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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. "Safety measures are in place" according to the video - but not a safety jacket for the lass clanind down the fore deck of the day boat ! More SUPBs, they do seem increasingly popular , but who has rights , paddle board, motor boat , sail boat ?
  2. MM, I'm not altogether certain you have anything to apologise for. It doesn't seem to be your innocent but relevant comment that 'started anything'.
  3. Yep, had that one as well. Just put the phone down from a chancer who wanted me to renew my washing machine cover, which was about to expire. Only problem is, we don't have washing machine cover......
  4. I've seen some 'squit' on here, but that takes the biscuit
  5. Heard a guy on Radio Norfolk this week. I'm sure they will !
  6. How the hell do I get rid of it ? !!! The latest update of Windows 10 as installed this abomination and I can't see a way to get rid. I It hijacks a number of applications, including Pdfs. WHY would I want it to open through this when I already have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. ? i Damned annoying. It would appear that it is installed through the registry , and I'm loath to make changes in that area.
  7. Here is a link to the searchable interactive map https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=a6dd42e3bc264fc28134c64c00db4a5b&extent=-401307.0872%2C6628364.5565%2C-130261.3849%2C6788576.5678%2C102100
  8. Fortunately . But they may well be encountered elsewhere ! We seem to have their like though. HM Coastguard calls for jet skiers to respect other water users. https://marineindustrynews.co.uk/hm-coastguard-calls-for-jet-skiers-to-respect-other-water-users/
  9. Tell my missus that. She seems to find a hell of a lot of work for me to do 'on holiday'.
  10. I live in Norfolk, just outside The Broads Executive area. When I go to my boat, or to another part of the Broads for any reason are you saying that I am ' on holiday' ?
  11. It's all here https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/Hired-powerboat-licensing. The comprehensive detail can be found here https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/180591/Broads-Authority-Hire-Boat-Licensing-Guidance.pdf
  12. 32 years. Hint got moin yet neither !
  13. Second call from 'Amazon' today !
  14. I get these callswith monotonous regularity, I don't have an Amazon a/c of any sort and go out of my way to avoid ever using them. We have a phone with a call blocking facility, I always block these but they still get through. Each time it's a different number! I's additionally frustrating that it's a recording, it denys the opportunity to tell them to ***k off !
  15. I can imagine some yards 'chucking a Nelson'.
  16. Leicester was sut down today . https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-53229371 Norfolk and the Broads has always been a popular destination for those from that city.
  17. More on 'Get Baked'. https://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/business/jolly-farmers-and-kings-head-deliver-roast-dinners-and-desserts-1-6618138
  18. 'Get Baked' deliver puddings and milk shakes from Acle. https://www.just-eat.co.uk/restaurants-get-baked-strumpshaw/menu?mw-redirected=637291945987948572
  19. Engines are often left running to chill down the fridge.
  20. How unfortunate that it is not possible to 'ignore' Admin - even those who don't have the decency to 'own up.'.
  21. Wonderwall, There's no 'tongue in cheek' as far as I'm concerned !
  22. Well, now I know what the Forum Treasurer thinks !
  23. Who the hell thought it funny to change the title of MY thread ? Bloody childish ! No, I am NOT amused !
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