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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. It all depends on how cynical you are, the genie is now out of the bottle only time will tell and it is totally dependant on how thin that leading edge is on the wedge. Regards Alan
  2. We had 65000 hits on our server at work last night; which the spam filter quarantined. Think how quicker the internet would work without all of this dross traffic. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Grace, It sounds as if you need a Broads picture as a screen saver. You may find some here:- http://www.beautifulbritain.co.uk/allpages.htm#top Regards Alan
  4. Not sure if the snowdrops are there, I had to remove 4 inches off of the roof of the car on Wednesday morning, needless to say Sheffield was virtually at a standstill even though the gritters had been out . It was a heavy frost last night so it looks as if the early spring will be missing us for a while. Regards Alan
  5. A friend of mine in the USA sent me this link to Royal Caribbean Allure of the Seas Cruise Ship, I didn't realise the size of this ship. http://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/titanic-compared-modern-cruiseship.html Regards Alan
  6. Hi Jon, It is done by Broom's as part of the winter service. Peter from P & J Cleaning will undertake some gel repairs and will also do polishing. I know that Peter also does your cleaning when requested. Regards Alan
  7. Ranworth Breeze was lifted last week for its winter service, gelcoat repairs (we leave any to be done until the season is over) anti foul and engine service. The paddle wheel that give you speed through the water was found to be broken off the blades, we lost the speed indication on the lower and upper helm on the last few weeks of the season, as with any boat there is always something to do be it day to day servicing/repairs or improvements or the more involved costly repairs. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Griff, A few of the places on the film had that familiar look about them. Regards Alan
  9. Yes Evening Shadow based at Wroxham. Regards Alan
  10. It is all down to the size of the canopy. Our replacement canopy in 2010 was £2246.00 and that was for just the replacement canopy using the original frame. When we need to replace it next time we will have more input into the design that is somewhat awkward in the way that the the zips were placed behind some of the frame uprights. This was hardly what should have been expected from one of the well know canopy makers on the Broads, it was as if they had never had spent any time on a boat. My advice Mark is to make sure that whoever makes your canopy does so to your full instructions regarding roll up doorways, zipped out sections, be they front screen, side or aft panels. The quality on our canopy is very good, but some of the practability is slightly lacking. Regards Alan
  11. Yes there are two icecream boats on the Broads, one on the Northern Rivers and one on the Southern Rivers. I like the way they just moor up against a moving boat to sell them icecream or cruise around the popular mooring area's looking for trade. Regards Alan
  12. Hi Mark, Sounds as if you are going to get more adhesive on your hands than under the tiles. Dependant on the old glue type you could use some thinners or failing that scrape it off using a paint scraper with the aid of a hot air gun. It might be an idea to give it a coat of PVA prior to laying the tiles. Regards Alan
  13. Hello Jon, Thank you for posting your available dates on Southern Crusader. For anyone wishing to have a fixed week on the Norfolk Broads this is an ideal way to achieve it in a cost effective way. Please keep us informed of your progress. Regards Alan
  14. We were having lunch whilst watching an episode of the Jeremy Brett series of Sherlock Holmes, it was the "Sign of the Four" also featuring John Thaw as Jonathan Small. I have seen this episode a number of times and the chase in the two steam launches in the closing stages is very dramatic. I only noticed today that this chase up the Thames in the story must have been filmed on the Broads when one of the swing bridges the two boats passed under could be clearly seen as Reedham or Somerleyton bridge even in the night sequence. According to the following link the locations for the episode were in Manchester, Liverpool, Yorkshire, Malta, and London, and the final chase on the Thames was recreated on the River Yare in Norfolk. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093971/reviews Regards Alan
  15. Icecream boat business for sale. This might not be a job for everyone but for the season may suit someone retired or wanting a part time job. https://www.rightbiz.co.uk/buy_business/for_sale/145907_norfolk.html Regards Alan
  16. I understand that the Dog Inn at Ludham Bridge is for sale. http://www.daltonsbusiness.com/pubs-for-sale/successful-local-pub-in-the-norfolk-broa-norfolk-broads-norfolk-uk/347082 Regards Alan
  17. Hi Mark, Could yours be worth more or less with the modification of the added speed handle? The site that I posted the link on mentioned that it was a rare item. Will it appear on EBay with a £200 reserve? Regards Alan
  18. Hi Jon, Those pictures just look like the frost we had this morning other than there were no boat in sight. A group of us were talking the other night about the snow we had a few weeks ago and how it featured in the news, we all agreed that if this had been a few years ago it would have never been news worthy. During my working life I have always managed to get home, even walked at times. When I was a service engineer and working on the Derbyshire/Yorkshire boarders I have always carried a spade, grit, chains, grips or had snow tyres fitted. I have never had a four wheel drive only rear or front wheel drive and only snow deep has stopped me. I spent 3 hours on the M1 trying to get to Leeds in the 70's and only got as far as the motorway services, I phoned my manager saying I could continue but by the time I got to Leeds it would be time to set off back for home. He reluctantly said ok but was not happy. Regards Alan
  19. Correct me if I am wrong but was this the telephone poll that didn't take any details if the person was over 60? Lets face it there is a fairly high percentage of people that own boats are aged over 50, now have more time on our hands, can afford full or partial boat ownership. I can say that over 80% of our owners fall into that category. Our boat is registered under the names of our trustees, we certainly did not get a call on this survey. The trouble with any survey is that you can make the report lean to whatever you wish the outcome to be by the questions asked and options for the reply. Regards Alan
  20. I would like to think you are correct Strowager that the Government would stick to its statements however I have a feeling that they will stick to whatever the piper plays for them. Sadly history has shown us that a man holding up a signed paper means nothing in a real world! Regards Alan
  21. Hi Strowager, I love it. No doubt there will be references re "I canny hold it" and "its going to blow" Remove shirt for maximum pose and what ever you do DON'T wear a red shirt. Regards Alan
  22. This control, what ever it was made for required many turns of the wheel and the reason for the handle was to make it easier to turn from lock to lock. Ok it is a control for an aerial for a Halifax AM Crown manufactured before 1944 it was located in the wireless position of the aircraft. It a wheel for a remote D.F. loop drive (aerial). http://spitfirespares.co.uk/radio.html Regards Alan
  23. Hello Dan, I will add the link to our listing. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Andy, Please see the link to our listing of Marine Surveyors:- http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/196-marine-surveyors/ Personally we have used Ian Jennings for our last two BBS examinations. If anyone wishes their details adding to our current list please PM me with their details. Regards Alan
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