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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. It sounds as if the sale price is in line with their deli prices. We found it a good shop with some nice bread and cheese etc but it was always very expensive. Regards Alan
  2. If the sale includes the parking at the rear of the building I would say for 100k that they got it cheap. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Steve & Deb, All the fuel stations are attended service. There is not that many fuel stations on the Southern Broads. Broom's fuel station is used by many (all cards taken) of the private boats on the Southern Broads, Sandersons at Reedham will sell fuel (not sure about debit/credit cards) I have only used them once when Broom's had run out on our change over day, they would only let me have about £50 of fuel because they were running short. One of the yards at Loddon also sells fuel. Waveney River Centre also sell fuel. Boulters on the Northern Broads are usually one of the cheapest suppliers. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Neil, Great pictures but I was waiting for your selfie complete with your donned bin bags Regards Alan
  5. Sadly Jack Bruce died yesterday. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/tributes_pour_in_after_jack_bruce_known_for_his_work_with_eric_clapton_in_1960s_group_cream_dies_at_home_in_suffolk_1_3820660
  6. Hi Tim, Have a look at this link to International, it may help you:- http://www.yachtpaint.com/sgp/diy/ask-the-experts/varnish-ultimate-finish.aspx Regards Alan
  7. Hi Tim, Is the wrinkling on the first or second applied coat? if it is on the second coat then more than likely there is an issue with the surface of your timber it is too damp for the varnish to fully adhere to the timber or if you have stained it, again the issue will be of adhesion. You will have to provide a good key to the surface and clean down with a suitable solution ideally the same thinners used for diluting the varnish. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Tim, Interesting reading. Rather than using the Nitromos I would use a mixture I heard of many years ago for removing varnish and paint, it is more easy going on the woodwork. Mix the following:- One part white spirit One part meth's One part white vinegar Half part linseed oil I usually make up about a pint of the mixture and shake well. I apply with fine wire wool or a toothbrush for any moulding edges. When varnishing, I again use the finest wire wool between coats and remove the dust with meth's and use a thinned varnish for the final coats, this allows for quicker drying and glossy coat. Keep up all of your hard work. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Iain, I thought you were a proud Scot, plaster indeed I thought you would be like us trician's south of the border and just use some insulation tape till you got home
  10. Hi Tim, Great post yet again, the Uncle Albert stories are becoming the making of legends. There is a time however that you seem to be turning into Uncle Albert, the waving paragraph was a pearler. Not recommended reading whilst having lunch, my monitor needed a clean anyway. Regards Alan
  11. Here is a link to the article:- http://www.edp24.co.uk/lifestyle/ferryboat_full_of_stories_of_larger_than_life_nobby_clarke_1_3774313 Also a link to a picture of "Nutty Slack" http://intheboatshed.net/2014/06/10/nutty-slack-the-broads-policemans-water-bike/ Regards Alan
  12. Hi Strowager, This is what Ranworth Breeze looks like out of the water. Regards Alan
  13. Sorry Wussename, That was down to me, you had a repeated post, both with pictures that would not load, I deleted your repeated post and for some reason it also deleted your pictures from the first post. The pictures you have now loaded open correctly. Regards Alan
  14. Hi Eric, When we used to be moored at Ferry Marine on fixed moorings, wellies were also part of our boat kit. The road at Brundall can and does get flooded at times, but the boat is safe on its floating pontoon. Regards Alan
  15. The new cut flooded is causing disruption to trains into Lowestoft. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/video_train_disruption_at_haddiscoe_due_to_flooding_expected_until_at_least_midday_1_3815608 Regards Alan
  16. Hi Grace, How about these for Alan? http://www.westmarine.com/taylor-made--classic-mermaid-fenders--P012009825 Regards Alan
  17. A friend of mine having their bathroom converted to a wet room everything went wrong with all the trades, all the floor and tiling had to be redone, the qualified electrician left the job as finished, he had been concentrating and had fitted a 6 amp breaker to the shower and a 45 amp breaker on the lighting, which came to light when the plumber tested the shower. No tradesman tends to like other peoples work, we all have come across some very poor examples. BT coming in today at home to change over to fibre, I must try and keep my hands in my pockets and leave them to it. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Iain, You are a very brave man, good job Grace loves you or you might feel the pain all the way up there in Scotland. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Marina, It happens all the time at Beccles Yacht Station, having ropes too tight is the common problem. Regards Alan
  20. A friend of mine who had dived on the Mary Rose was at a reunion in Portsmouth, he had to report a security guard who was smoking aboard HMS Warrior. Regards Alan
  21. Hello John(MM), The date on the cylinder is more difficult to read (lots of codes on these)when we changed ours they were were not the same date as the activators, but were still out of date. Rather than checking the lifejacket by inflating the bladder by mouth you could discharge the cylinder by the pull chord, this would fully check the lifejacket bladder and also discharge the cylinder making it safe to despose of the used cylinder. I asked a neighbour who makes beer if they were any use to him. I have just done a quick search for safe disposal of lifejacket CO2 cylinders and have not found any reasonable methods of disposal. Regards Alan
  22. Monica (Hylander) Was kind enough to forward me a video after we were discussing how to check and replace a lifejacket rearming kit if the activator and CO2 cartridge are out of date or the lifejacket has been activated. Please see the following:- Regards Alan
  23. Hi Monica, We just take one of those very large fleeces which is about the size of a king size duvet. It keeps you warm but if there is any condensation it stops getting the duvet damp, we just dry off the fleece during the day. We tend to buy a number of our boating supplies from Roy's or Morrisons, such as duvets, pillow & duvet protectors and shower curtains etc. These days because of the costs laundering it is far cheaper to buy new each season. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Grace, Yes we have been back for over a week now, The day we went on holiday, I was up early and discovered that one of the radiators was leaking, so all could do was lock down the radiator valves, needless to say they never work when you need them. I put a paint tray under the radiator and left Michael a note to keep emptying it whilst we were away. He is going to ban us from going away being as there are always leaks whilst we are on holiday, for what ever reason toilets always seem to leak whilst we are on holiday. The day after we came back the engine management came on. so jobs on the cards now fitting new radiator (been on order for a week now) CO2 sensor on the car to fit, the main dealer did not have one in stock. Peter who was away with us he got back home to a faulty fridge. If it not one thing its another. Joys of life I guess. Regards Alan
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