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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. And now we learn that Premiership football, clearly a sport where contact is certain is to return in three weeks - but cricket is banned still until at least 1st August. I suppose that nasty hard ball can carry viruses ! How can people still suggest that money has no part in this ?
  2. Anyone been to Nowhere on the Broads ? It's about a mile from Gt Yarmouth.
  3. I personally ignore threads which hold absolutely no interest or relevance to me, which hire boat for example but others find it of interest. I fully support their right to follow such threads.
  4. Surely huge aspects of 'the virus' are inseperable from politics. We should be able to act like adults and have a reasonable discussion on almost anything. There will be areas whe we will all have to agree to differ. The fact that a minority seem unable to do that is sad indeed.
  5. This is in 'The Broad Scot Lounge'. Debates are held here about all things not 'boaty'. Feel free to add your view.
  6. On thart basis, it would have been perfectly OK - and permissable for my wife and I to go out in the car for a nice little drive (25 - 30 miles) on Easter Sunday, sit by a river somewhere for 20 minutes or so, then drive home again ? Not by any interpretation of the regulations as I understand them it wouldn't, and there were plenty here saying much the same about then on here !
  7. Anyone who imagines his defence of Cummings is born of loyalty is unfamiliar with the concept “Boris Johnson”. This is actually a simple story: man with no ideas is too terrified to sack his ideas man.
  8. Right ! Having listened to the excuses given by Cummings I'm putting my own interpretation on things. If i wish to sleep aboard I shall !
  9. I agree. We've enough 'Warden Hodges' about , without having them on here .
  10. I take it you have some connection since you are such an ambassador for them ?
  11. And no guaranteed time of delivery. We are out a lot at the moment, working on the boat . Can't be doing with that , especially as we drive past Sainsbury's on the way there !
  12. We had to go to Sainsburys. Actually Argos , to pick up something we have ordered and paid for. The queue was at least 45 minutes long , same when we went back 2 hours later ! If you want anything from Argos, best be sure you really need it !
  13. I got the impression when hearing the leader of NNDC on Look East and Radio Norfolk that her view was ' there's nothing here to spend money on, so b****r off, we don't want you (at the moment) . It would seem that the Parish Councils may have a voice after all.
  14. This one. Very simple and never locks when tied correctly.
  15. A little known fact: Television was invented during the time of The Black Death. Its creator abandoned the idea because he knew there'd be programmes about boogerall else.
  16. They certainly wouldn't be tree felling at this time.
  17. I've used on line banking for years. Paying credit card bills, various other bills etc by BACS. However I would NEVER use my mobile for the purpose, only ever my home computer, and I ALWAYS use a different browser for the purpose, and I use that one for nothing else.
  18. Everybody should have a tin of this on board .
  19. Has there been a shortage whilst motorcyclists have been under lockdown? Not for nothing are they known as 'Organ Donors ' amongst the emergency services .
  20. Surely that's 'Norwich' for 'isn't it ' ?
  21. Poppy

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