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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Don't worry Iain remember the "Canal Journeys" program is on at 8.00PM on Channel 4 on Sunday or 9.00PM on plus 1, so you can keep the Longest Day for another naff evening's entertainment on the TV. We will be watching, if only we had some "Oxford Blue" cheese to nibble on during the programme Regards Alan
  2. Sorry Iain drifted off topic there. How fast will the Red Arrows go round the track and who will be the star in plane? Will the Red Arrows Stig have a red suit on? How about the "Longest Day" that must be on the BBC repeat list. Regards Alan
  3. In an ideal world we would vote for a candidate for a local or general election, they would believe all the comments they spouted to get your vote and act on the policies that they promised you. Even a well meaning, honest MP is engulfed in the party line and corrupted by the present system, or they are squeezed out if they stand by their convictions. Regards Alan
  4. I do not know if they are paid or not, but if it like local authorities your local politicians (coucillors) used to get an attendance fee, many years ago £40 for every sub committee they attended, I know of a few councillors that attended up to 6 sub committees per day. Nice work if you can get it and so much more profitable than a real job. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Timbo, Wallace & Gromit have a pair of little used trousers, would they do Regards Alan
  6. I agree that at least these two know what a boat is and where the Broads are located. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Strowager, Don't you feel that your coment is the general opinion by the vast majority and this is reflected by the turnout at the polls be they local or general elections. Getting back on topic. I see that Cameron has commented on the Jeremy Clarkson saga. I wonder if he also had a word with the BBC if so I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall. The BBC have backed themselves into a corner with no way out and are loosing what ever credability they thought they may have had. The comments made by other forum members regarding what has been going on in the last couple of years at the BBC in my opinion ought to mean that heads should roll if not criminal charges brought to bear. Regards Alan
  8. There was a issue with the link yesterday, but it is working this morning, for your convenience please see below. UK. New Members appointed to the Broads Authority Tuesday, 10 March 2015 Two Norfolk men with an intimate knowledge and love of the Broads have been appointed Members of the Broads Authority. The Secretary of State for the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has appointed Matthew Bradbury, national Director of Operations for the Land Trust, and John Ash, who was administrator for the Broads Authority’s Sustainable Development Fund for six years. They will each take up a four-year appointment to the Authority on April 1st. Matthew, who lives in Hingham and comes from a farming family, has lived and worked in Norfolk for more than 40 years. He learnt to sail on the Broads and likes to spend weekends canoeing and wildlife watching throughout the Broads National Park. In addition to running the family farming businesses, Matthew worked for more than 20 years as a consultant to landowners, many in Broadland, advising them on the implementation of the Rural Development Programme, cooperative purchasing and marketing. He was then employed by the Broads Authority working on water quality and conservation projects before becoming Head of Nature Reserves at Norfolk Wildlife Trust. He managed more than 70 sites including a number of major Broads Nature Reserves - Barton, Hickling, Martham, Ranworth, Alderfen and Upton – as well as visitor centres and an extensive grazing operation. Matthew now has responsibility for the management and development of the Land Trust’s national land portfolio of 2500 hectares comprising green space, nature reserves and parks. He also has responsibility for fundraising, income generation and voluntary support to enable the land to be managed sustainably for environmental, social and economic benefit. He is currently a board member of the Thames Gateway Local Nature Partnership and a trustee of the British Mountaineering Council’s Access and Conservation Trust. John Ash, who lives in Brooke, is a retired chartered civil engineer who has spent 40 years working in flood and coastal defence in Norfolk, including the Broads, the UK and Europe. His work has included a wide variety of projects associated with environmental management, economic appraisal, climate change and tourism. John says living and working in Norfolk has given him a real love and affinity with the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads where he has sailed in dinghies and wherries. He took over the chairmanship of Wherry Yacht Charter Charitable Trust (WYC) from Aitken Clark, the first Chief Executive of the Broads Authority, when he died. The Trust has since restored two Edwardian wherry yachts and a pleasure wherry to sailing condition and, together with its other vintage wherry yacht and recently acquired second pleasure wherry, they now offer holiday charters and educational visits on the Broads. John represents WYC on Broads Tourism and has a working knowledge of tourism issues. For the past six years he has been Administrator for the Broads Authority’s Sustainable Development Fund providing grants to organisations in the Broads, many of them focused on developing the opportunity for young people to experience and enjoy the Broads. Hilary Franzen Press Officer Tel: 01603 756034 Broads Authority Yare House 62-64 Thorpe Road Norwich Norfolk NR1 1RY Tel: +44 (0) 1603 610734
  9. By all accounts the website that is hosting the petition for reinstatement as crashed out because of all the volume of traffic, with over 200,000 people signing the petition since this morning. I bet there are many MP's wishing they had the support of now well over 400,000 people. Regards Alan
  10. My understanding of this is that a fracas started when there was no catering facilities when filming out in the sticks recently. We had a film shoot at our local Community Centre a few months ago where we could watch the filming but of course we were instructed what we could do or not do, about 50 extras plus cast and a crew so of course they catered. I guess it is just watch this space. It might be an idea to bring the quiz back to Sunday if we are to endure no Top Gear. Regards Alan
  11. I do not know who the producer of the program is but I bet they have disappeared into the woodwork at the BBC and wishing that they had bit their lip! I fully agree with all of the above comments. Regards Alan
  12. I am sure you will have all heard that Jeremy Clarkson has been suspended and the Top Gear program will not be aired on Sunday. I caught the news on the radio on the way home early yesterday evening. These days on BBC I tend to watch very little and Top Gear is one of my highlights of the week. I know Jeremy Clarkson is a bit like Marmite, love him or hate him he is what he is and without him the program would hardly be worth watching, it is the interaction between the three presenters that makes the program. The thoughts above are mine without my moderators hat on. What do you think and have you signed the reinstatement petition? Regards Alan
  13. Hi Neil, Have a look at the following link to see if this is the book/publication you are after:- http://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=9570486513&searchurl=tn%3DThe+Norfolk+Wherry Regards Alan
  14. I logged into Norfolk Live but there is no control of the camera at Barns Brinkcraft. The river view at the corner of their location is ok but most people want to see the river view towards the bridge. I bet Grace is getting withdrawl symptoms. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Peter, I am not sure that Parking Eye are willing to get out of the contract they have had for almost ten years. We know the amount they made in fines in the last year but does anyone know what they have charged the Broads Authority for the right to to impose their fines? I agree with Tim's suggestion that a couple of men in a shed on shifts would cost the BA next to nothing and would complement the staff that already work in the visitors centre & cafe assumming these are currently manned and not hit by pointless cutbacks. Regards Alan
  16. Hi Tim, I was watching this on the news a short while ago, I know what you mean regarding the build of these new liners, they all seem to look the same. Here is the news report:- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-31802613 For those with a few quid how about having a party on-board:- http://www.pocruises.com/cruise-ships/britannia/overview/ Maybe it go under Wroxham Bridge? Regards Alan
  17. Captain Pugwash was hardly a programme for children with all its innuendo, luckily Tom said nothing Captain Pugwash started as cartoon strip in 1950 and the BBC started the 5 minute programmes in 1957. Regards Alan
  18. Hi BB, I concur that the Barns Bridgecraft camera is not on the list, also the Cromer Pier. I guess they are still solving the issue they had, pity re the Wroxham one since the one fixed at the Hotel Wroxham stoped working last season (or was it the season before) with the one out at Barns we can not get a look at the bridge or for those can get under the bridge the water height. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Alan, I think it was me that allowed Marina & Ian (Mum & Dad)to join. Sorry!!! Well someone needs to keep you in check. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Geoff & Wendy, Is it the thought operating locks or that you would not like to be delayed by locks? The reason I ask is that it is the operation of the locks that puts you off of the canals that have locks then the Scottish Canals may be for you, Scottish Canals staff operate all the locks and lift bridges for you on the Clyde & Union Canals, the crew just hold the boats in check by looping their forward & aft ropes around the tubes that run from the bottom to the top of the lock. You are given times by apointment for the opening of bridges & locks each day of your travel. We found this somewhat restrictive because our crew have operated locks & bridges on most of the canals in the UK over the years. There are also a number of river routes that only have a few locks, which in most cases are manned by lock keepers. Regards Alan
  21. Just over 5 weeks for us. Regards Alan
  22. Last night there was an excerpt from the Canals Journeys Series 2 on TV showing some of what is in store for us, I assume that one of the canals to be featured will be the Clyde & Union Canals because there were shots of the Kelpies and the Falkirk Wheel. Really looking forward to this new series. Regards Alan
  23. Hi Neil, Have a look at the links below. http://www.waterwaysholidays.com/northern_england.htm#lancaster_canal http://www.arlen-hireboats.co.uk/ Regards Alan
  24. Hi Grace, I guess most of can do the above and also consume the odd bottle of red wine, must say personally you can keep the white unless it has a few bubbles in it. We just have to play dumb at times, even when knowing our place :bow "Now what's the recipe today Jim" Note to self stop showing your age Must dash, I have got the get the chicken in the oven and then count Tan's stitches. Regards Alan
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