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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hi Jeff, That looks as if that is the end of this years filming of the birds unless they come back to the nest on the odd occasion. Here is a link to the filming of the birds from the 10th June. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Stuart, It was also the hard wax sticks I used & also in a floor wax form, the oil was in some food or medicine but I can not remember what? Regards Alan
  3. Hi Andy, This was us at Ranworth at the same spot in November 2004, my mate stood on the front of Ranworth Breeze with his guitar. Regards Alan
  4. Hello Mike, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. By all accounts your Mum was a very wise woman. We allow and welcome positive feedback of any of the boatyards, pubs and shopsthat you come across on your travels on the Broads. Silverline out of Brundall is very good company, I have friends that have hired from them over a number of years, Maffett,s only have a few boats, but they are well thought of and are usually always fully booked. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Stuart, I was reading the ingredients in something the other day and it included Carnauba Oil! I have used this in a wax form when turning. I have to say the range of products on your stand is very impressive. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Andy, A few years ago we were moored outside the Bridge Inn at Acle with the canopy down in brilliant sunshine, this was the first week in December, that year we saw black swans on Salhouse Broad and the rivers bank to bank with wildlife so much that we we named one corner "Coot Corner" just around the bend from Wroxham Broad. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Iain, As you know we are lucky in that respect being part of a syndicate, our share which is a standard share means we get to go at various times in or out of season. Last we had spring and late summer weeks, this year we have early summer (5th of July can't wait) and a week on 22nd November (we swapped this week with another owner) which will be the next to last week of our syndicates season. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Andy & Julie, The Broads are great out of season, loads of mooring spaces, scenes like above are common in most locations. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Stuart, I like the concept of working with these woods, but I do not like many of the finished results, the skill of the turner is appreciated but to me they never look finished off and have little practical use. I guess it is just a question of art. Regards Alan
  10. Hello Poppy, I did know about Maud which is housed in the same wet shed as Albion. Thank you for posting the website details. Regards Alan
  11. And then there was one, the last Peregrine did semi fledge but rushed back when Dad brought another meal. Here is some footage that was recorded yesterday. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Dave, We are only up the hill from you in Frecheville. Regards Alan
  13. Hello mrwiggly, Welcome to the NBN forum. Please let us know a little bit about yourself and your times on the Broads. I can not help you on advice regarding your engines, maybe if you let us know what engines are currently fitted, forum members may be able to help. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Dan, Thank you for the information and your offer of supplying leaflets regarding CO. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Andy & Julie, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. I hope you enjoy your time on the Southern Broads this year. Forum members love pictures of crews trips on the Broads so I hope you manage take some shots. Regards Alan
  16. Has anyone managed to control the Oulton Broad webcam since it was reinstated? I can not control it even after login into the site. Regards Alan
  17. Only two chicks now standing on the edge of the nesting box, I hope the latest fledgling is OK. Regards Alan
  18. We have a CO detector/alarm that is fitted in the lower galley section aboard Ranworth Breeze, the engine is under the lounge floor. We fitted this after a owner always brought his own on his allocations. It is tested and thankfully has never sounded other than on test. We do tend open a window in the galley or use the extractor when operating the oven or hob, I also like to turn off the gas in the gas locker last thing at night. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Iain, I am glad that you & Ruth enjoyed yourselves, we went in the market too, sadly no room after buying out there stock of Clark's shoes which were in their sale. Nice flowers however, "your lupines or your life". Thank you for the pictures I am glad that Eric is back giving visitors to Morecambe pleasure, the carving on the surrounding paving stones is very informative. It was a pity about Grange over Sands, the main street and gardens would have been better for Scoot, there are hills at least one end of the town. I quite like Lancaster but I guess it was not ideal for you. The Midland Hotel was featured in one of the Hercule Poirot programs. Regards Alan
  20. Hello Boycee, Thank you for the update. Regards Alan
  21. Thank you John for the report, sadly the first chick fledged has been found dead near to the Cathedral. Regards Alan
  22. Hello Vaughan Matt has already posted a link to EDP24. This is another sad event that if associated with CO poisoning could have been prevented, I urge all boat users to fit or take with you as part of your boat kit a CO alarm. Regards Alan
  23. There is nothing more tranquil than being on any waterway, be they on the canals or the Broads. Regards Alan
  24. The benefit of having a upper helm is that you can see oncoming boats before they get to most of the bends. The pruning of the trees and bushes a few seasons ago has made the journey more pleasant. Loddon is still one of my top 5 mooring locations. Regards Alan
  25. Hello Andy, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Please tell us a little about yourself, our forum members will give you support by answering questions about the Norfolk Broads and for that matter opinions on most subjects. Regards Alan
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