 10 drive their precious car out on the M25, no of course not and it should be against the law for it to happen on the waterways. What would happen if there was a collision , would the outcry be ' nothing can be done as the child was under a certain age'. A few really hefty fines and this would be nipped in the bud. We were extremely lucky as to be in a nice peaceful spot in the trees and quite frankly that was the only place to be, nevertheless, one boat came past at such a speed that we and others (we could hear them banging the irons in again) were almost ripped from our moorings.
  17. Talking of the 'silly season', just witnessed quite a few nuggets on the Ant over the Bank Holiday weekend, not least of all speeding boats and mainly those were dare I say it privateers. What we did witness which truly shocked us and we think something should be done about it is - children - yes children being allowed to helm boats without any suitable adult anywhere to be seen. Surely that must be against the law.
  18. Thank you so much - I have been to Gib without shifting out of the chair. What an enjoyable read, loved the photos.
  19. I have a sneaky suspicion that this matter is being posted on the other forum or by coincidence is it almost the same kind of tale of woe!!
  20. Ferryman - this is not the place to name and shame a particular boatyard. If the original poster wants to have his matter dealt with then as he has said he will do it the correct way. Nothing is gained by naming and shaming. We (the Royal We) are not hypocritical as you suggest.
  21. Without naming or shaming the OP probably feels better for getting it off his chest. I am sure he will follow the correct procedure and hopefully if the company is worth its salt this will be nipped in the bud and everyone will feel better. Having absolutely no idea what happened or why it is a bit difficult for any of us to have an opinion. I have always found that if you go to the very top of the company Chief Executive or Managing Director or the owner you tend to sort matters out extremely quickly. Dont be put off , one rotten apple and all that. We are a good bunch up here, private boaters, hirers, boat yards etc, give us all a second chance. Come back another time to the Broads and forget all about this previous episode whatever it was - life is too short believe me.
  22. Got to say what fantastic photos. Love the ones at the top on the low tide. Really magical.
  23. Still dont know if I ought to ask but - how is the other forum. Dont like to see people hurt in this way not anyone.
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