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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Clever photo. Taken before smartphones with a real camera I guess. The problem with a smart phone is a lot of shots are grabbed, having turned it on, selected camera and then quickly shot. I always find I take more considered shots with a camera. The boat numbers are fine, even if it was taken yesterday because of the context and intention of the photo.
  2. The latest post from our Facebook group. Lethal Levels of Saline Recorded 16th to 22nd September 2022. Despite what a few people are continuing to post, this is NOT A NORMAL SALT SURGE We have collated the data that has been collected by volunteers over the past week and plotted to create a visual reference if how far the saline penetrated the system. We have only plotted lethal levels, the salt penetrated far higher than this. We calculate at least 53km of Broads Rivers and Broads have been damaged, as far as 32km inland. . We have a growing catalogue of video and images of wildlife deaths, but please keep them coming in. Still the official line is a few thousand fish deaths and nothing on other wildlife, your evidence helps prove them wrong. Please share as much as possible, so everyone knows the facts..
  3. I am also very suprised there has been no mention of the devastating salt surge, our own facebook group has a number of separate posts on the devastation it has caused throughout the Broads. I suspect it is going to take a few years for the eco system to recover. Perhaps people were destracted by a photo of a heron. The dilemma is, leave the photo intact and that breaks ToS, Edit the photo and that is wrong, Remove the photo and that is over moderation. We can't win.
  4. I believe the member is asking if the old bylaw that allowed allowing mooring on a river bank for one tide has been repealed. Please remember not everyone has aquired computer skills.
  5. Two hours ago, I expressed similar sentiments. Youngsters shun it now, middle age folk rant and the older generation either rant as well or shake their heads in disbelief. Ok that is a generalization, but the trend is downwards. Sell your fb shares quick 😁
  6. Its called the sorting hat, it sorts out spammers πŸ˜‚
  7. FF, I have very selective use of FB, as I moderate our group and also my old school group I need to remain on it. That said, I ignore or block most pages. "But please don't compare and reference what goes on FB to what goes on here." I haven't and wouldn't, there is no comparison, that is the ethos of this forum. Whatsapp is just a messenger service, like a group text, with encrypted transmission. I have no idea what tick tok instagram or twitter do, thankfully. It is a fast changing world in social media, it makes my head spin sometimes.
  8. I am growing to hate facebook, it really is becoming a cesspool, full of irelvent adverts and groups of all kinds who just want to argue with each other. It is nothing like it used to be and Meta are going to take a big hit when the Bill becomes law. I suspect in a few years Fb will no longer exist given the widespread use of Whatsapp groups for like minded people.
  9. It doesn't often look like an over reaction if you are holding your own cheque book open I do still occasionally write cheques, although the quill and ink pot has been replaced by a biro.
  10. Our own naming and shaming clause has been in effect for many years, I see it as a foundation of a friendly forum. If it goes further than any potential legislation it will remain in our Terms of Service that everyone who joins us agrees to. When the Bill is eventually enacted we will implement the parts that could effect us. I would rather the forum "withered"for offering a friendly safe place than prospered as an unsafe, unfriendly cesspool that is so widespread in many social media sites.
  11. From the Terms of service, The NBN does not subscribe to 'naming and shaming'. i.e. pictures or descriptions of accidents where either the boats or people are recognisable. Details and photos of what a crew are wrongly doing or particular issues with a yard should not be reported here. Reports to the concerned authorities are more appropriate. So lets dispel this myth once and for all. Photos of boats, with numbers shown, are not a problem, unless the breach the above.
  12. For clarity, No. The number was requested to be hidden because of the context of the photo, followed by assumptions on if it was tolled or not.
  13. Cropping can usually help minimise unwanted background
  14. Professional photographers always consider the background when deciding on the composition of a shot, is the background more important than the subject ?
  15. We are pleased to welcome our latest sponsor, Boat-shift. Full details of their services can be found by clicking on the advert. Our thanks also go to Acle Bridge for their previous long standing support of the forum. We wish them well in the future.
  16. You are going to need a bigger bottle.
  17. A member of the mod team hid the post for 1 hour to confirm if it breached the ToS. They are not perfect, but who is. Given that it is the middle of a working day it can take time to discuss. They don't spend all day watching the forum. If a member can’t wait, or be bothered to message me or the mod team, then don't start moaning about it on the forum. The post was reinstated within one hour, sorry for the delay. Yes, I am getting fed up with the moaning. We do our best to protect members and the forum but do have lives to lead.
  18. I guess the reality must have hit, he was unsure at the start of the service about sitting in the monarch's chair instead of his usual position in the front row. I saw Edward confirming he should. It must have been extremely difficult for the family to grieve with so much coverage.
  19. Her Majesty's final journey into St Georges Chapel Windsor. Going home.
  20. The Armed Forces did Her Majesty proud. Rest in peace Ma'am.
  21. This thread is locked for at least 24 hours to give the moderation team time to discuss it.
  22. I agree, there are a some dreadful groups on fb. Poor or non existent moderation will disappear along with the groups after the Online Harms bill is enacted. It will only take a few complaints for grouos and pages to be taken down by Facebook as they have ultimate responsibility to enforce the new standards. Facebook is becoming just a mass of adverts with the occasional interesting group. I have three groups that interest me and family members, the rest mostly get ignored.
  23. What reference to other fora ?, I have made no reference to any. The longstanding agreement is between the two main forums and is to restrict copy and paste of posts between the two, its origins are lost in the mists of time but presumably to do with privacy and good manners.
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