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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. In my case it wasn't A*** , it was M******* (TOS observed )
  2. I had a word with a man in a suit regarding the pickers. The response? 'Our delivery business is very busy and they have an important job to do'
  3. Not in the conventional sense, maybe but vandalis none the less ! There were other options , alder pole quay headings are rustic and long lived, but then conservation.....
  4. My grief when supermarket shopping is with the pickers for the delivery services. There are more of themand have lots to do, but the training re social distancing appears entirely absent. Two metres? Two feet is a lot with some of them !
  5. I should have put my comment in quotes
  6. I think they are bored Ray, they want to get back aboard their boats and sleep on them. its like the posts over winter, but has had an extra 3 months worth of boredom tacked on the end.
  7. Well, they seem to be playing football again - but of course there ar £millions involved there !
  8. What's wrong with the Guardian? Apart of course that many here would prefer the Mail !
  9. I agree. But for many the attitude appears to be ' I can drive a mota innit !'
  10. The majority don't read the handbook provided . What chance they will view beyond the first 30 seconds or so ?
  11. You need to practice the old seaman's art of nipping off short
  12. But it's in the Broadscot Lounge which is for ' Non Boat/Broads related Topics and Discussions'. I refer the honourable Gentlemanto the reply I posted earlier
  13. Oh dear ! Don't like it ? Move on . https://helpdeskgeek.com/how-to/automatically-scroll-down-pages-in-your-web-browser/
  14. As expected....https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-53146191 Two metre rule relaxed also . No specific mention of 'sleeping on board'.
  15. Thanks ECIPA. I couldn't have put it better myself. Perhaps the present owner of the premises would care to comment on how he thinks this is affecting his premises ?
  16. Where is the adverse publicity 'for the premises' here ? Anyone who follows the thread and is able to untangle the puzzle of the location will KNOW it's ' under totally different ownership' ! I started this thread because I genuinely thought thathe programme was of interest with a Broads link. I still do !
  17. It's of public interest ! The matter of the Peckham axe murder was never really sorted, so it won't go away.
  18. "Single use menus, banning condiments, insisting on mask wearing - you are making people afraid of using a pepper pot." Pubs fear that new opening rules won't save them. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53145327 We have to get over the somewhat irrational culture of fear that has been created in this country and elsewhere, or I genuinely feel that we are doomed as a society
  19. It is rediculous how we have to be talking in code - especially since the pub concerned is under entirely different ownership, and is almost unrecognisable from the place it once was - thank goodness. !
  20. It was a relative who was the Licencee. I believe she also owned a pub in Caister.
  21. He didn't, probably because he couldn't. He was the manager. It was not his name over the door
  22. I dislike anywhere if I find that I need to wipe my feet on leaving !
  23. But if folk are too nervous to even shop in Roy's....
  24. PM to announce on Tuesday if pubs can reopen https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-53129845
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