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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. We tend to use Interparcel, Interlink and Parcelmonkey dependant on where the parcel is going. We have not had too much problems with these carriers. Regards Alan
  2. As far as I am aware my first visit to the Broads was in 2001 and the second owner to go on our boat share boat Ranworth Breeze. A brand new boat and even though we had been on narrow boats from 1974 of course everything was different, because of the height of the boat the effects of the wind, the tides and our first encounter with yachts. We were shown how to do figure eights on Hoverton Little Broad, that was our training at the time, not even as good as offered by the hire companies and then let loose. I could handle the boat but the first time coming into moor was a task, fenders all down and very slowly moored to take on water at Acle. Been on the Broads even since, learnt a lot, only damaged the boat once by catching a protruding bolt at the 24 hour moorings at Somerleyton a couple of years ago. This was repaired during our winter service when we undertake any gel coat repairs. These days we hold a training day/days for all new owners dependant on their experience, I have taken many of these training days to coincide with our allocation dates. Plenty of mooring practice, with & without bow thruster, port on and starboard and stern mooring. general boat handling etc. Down next week again, so if you see us on the river give us a wave. Regards Alan
  3. How you manage to keep up with all of these charges in London is beyond me, charges for using tunnels congestion charges and the like. It must be a nightmare for occasional visitors. Regards Alan
  4. Hello Ron, Great report, sounds as if you should not have any problems getting a crew together again for a visit onto the Southern Broads. I think you will like it here on our side of Breydon, however do not advertise the fact that you may be thinking of the Southern Broads, or the natives will get jealous, saying things like nothing to do, problem with tides, nowhere to eat, nowhere to moor etc. Lets face it, you may be better off staying on the Northern Rivers Regards Alan
  5. All we hear about these days is cut in Government or Council spending, why is it with all of these cuts we are paying more in taxes be they direct or indirect taxes. What do we get for the taxes taken direct from us all (unlike big businesses that are invited to pay taxes):- Reduced services in waste collection (even though most authorities are not meeting their recycling targets) Parks, Libraries, Youth Clubs hardly providing serves or even being closed. Roads, Street lighting run on a shoe string and the only time you see a road sweeper is prior to a local election. Hospital waiting lists getting longer, struggling to get an appointment at the GP's or getting on a Dentists NHS list. Funding for all the emergency services cut. All the above are services that the general public pay for and need and many of us can not understand why these basic services should not be maintained or even can I say it invested in. Maybe I should have posted this in the BOG section, rant over. Regards Alan
  6. Hi Alan, You and me both, lower helms are usually useless, you can only see in front of you assuming that you keep trying to stop the windscreen from misting up. Forget what's behind you and for that matter most of the sides because you can not see at all. I just get suited up for wet weather remove the upper helm zipped screen and look for a safe haven. Regards Alan
  7. Hello Martin, There is no need to apologize for posting non Broads topics or events in the lounge. The lounge is there for any topic within reason. I agree with you regarding the sadness of the story and the warmth of the replies and offers of help. Sadly we all know friends and family that are effected by cancer. Regards Alan
  8. Hello Marina, Was it that pesky Alan that pinched your driving seat? Regards Alan
  9. Hello Ian, I totally agree with you. The local authorities and the BA are just making a rod for their own backs. Any saving on costs will be swamped by the costs involved in clear up operations, it is far better and cheaper to just provide the services in the first place. Regards Alan
  10. Hello David, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. John is correct re Peachment's. You could also have a word with Maffett's at Loddon, they know a thing a thing or too about diesel engines, but again also a number of other yards give excelent service. Have a look in our information pages. Regards Alan
  11. Hi Alan, That better, a good picture. The other pictures of your mum & dad look as if they are perished, but up to speed re Iain's "elf & safety" Regards Alan
  12. Grace you must have better eyesight than me, I was hoping that Ian was going to upload his picture into the topic so we could see the faces in the picture. Regards Alan
  13. Condolences to both Jon and Mark and their families at this time, sadly it is one of life events that tests us all to the extreme. Thinking of you, Tan & Alan
  14. Hi Andy, Thank you for posting your first topic, helpful for a few owners. 20 posts so far only another 30 to full membership, but these will pass quickly. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Dave, I can understand why, even going over there a few times, I never look over the edge if I can help it and helm with my left hand so I am on the towpath side. That 2 inch angle iron on the drop edge is a sobering effect when you are not good with heights, after saying that I would not have missed it for the world. Regards Alan
  16. In the classic episode of Jimmy Clithero when his sisters boyfriend calls at the house. Jimmy "says what do they call you" Danny Ross playing Alfie Hall (daft Alfie in the series) says "Alf Hall" "no you won't" says Jimmy "now what your name" and so it went on. Leslie Phillips catch phrases were : "Corrrrr", "Ooh, nasty...", "Oh lumme!", and "Left hand down a bit". In one episode he is telling the rest of the crew about his comic that tells of this sub lieutenant that is a bit of a wag, he also goes on about that he is getting a free yo-yo if he takes the comic long enough, this week it came with the string. In those days radio was never dull. Regards Alan
  17. Happy Birthday Jon, Not too sure about the birthday mullet Regards Alan
  18. Wasn't Jamie Oliver on the Broads last season or early this year? Now if a production company could interest Jamie to do a cooking program stopping off at places on the Broads to record the program. That could be well worth watching. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Strowager, We try and do rings on the canals, the other year we did the Cheshire Ring and from where we started the route almost on the Llangollen Canal we did 136 miles and 100 plus locks in a week. Some Canals you do end up going one way and returning the same route but that is no different than going from Brundall to Beccles on the Broads you see different things on each journey. Be it the Broads or the Canals the main thing is being on the water and boating, we like both. Regards Alan
  20. Hi Monica, The final part will be on More 4 (channel 14) next Tuesday at 10.00pm. Regards Alan
  21. Hi Peter, On the canals they can spend as much time putting spoil into the canal as taking it out in certain stretches. There is plenty of wild mooring on the canals but try and get a visits mooring in a village is something else, also the practice of slowing down when passing moored boats at times knocks the average traveling times because of more areas that are now used for long term mooring even on the tow path side of the canal that is managed by the Canal & River Trust (ex BWB). After saying the above it is a pity that the practice of slowing down for moored boats on The Broads not actively adhered to. Regards Alan
  22. Hi Keith was it Journey in Space? Please see the following link:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journey_into_Space Regards Alan
  23. The only time up to now I have fallen into the water was well over 35 years ago on the Trent & Mersey Canal at the top of Stenson Lock. We were late back to the boat yard due to gales. I was doing the same as one of the other posters, I had my legs over the rails of two boats and they went apart with me hanging off the rails of one boat up to the waist in bitter cold water. I dried off and changed and then it was all the way back home. Neither Tan nor I can swim so its always now one hand for the boat and one for self. Regards Alan
  24. Please note the last post was deleted as requested. "Removed by request of BuffaloBill" Regards Alan
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