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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Just had a fantastic lunch at The Priory. What a really good establishment. We had the Halibut with Prawns and Cheese Sauce together with home made chips and I had peas, although there was a selection of whatever veg you preferred. What I did like was they still have the small wine glasses, very handy when you are trying to cut down on the wine. Most establishments seem to go for these huge wine glasses or the larger small wine glass. Would recommend. There was a huge choice on the board as well as the menu. Everything piping hot and served with a smile.
  2. Was that the Wood Boats letting off fireworks last night?
  3. Paul where was the photo taken - are we still talking Surlingham?
  4. So you have actually taken your boat up to the Staithe?
  5. I guess local knowledge is key. I agree. Cant see us going up there any time soon. 
  6. Good God no. You are right. Who in their right mind goes up there in a large boat? I thought at one time there were wooden stakes in the water preventing anyone going up there, there again may be dreaming again.
  7. Where on the map is Surlingham Staithe please?
  8. Will give this a try. Will give this a try. Will give this a try. - Thanks grendel it works.
  9. Crumbs (sorry about the italics - cannot get rid of it) some folk go two weeks , when we are on board , private or hire , three days and we are looking for a pump out facility. I know at times we talk a load of crap but I dont think we over do the other kind.
  10. Yes , especially when getting a pump out at Hippersons because the guys there go above and beyond to help you moor and are friendly and really do a good job. Always have done with them. I always disguise it by saying , get your children an ice cream when you are next out with them.
  11. What a lovely boat but why oh why is the freezer part of the fridge so tiny, just enough for a packet of peas. We dont all eat in pubs. Just loved the bedroom and the bathroom, real luxury. Is that a slow cooker on the front or is it a steamer?
  12. I just love the Haines 35. So if Father Christmas is reading these posts , can you reserve one for me please. I have been a good girl (and thats my story).
  13. Your Mum sounds like me. You get like this when you get older. Use to think my old Mum was a real scrooge at times but I have become my mother. Give it time and you will think the same Robin. She is a lovely boat, something to be proud of.
  14. Take heart Robin and just be reassured that you are just normal. Some people collect Wine or handbags or shoes and that is their thing, you like to twiddle with boats. I thought Trixie was for Mum anyway so why are you worried. I am sure there is plenty of room on there for Mum. She is a cute little boat and Independence is a great big example of what a large boat should look like. I can think of worse things to worry about in life. I like your spirit, keep it up. At the end of the day you can always sell it.
  15. Is anyone else having a problem with purchase Roses or any other make of lime juice. I have tried Morrisons and Sainsburys so far.
  16. This is all I get. After Vaughan's explanation can see why.
  17. No good old laptop indoors.
  18. I have a Nokia Lumia 520 and have been assured by the 'Management' that that is a smart phone or iphone. I have also just learnt this morning how to take a screen shot with my phone. Think I had better go and have a lie down , what with all of this technology. It is fun learning though. Your help is appreciated.
  19. Well I say it more and more often, you learn something new everyday. There is no way I would have known or even heard of Shazam. Then may be if I had a smart phone (Father Christmas are you listening).
  20. Well done, how did you do that. I am so pleased. Thank you so much.
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