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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. If you use one of the comparison sites you will often find your own insurers offering exactly the same policy at significantly lower price. I've had that happen more than once. A telephone call to the customer service desk usually leads to a renewal at a price close to or the same as the on line figure. It's the same with house and contents .
  2. Funny how people seem to find this an opportunity for humour - yet something of a sexual nature would cause much offence and lead to moderation!
  3. When you have finally mastered it and feel confident You will still have the odd mishap. And you can garantee that when you do there will be an audience
  4. DO NOT GIVE THEM INSULIN. You could kill them. If in doubt, try to get some juice or a bit of honey inside 'em. If they sober up almost miraculously, you got it right. If they don't you won't have done any harm, even if they were hypoglycemic already.
  5. Do not make assumptions. It is a serious life threatening situation: DIFFERENTIATING THE PATIENT WITH "INTOXICATED" SYMPTOMS It should be obvious that the distinction between the patient who is intoxicated and the patient experiencing a diabetic emergency can be blurred. When the conditions are ripe, it can become very easy to mistake one for the other. When faced with a situation like the one described in the opening scenario, take a minute to think. The patient's combativeness may be the result of hypo- or hyperglycemia, so restrain the patient as necessary and perform a thorough assessment. One simple thing - ask them if they are diabetic. You may be unlikely to get a clear cut response..... but it's still the first thing you should do. Look carefully for medical alert jewelry, especially around the wrist and neck. If personal identification is available, such as a wallet or purse, check for any information that might point to a medical condition, such as prescriptions, a medical card or, especially, for the insulin-dependent diabetic, small tuberculin syringes. Establish baseline vital signs. Evaluate BGL using glucometry if available. Check for scarring on the anterior abdomen from repeated insulin injections, and the presence of an insulin pump strapped to a pants belt. Most importantly, smelling alcohol on the breath is NOT a "rule out" finding! While this article centers on the diabetic patient, there are other causes of altered mental status, including seizure, brain injury, stroke, drug overdose and psychological conditions. In other words, if your initial impression is that the patient is intoxicated, pause for a few minutes and completely assess for other possible conditions. If you can't be absolutely certain about the underlying cause, don't make a risky decision — transport to an appropriate medical facility.
  6. Could people please find another way of titleing their threads on toilets etc without the use of the word 'poo' or similar ?7
  7. Leptospirosis is Weil's disease. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/leptospirosis/
  8. I take it you cook them in one of these http://www.boatiesfrypan.com/new/index2.html
  9. Recently discovered 'white pudding' (Morrisons) . A most enjoyable addition to the breakfast plate.
  10. So long as the 'Bournemouth/Sarfend set' stay away from here , or at least behave somewhat differently than the way they were appearing to on the News !
  11. And none of that applies to The Broads ?
  12. Nothing wrong with a half if you're driving.
  13. 'Rescue breaths' still taught (as far as I know) on the RYA First Aid sylabus which is overseen by St Johns. It was wen I requalified 18 monthsago.
  14. Probably the same ones I saw. Took me the best part of 45 minutes to get past
  15. W***********s, ensure you maintain the new 1 meter distancing when you reopen by only allowing 45 people on the stairs to the toilet
  16. A bit like Ranworth moorings, Horning Parish Staithe......
  17. Upton would be a good place to start, and you can buy your short visit toll from the boatyard , Eastwood Whelpton. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls/short-visit-toll
  18. Agree entirely Marshy. We have as a society never been very good at judging risk and responding appropriately. I believe that the problem has worsened over the last 20 years or so as well. I guess a large part of this can be laid at the door of the tabloid bottom wipes masquerading as Newspapers !
  19. Woman Who clapped for NHS is to spend 4th July drinking until she pees out own Pancreas In A&E.
  20. No idea, but if you have no permission, either implied or explicit, I fail to see how any reasonable person would, could or should hold the land owner responsible for any loss or injury .
  21. Well, the nights are drawing in now you know
  22. If the land owner didn't give permission.....
  23. Which, it is alleged is why the scheme was chosen over others.
  24. I heard a warning today that if you are going shopping remember that you may have to queue in the sun, so put on sun block before leaving home .
  25. In my case it wasn't A*** , it was M******* (TOS observed )
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