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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Already have one and the bandsaw, I have found them to be a very reliable brand. All I need now is a thicknesser / planer and then a workshop extension 😇
  2. Just set them up and had a play, both are excellent bits of equipment. 😁
  3. Two new additions to the workshop, the extraction system will be useful having had a clean up last week, sawdust was everywhere. Aldi specials, a saving of nearly £100.
  4. An update, 7 months later and the repairs are still not completed. The boat is out of the water and the engine is in bits in the workshop. I had them relaunch it at the end of November as they were still waiting for casing parts, as it turned out the steering had gone very notchy so it was pulled out again for further checks. Eventually, the yard found the time to check the steering issue and thought the steering drive shaft (?) in the lower case was damaged. After 10 hours of labour they eventually managed to open the case and prepare a final report and estimate, thankfully the insurers have accepted it and approved the work. Final cost, nearly £4500. The cost of an new replacement, fitted, is 9k. The engine is 2013 but has had very little, freshwater only use. It would have been criminal to chuck it away as it ran really well, and expensive for me to replace. I live in hope that it might be back in use by the end of the month Since I got the boat in September last year I have had 2 hours use, fingers crossed I will get some use this year.
  5. For the avoidance of doubt, I have discussed and agreed with the moderation team that a general discussion about boat safety would be useful and informative. Vaughan's topics listed above are a useful start. What is not acceptable is picking apart and commenting on the MAIB report. It is less than two years since the incident and those involved in the aftermath do not want to read everybody's own analysis. I am sure we can all contribute constructively without try to apportion blame, (we are not a court of law) or resorting to name calling.
  6. I thought he was found in a car park in Leicester and reburied in the cathedral not Stalham
  7. No, you may have posted during the update.
  8. My ' at home ' chandlers, about 5 miles away and my daughter in law's brother has recently joined them. Family discount 🤞
  9. After more than 20 years and as many services, I took my final funeral service today. I have only ever done them for family or friends, starting with my little sister 22 years ago and including my parents, in laws and my older brother. Today was my oldest friend's 91 year old mum. Having been to a funeral many years ago where the Minister used the wrong name all through the service, I vowed then that it would never happen to anyone I cared for. The first service was obviously very difficult but over the years it has always been an honour to do them. This last one has triggered a couple of extra migranes over the last two weeks and has taken a lot more effort to prepare and deliver. The service was well recieved by my friend, I had promised her mum I would take her service, I am glad I managed to. Isn't it strange the paths we are led down throughout our lives.
  10. It appears from reports that the rescue vessel has had to be rescued by Hemsby lifeboat after getting its prop fouled.
  11. Hydrogen production is due to start at Herne Bay in Kent. A new concept plat is being built. "The Herne Bay hydrogen plant will produce green hydrogen from existing offshore wind farms which will be used in zero-emission mobility transport solutions in the Southeast of England, the consulting and engineering company stated. It is planned to start production by the 2023 mid and, on final completion, the facility will have a capacity to produce between eight and nine tonnes of green hydrogen on daily basis."
  12. My old MIL was a country girl and always said it was the flower May ( Hawthorn ) as that was a more reliable indicator of the warmth staying.
  13. Look East made a big thing of it tonight but nothing on the national news. I did see a few queues out and about in Norfolk today.
  14. Snap, although I did read somewhere that they say if you haven't caught it yet, you have no friends 😷
  15. Seen a number of HW boats on the Yare today, particularly the Elite range, all looking very smart.
  16. If any member wants to persue a vendetta against a particular yard or individual, this is NOT the place for it. Enough is enough.
  17. No. It has been in private ownership, an out of the water project that didn't happen I believe.
  18. Heading down the Yare from Brundall.
  19. Another sad and neglected boat heading to the scrap yard. Neglect takes its toll.
  20. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10646503/Covid-super-cold-Heres-tell-difference.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ico=taboola_feed
  21. I can just about see my boat in the first photo 😁 At least the cover is still on the roof.
  22. A good finish to the race, hope that continues for the season.
  23. I would be happy to achieve that as a final version 😁
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