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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. The tubes have been mentioned more than once. Let's not forget tha TFL reduced the frequency and size of trains because of 'reduced demand'. This now needs to be addressed - urgently.
  2. Oh bloody hell ! Marinas closed - clearly they are hoping for a similar answer ! The roads aren't closed. Why should the statutory navigations be ?
  3. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do 1.7 Are there restrictions on how far I can travel for my exercise or outdoor activity? No. You can travel to outdoor open space irrespective of distance. You shouldn’t travel with someone from outside your household unless you can practise social distancing - for example by cycling. Leaving your home - the place you live - to stay at another home is not allowed. 1.9 Are day trips and holidays ok? Can people stay in second homes? Day trips to outdoor open space, in a private vehicle, are permitted. You should practise social distancing from other people outside your household. Leaving your home - the place you live - to stay at another home for a holiday or other purpose is not allowed. This includes visiting second homes.
  4. Since it's not in the water and won't be for some while...... . The last time we slept on board was around 2016 !
  5. From my speed reading, it's full of waffle with none of the clarification the Waffler - in - chief led us to expect ! Lot's more making it up as we go along, and loads more room for interpretation together with opportunity for 'words of advice' to be given .
  6. I’ve been scrupulously washing my hands since the last week of March. What I want to know is when will the Government let me take a shower ?
  7. Throughout the country, people will be analyising Boris's speech. Women will be sat there anxiously thinking about money worries, food queues, shortage of medication, school re-opening dates, issues re public transport usage and work. Whilst blokes will be sat there thinking "Oh *****cks, pubs still not open"
  8. 'The BBC understands that the changes in the guidelines will mean two friends would be able to sit more than two metres apart in a park, and also that sports like golf, tennis, fishing and outdoor watersports will now be possible for people in the same household.' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-52530518
  9. Learn how to cook on a boat, along with other essentials for a 'proper' Broads holiday.
  10. We offshored our manufacturing years ago. Financial services are leaving now - those that haven't already that is.
  11. Exercise Cygnus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise_Cygnus I too heard about the 'out of date' thing. With proper storage and regular checks I find that hard to accept. This whole 'best before' thing is a nonsense in many instances. I once bought some gravel for a fish tank which carried a 'best before' sticker
  12. It must also be recognised that most members of authority aren't too bright.
  13. Not sure who you are quoting there Griff, but I for one recognise the need for the regulations. What I do object to is the officiousness of the Council officials who are exceeding the range of the regulations in applying them - in some cases quite possibly illegally . There are validated reports of police insisting that disabled scooter users go home instead of food-shopping, of miles of tape used to 'close' public park benches, of open spaces where cars would park safely while giving access to permitted footpaths being blocked off by boulders, hay bales and crush barriers...... Some examples from across the country may be found here http://manifestoclub.info/photo-album-the-coronavirus-park-police/
  14. Not at all. However with no checks being carried out on arrival in this country .... I'll ask you, should there be controls - or none , because "Way more cargo arrives in this country in passenger planes than it does in cargo only planes." ?
  15. It would seem that (according to the Health secretary on 16th April) there were around 15,000 arrivals in UK airports daily - few of them having undergone checks on departure ! I shed no more tears for the airline industry than I do for all others affected by this pandemic. If some short life products s flown in with passenger jets double in price, so be it. They will be luxuries in the main anyhow. As for essential medical supplies, have no doubt that provision will be made on cargo flight for those along with any other things deemed essential.
  16. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-52594023 QWhy did we not introduce this from the outset ? Other countries did. And why are we waiting for three weeks to introduce this measure ?
  17. Three coppers ... to issue 'words of advice '
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