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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Latest information for members from the RYA, received this afternoon. Dear RYA member, As we near Boris Johnson’s anticipated announcement this Sunday where we expect to hear the Government’s plans for the easing of lockdown restrictions, we are working on a range of guidance and resources to help our members and the wider boating community prepare for a return to the water. These resources will ensure you can return to activities on the water as quickly and safely as possible. While the detail of Government plans for easing restrictions are not yet known, we are keen to share with you the following ‘guiding principles’ that will shape our detailed response: 1. We will always follow Government guidance The COVID-19 preventative measures are vital to protecting health and well-being and to minimising pressure on the frontline services. We all have a role to play by following the Government guidelines. We will provide advice to show how the latest measures on social distancing, hygiene and travel can be applied to boating, showing examples of the level of activity that each phase will allow. We are mindful that Home Country Governments may issue their own phased plans and measures. Additionally, as we have seen to date, local authorities, harbour authorities or marinas may also interpret guidance differently. We will carefully review any industry specific guidance that impacts on boating activities, such as advice for the sport and hospitality sectors, as well as paying particular attention to any guidance for specific sections of our community. Where the application of Government guidance is unclear, we will seek clarification on your behalf so that all boaters and activity organisers are kept informed. 2. We will, as a boating community, take a considerate and conservative approach • Considerate: be mindful of the potential impact that you could have on other water users and do not place unnecessary extra strain on the RNLI and emergency services. Consider the local area and whether there is a risk that you could put extra pressure on the RNLI or frontline services. For example, are you in a very remote location? Is the area very busy? Look out for others such as families on beaches or people on other boats and think about how your activity could help or hinder them. For example, windsurfers or kiteboarders who launch from the beach should give extra space to beach users. Boaters should keep an eye out for others, and be ready to assist if trouble arises. • Conservative: help to minimise risk by taking an extra conservative approach to your boating. Our guidance on safety remains unchanged: know your limits; look after yourself; keep in touch and, above all, have a plan. As we start to get back on the water, we will be advising boaters to take an even more conservative approach when planning to go afloat. Looking ahead We share our members’ enthusiasm for a return to boating once we start to see a relaxation of the current restrictions. Getting afloat undoubtedly benefits both mental and physical well-being and we believe that with appropriate measures, a basic level of safe and responsible activity can be delivered to get you active on the water. We remain committed to representing the interests of the recreational boating community and we eagerly await the Government’s announcement on Sunday. Our members, affiliated clubs, classes, and recognised training centres will receive a further update as soon as we have reviewed the Government’s plans and their impact on boating activities.
  2. We were told that we didn't need these unskilled overseas workers. Well it seems that cutting asparagus, to name just one crop, from interviews I've heard on Radio Norfolk is actually far from unskilled...
  3. The reason the 'flu jab is 'still not perfect' is that the virus mutates to a new strain every season and a 'guess' has to be made as to the most likely strain expected in the next season. Influenza is a coronavirus, as is the common cold, and we develop immunity to neither for that reason. Covid 19 is also a corona virus and it's by no means certain yet if it too shares this ability to mutate.
  4. As you said a little earlier 'of course the answer is to pay more '. And as JM pointed out, why do we need strawberries all year round ( they mostly taste of nothing any how) so why as well do we need asparagus all year round?
  5. Absolutely ! We are now well into the English asparagus season. Why then did I see in Tesco this week asparagus from PERU ?
  6. But whilst the 'way' might be there , the undeliverable would appear to be the capacity . With an Emirates A380 seating typically 525 passengers, where will the testing be carried out at, say Heathrow ? Already Heathrow bosses have said there is not enough room for 2m social distancing . Other airports are bound to have similar issues.
  7. The World needs to find a way of safely screening people ! It's reported that on average someone can be asymptomatic but infectious for up to seven days before symptoms are developed.
  8. The issue as far as I am concerned isn't that they know what they were doing, rather why is it allowed at all ?
  9. https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/uk-northern-ireland-52539141
  10. The 'system' would like me to stay away from my boat and they are letting planes fly in like this....
  11. Good lord ! You surely don't think in our club we drink muck out of bottles sealed with plastic corks - or worse still screw caps do you ?
  12. This year the traditional Cock of the Broads race, sailed annually from time immemorial at the Thurne Mouth Open Regatta on the late May Bank Holiday, has had to be cancelled. In its place a new one-off event has been arranged, the Cork of the Broads. Corks, each numbered with the sail or identification number of any vessel entered, will be started from a bucket at a convenient, if somewhat socially isolated, bridge "somewhere" on the Norfolk Broads. You don't even have to have a boat to enter. A numbered cork allocated to you will still race. After tackling a tricky course, beset by swans, adverse currents and flukey winds, the winning cork will be deemed to be the first to reach the floating line across the water at the finish. A lifetime's collection of a racing fleet of corks has been assembled for the race. The corks will be retrieved to avoid clogging the waterways, and maybe to be used again... Please pass the word amongst your clubs, chums and rich relations. The cause is a worthy one we believe. The Care Workers Charity looks out for those who have become the Cinderella service in the fight against Covid-19. Very much in the front line, since they care for the most at risk, they have not received the charitable support that the NHS has deservedly enjoyed. We hope that this bit of fun on the water will help, in a small way, to do something for those who carry so much of a burden at this terrible time. If you haven't yet, please donate on the link below, and if you have, please pass on the link so we can reach the target, or even surpass it! https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/cork-of-the-broads?utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=cork-of-the-broads&utm_campaign=pfp-email&utm_term=cea3de666a4e44e4976d94ca223e8b15 P.S. Don't forget to email your entry details to corkotb@icloud.com to be sure of your entry/entries. Thank you for your support.
  13. Col. Tom now has another award. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-52550309
  14. My father served in Palestine following on from Egypt. He never spoke about his war very much - if at all, but I learned enough to know that he hated Israel.
  15. The UK - European champions at something at long last....
  16. I hope the pubs open soon, I need to cut down on my drinking.
  17. Poppy


    Share price is everything. Directors arerewarded with share options . Nothing else matters !
  18. Chicken and the egg.. If it was used.....
  19. That's a non sequitur if ever I saw one !
  20. Then why are we spending literally millions on providing a facility that cyclists don't want - and refuse to us ? Where lanes ar provided it should be unlawful for them to be on the road !
  21. Even if If deaths are under reported by half, then we are still looking at figures in the same range as those for seasonal flu.
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