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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Sadly I think the accountants in these breweries will make up any of their perceived loss in profit by other means. I doubt if any of the tennants will be better off. Regards Alan
  2. Hi Jon, I like the roof beams, no doubt laminated for extra strength and alleviating the need for steaming? Regards Alan
  3. At the end of the day most of us are going on holiday or about to relax on our boats, so the journey is part of that holiday or our relaxing time. I can never make the journey in less than 3 hours on the A17 & A47, if its not raining I put the top down and tootle into Norfolk. It was a pain in July when the powers that be thought it would be a good idea the top dress the A17 (which continued into the School holidays) and course there were the tail backs because of repairs to the bridge. An improvement would be if they ever get round to putting the missing flyovers in rather than having to drop down to that roundabout. You would have thought in last 14 years they might have come closer to getting it done. Regards Alan
  4. I just hold the rope until the skipper or crew member gets off the boat and leave it to them to make fast. The main thing is helping them by taking their rope or ropes to help them into the mooring. Regards Alan
  5. A happy ending on the Spencer the Dog story, now with a new owner. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/spencer_the_dog_found_tied_to_a_post_in_a_norwich_park_has_his_forever_home_1_3850940 Regards Alan
  6. Hi Alan, I personally think you & Dave are doing a first rate job and should be proud of what you have accomplished during your boats rebuild not only because you have rallied on all of the problems you have uncovered but you have given the forum members hours of enjoyment reading all of your progress. Many forum members have offered advice, tips and have felt involved in your project, and in turn have taken away a lot of knowledge that will be useful on their own boats. The only problem is now that you may end up with the current forum membership wanting to inspect all of your work when you get to the Broads early next year. Well done mate, please keep updating your reports and pictures. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Iain, I will have to have a word with Jonzo, there are times when it would be handy to have a dislike button By the way thank you for the reminder. Regards Alan
  8. Hi Paul, At least the table cloth stops varnish getting onto the table Regards Alan
  9. Hi Grace, I hope you are wearing your fireproof pants or is it that you want a call from the emergency services Regards Alan
  10. Hello John, Iain, You will have no doubt have seen that I pinned Andy's "Boat Winterisation" post onto the following location:- http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/297-boat-winterisation/ Regards Alan
  11. Hello Tony, Have you thought of installing a composting toilet? this could be a cheaper option for you in the long run. Have a look at this link to a canal supplier:- http://www.canalshoponline.co.uk/contents/en-uk/d74.html https://www.airheadtoilet.com/ Also a similar toilet installation:- Regards Alan
  12. Hi MM, I was beginning to think you had re-branded yourself or had been visited by aliens. Regards Alan
  13. Is that any different from any of the supermarket chains, they are all chasing customers with offers for this & that. New shops are being opened all over the place but staff hours are not being increased or extra staff taken on with contracts, but again that is happening again at all supermarket chains. Regards Alan
  14. I have to say that I quite like the Hotel Wroxham, we are there next weekend for our AGM. Most of the bedrooms have been refurbished. The downstairs is what it is and could do with some money spending on it. The staff are accommodating and you only have to ask. I have never had a bad meal there be it a lunchtime snack or a meal, the carvery is very popular during lunch. Regards Alan
  15. Hello Sean, Welcome to the forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  16. Our draft is a little over a metre and we have not had too many problems in all the years we have been going into Loddon (one of our favourite mooring locations) even before the dredging. There is still something in the water near Maffets but other than that the journey is now better because of the clearing of foliage the other year. A choice of 4 pubs, the café, chip shop, a few shops and a good DIY shop (they even have shore power plugs, sockets etc). Regards Alan
  17. All you need is a monitoring circuit that monitors the presence of shore power the the main incomming supply breaker, if there is mains onto the input then the starter motor would not engage. You could even have an indicator in the circuit that lit (shore power still connected) if the start button was pressed when the shore power was still connected. The flaw with this is if you have run out of shore power credit. Maybe back to Jeff's plug into a dummy socket. Regards Alan
  18. We had large boat in our marina that we were watching whilst having breakfast, the crew did all their checks but before we could warn them. They set off the shore power was still plugged in, the result was the electric post socket was pulled out of the post the water tap fractured and the skipper realising there was an issue looked back, but still kept going forward hitting the boat on the other side of the marina. I isolated the cables that were now very close to the water and capped off the water whist the marina staff could attend to install a new post. Sadly we can all get it wrong from time to time even the best of us. Regards Alan
  19. Probably further than a pint of Sam Smiths Regards Alan
  20. Hi Poppy, It was well worth watching. Regards Alan
  21. Please add my name Clive. I have always wanted to look around one of these new style Broads Boats, I have even dropped several hints to our Narrow Boating crew about a Broads Holiday, but they want to stop on the canals even though they have joined us on the Broads from time to time aboard Ranworth Breeze. Regards Alan
  22. Shouldn't that be barrels of lager Who ever sanctioned that video needs a career change Regards Alan
  23. Many proud men never spoke of their experience during their wartime service or the horrors they saw around them. Sadly their numbers are getting smaller as the years go by and they will be missed by all of us who knew them. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Tony, The immersion heater is fine, to save on costs set the stat to between 55 & 60 degrees centigrade, be warned however not to set below 50 degrees because there could be a chance of a legionella infection. I would personaly set the temprature at 55 degrees to help not getting burned in the shower. Regards Alan
  25. Hi John, I have used Greased Lightning (even thought of using it on the boat) and found it to be very good, yes I used microfiber cloths, one for putting it on and one for buffing off. Regards Alan
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