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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. There are a number of companies who will not demand a full survey, but any of repute are likely to require an out of water condition report from a yard or boat builder known to them, and this will usually be a five yearly requirement. These do come much cheaper than a full marine survey, which can be , like a house survey, of somewhat dubious value....
  2. Just seen this . "Give a man a fish and you feed him for an hour Give a man a fishing rod and he’ll spend hundreds more on kit he’ll only use once"
  3. Meanwhile, on the BBC news just now A&E attendances have reached the lowest ever recorded, as people 'stay away from hospitals'. GP referals for urgent cancer concerns have also fallen significantly. This can't be without a knock on effect.
  4. I believe Boulters used to.
  5. "Give a man a fish; you feed him for an hour. Teach a man to fish; you keep him out of the house for days...."
  6. I have some knowledge in this area. PMs are of course not be needed in every death. A heart attack However some clinical evidence will be required - a heart attack is a simple diagnosis. With Covid 19 there are numerous other conditions which will confuse a proper diagnosis if present. A simple test will confirm that - and it doesn't require a pathologist to carry that out ! In todays paper, baby was born with heart problems, brain damage due to the heart and oxygen starvation, it, unsurprisingly, died of these problems, but as the mother had contracted Covid whilst in hospital giving birth, they put Covid on the Certificate as an ancillary cause thus bunking up the figures. That's enough from me, we must agree to differ, since I am unprepared to accept what the government are feeding us without question unlike others it would seem.
  7. There has been a great rush to classify lots of deaths as Covid 19. Surely when there is a house fire and the occupants are brought out dead the coroner doesn't say; 'Yep, asphyxiation.' No,they cut them open and examine the bodies to make sure that they weren't murdered before the fire started. Is it too much too ask that we are not just giving this disease a broad brush to make someone's life simpler? We learn from facts supported by evidence. Science can't be based on supposition - 'well, it looked like it' is never good enough for basing policy.
  8. Of those, how many have been tested post mortem - or even diagnosed before death ? It is clear that attribution of the cause of death to covid is done without any clinical basis ." Probably were" is simply not good enough ! This should not be happening !
  9. It doesn't however cover the excess deaths from conditions other than covid, resulting from people who were unable or too fearful to seek help for things like coronary conditions, cancer, sepsis to name just three serious problems. Iy's admitted that this has happened !
  10. My concern is is why are deaths being put down to covid with no evidence whatsoever to support it ? Now they are pretty much putting all nursing home deaths down to covid. It's simple enough to do do post mortem viral swabs to get an accurate test to see if the diagnosis stands up, but they are refusing to do so. why?
  11. There are a few things I am curious about regarding deaths. How many have died: 'Of' ? 'With' ? 'Because of' ? Also the percentage of older people, say over 75, compared to the remaining deaths. This might all come across as a little callous but it helps to keep some members of society from going into complete meltdown thinking that you can catch it by looking at someone and then subsequently die.
  12. The 2 metre seperation thing is not enshrined in the regulation,legislation or whatever you wish to call it, It came as guidance. Therefore "guidelines issued by the College of Policing and the National Police Chiefs’ Council urges officers to only enforce what is written in law, adding that “Government guidance is not enforceable; for example, two-metre distancing, avoiding public transport, or the wearing of face coverings in enclosed spaces” appears correct.
  13. Or one of these ? https://www.shewee.com/
  14. But my point is valid. Had this beed debated in the House, these irregularities would have been identified and sorted. The issue of 'night fishing' is anothe such. " I'm fishing Officer, sorry I must have nodded off".
  15. But that is more or less what we were being told at the time.
  16. Meanwhile... Police in England told they do not have powers to enforce social distancing https://www.itv.com/news/2020-05-13/no-powers-to-enforce-social-distancing-in-england-police-told/ This is what happens when you have government by Regulation, and not Legislation.
  17. A pandemic - but not all pandemics are HICDs.
  18. https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/norfolk-broads/webcam/ Not too much happening in Potter. One GP in evidence - and he's on the bluddy demasting mooring
  19. Professor Chris Whitty is Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England, the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser and head of the public health profession. Chris is also Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), with overall responsibility for the department’s research and development, including the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). https://www.gov.uk/government/people/christopher-whitty So not exactly a 'Flat Earther'...
  20. Interesting clip. Somewhat contraversial pehaps , but listen to the end, then look at this link https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid
  21. No, it's in this one ! FAQs - What you CAN and CAN'T do . https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do
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