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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths......
  2. We need to remember the stated reason for lockdown. It was to preserve capacity in the NHS. It did. The capacity was achieved though at the cost of all other elective appointments and surgery. Its now a question of balance. Move the covid patients into the Nightingales asap, get the hospital back to normal working and get the world back to work. Only 250,000 deaths so far out of 7.8 billion world population.
  3. So I can't have a borrow of your lycra then ?
  4. The RYA are working for boating as well "With all sports starting to consider recovery, the RYA is developing a ‘Return to Boating’ strategy aimed at getting the message over that there is a very strong case for boating to be one of the first activities that could be resumed safely within any necessary parameters for social distancing, once we start to see a relaxation of the current restrictions. “We remain committed to representing the interests of our valued members and the wider boating community and we look forward to seeing you back on the water when as soon as it is safe and advisable for us to do so,” Sarah concludes. " https://www.rya.org.uk/newsevents/news/Pages/RYA-leads-call-for-limited-and-controlled-access-to-marinas.aspx
  5. Poppy


    https://www.forbes.com/sites/kateoflahertyuk/2020/04/29/zoom-security-tip-avoid-the-app-and-do-this-instead-heres-why/#6807b25348d9 Good article on Zoom security.
  6. RoSPA says, “In 2018, 99 pedal cyclists were killed, 4,106 seriously injured and 13,345 slightly injured in Great Britain.” Not as many as I would have thought! Might go out on my bike again! anyone got any lycra I could borrow ? That is still over 4000 that probably required ambulance assistance, under the present circumstances that is not acceptable. ctva is right, cycling should be banned, especially as we are told that we would need the assistance of emergency help in the event of a boating incident
  7. Poppy


    I walked into the bank this morning and the staff were all wearing masks. Finally some honesty.....
  8. No. There are 'sections' at each bridge, marked by guard boats where paddeling or quanting is allowed but not engines. Quants/paddles may not be used outside of those sections.
  9. Poppy


    Because 'others have a business model that allows them to spend deposits/payments before the service has been provided - as has been pointed out earlier
  10. Poppy


    Doesn't open on Covid in Firefox either.
  11. Poppy

    My Day

    What's the point ? You can't go down the pub
  12. Social media. We all have our own vision of what people ought to be doing regardless ! Then there are those who feel the need to act on their vision https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/crime/norfolk-police-issue-fines-breaking-lockdown-rules-1-6633581
  13. Great site to play with https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:3.0/centery:52.4/zoom:8 Thanks for posting.
  14. Historically the Courts have always interpreted English law . However it appears that the Police are being permitted to do the interpretation in this instance , and despite guidance from the NPCC England there are variations from county to county. If you disagree with the copper who, for what ever reason pulls you up you can accept a penalty or decide to take it befor the magistrates . Word of a copper against that of Joe Public ? We all know how that's going to end up, don't we.
  15. My missus caught me watching 'adult stuff', tutted and went upstairs. Anyway she come back down dressed in a nurses uniform, "Wow, " I said, "time for fun and sex games then?" "Is it heck, " she replied, "get your coat, were going shopping. "
  16. We had a family meet up yesterday, using Zoom. It was great, and will definitely be doing it again. Thoroughly reccomend it for those suffering Grandchild withdrawl . It does help a liitle if like us of advanced years you have a 'tech savvy' grandson
  17. It's the BA who require a self declaration of insurance cover. It is aooarent that a good number of toll payers are 'innocents abroad' as far as insurance is concerned. Do you honestly tink that at the very least, it would be unreasonable for the Authority to offer some clarity on what is meant by the phrase "Insurance policies must be issued by an insurer authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 in the UK" , rather than doing a 'Pontius Pilot' on the issue as they clearly have for the last 20 years or so ?
  18. Especially when they come begging for help when times are bad ! I think we all know at least one...
  19. Effectively you have been uninsured for five years ! https://www.fca.org.uk/news/warnings/edward-william-marine-services "Insurance policies must be issued by an insurer authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 in the UK, or an insurer authorised in a similar way by the laws of another EU country. Firms authorised in the UK to sell insurance should be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Firms authorised to sell insurance in other EU countries and who do so into the UK market, should notify the FCA." https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls/insurance-and-adjacent-waters
  20. My earlier pint was that we were able to pay back the spending on two world wars without 'austerity', which in itself has been used as a tool for other purposes !
  21. The WW1 debt wasn't finally paid off until December 2014 , and that from WW2 was finally paid up in 2006. There will be no need for austerity - or whatever the chosen name is. It ( if it is imposed) a matter of government policy , an excuse to further reduce public spending .
  22. To quote sombody famous ( I can't be bothered to look up who), 'It's the economy stupid'. I fear that the pressure is building amongst the Conservative party back bencers and senior members for some measured return to normality. That must not be permitted until we are sure that people's safety will not be put at any risk !
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