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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. We went to Eyam on Saturday with my relations from Canada, we called in Eyam Hall and afterwards called in their eatery. Tan had a salard & fruit plate with cheese, all four of us were helping Tan out with the cheese, proper sage derby, strong cheddar, red windsor and wensleydale with bilberry. I called in the cheese shop on site but the sage derby they had was the modern type. I have looked on line only a few places for it. So on our travels through Derbyshire we will have to call in the Old Cheese Shop at Hartington (near Buxton). http://www.hartingtoncheeseshop.co.uk/ Regards Alan
  2. When ever we are hiring (mostly canals these days) we always arrive early, in the oft chance that the boat will be ready, everyone wants to get off on the river or down the canal asap. It tends to take some time to stow our gear being as there is 6 of us, we need a wardrobe for the tablets alone. If the boat is not ready we get some lunch or do some people watching until they are ready for us so we can do the walk through. These days everyone has a policy for late access times ranging from 2.00pm to 4.00pm be it a cottage, boats etc. Surely it is better to let people gain access when ready rather than sticking to a time, with boats it is better if people doing the hand overs can stagger their work rather than be rushed off of their feet. Lets face it we have to hand them back over on the dot usually early in the morning. Regards Alan
  3. Hi Rincewind, If it was at the Ferry then more than likely it would have been the same one, it is the only heron that I have seen do this on the Broads. When it was not at the pub it would sit on the port side of the river about two hundred yards towards Horning from the pub. Herons always look as if they are wearing a morning suit complete with tails, the tatty looking ones suits however have seen better days. Once mud weighting on South Walsham Broad we were lucky enough to see a heron teaching its young how to fish. Regards Alan
  4. Has the adopted heron come back to the pub, it used to walk around the tables looking for choice titbits, many times it would stand only a couple of feet away from you, unlike the ones you see that fly off has you get within camera distance. I agree with all said, love or hate it, it is better to have it opened rather than closed as already said. Regards Alan
  5. Hi Stumpy, I have worked at Chip Board plants and the same safety meassures apply, as with any form of dust and its movement there is a constant risk of explosion & fire. Regards Alan
  6. Hi MM, I suggest that your optician's visit is somewhat over due. Regards Alan
  7. I agree that the person should have asked, if I had been in that position I would have been already up on my feet ready to help the other boat in (the thought of protecting mine would never have entered my head honest). We all want to enjoy our time spent on the Broads, so sometimes it is better to bite your lip and chill out and only react when it comes down to safety & potentional damage. Regards Alan
  8. Hello Steve & Deb, I hope everything works out with the survey & trial run. Just make sure that your heart does not rule your head should the trial or survey have any negative points. Regards Alan
  9. Fire crews attended the factory this morning, nice stock aerial shot of the factory. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/fire_crews_tackling_blaze_at_cantley_sugar_factory_1_3779424 Regards Alan
  10. Hello Strowager, Those Russell Newbery engines are something to behold and have been in production since 1909. I can understand you not wanting to stop listening to the engine. The Bolinder semi diesel engine is another classic narrow boat engine, that is fitted in a lot of the old working boats. Regards Alan
  11. Hi Frank. Try a curtain pole supplier for a Mahogany pole to fit a 8 foot patio door that should be around 9 foot to allow for the curtain reveals. Regards Alan
  12. Yesterday & Today was the Southport Air Show, however this afternoon will see the two Lancasters flying in formation over the Derwent Dam. No doubt there will be plenty of pictures on the internet later tonight and in the morning. Here is a link mentioning the fly past that should include a Spitfire and a Hurricane. On this link is a picture of a previous fly pass by a single Lancaster. http://www.raf.mod.uk/bbmf/news/index.cfm?storyid=29250E9D-5056-A318-A861958C0A76C57F Regards Alan
  13. Hi Griff, Looking at the pictures and seeing that the boarding was only down to the water level I wondered if it might have been to stop people in canoes trying to get under the low arches and be a danger to other craft going through the bridge. Regards Alan
  14. Nice feature about the latest creation of willow sculptor Robert Yates. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/willow_sculptor_commissioned_to_create_king_of_the_reeds_for_seychelles_client_1_3775927 To see more of his work check out his website, I quite like the propeller. http://www.bramptonwillows.co.uk/ Regards Alan
  15. 21 year old Dominic Victor Maverick Smith with the new Norfolk county flag he designed and registered. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/new_flag_for_norfolk_after_21_year_old_sutton_flag_enthusiast_registers_design_dating_back_nearly_1_000_years_1_3777677 Regards Alan
  16. Hello David, Not long now to go until your visit to the broads. Have a good time. Looking forward to your report/write up and pictures. Regards Alan
  17. Hello Arthur, You may have seen our pages of Broads built boats, I am sure that Jonzo would host you a section for you post your information on Aston's. Regards Alan
  18. Hello Clive & Kathy, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  19. Hello Hazelgirl, To help you through the winter do what a lot of our forum members do look on our links to the various webcams that are available in Norfolk. Here is a quick link to our pages:- http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/124-webcams/ Regards Alan
  20. Hi Monica, You never had that trouble with the length of line and the two cans if you kept the line tight. Regards Alan
  21. Hello Jonathan, Welcome to the forum and your first post. Regards Alan & Tan
  22. Hello Hazelgirl, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  23. Hello Claire, Welcome to the NBN forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  24. If you wanted the calendars to be self funded all the shots could be of riverside pubs on the Broads with the landlords footing the printing costs. This would help the pubs as well as raising funds for the forum. Just a thought. I must say that I do like the idea of forum members taking the pictures and making it a bit of a competition for the 13 pictures. Regards Alan
  25. Hi Rincewind, I used to love this wine, but several years ago I stopped buying anything french, these days I mostly buy Australian & New Zealand wines. Regards Alan
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