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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. As I was born in 1959 I am excused being precise
  2. I don't know, you give someone 2.54 cm and they take 1.609344 Km It just doesn't scan the same.
  3. I do the night shift, 3am is an early night for me
  4. # grounded, that must make you a very dedicated boaty. Flying from the other side of the world I would guess 3 weeks is the minimum to justify the travel costs, well done you. I moan about the cost of a 300 mile round trip. My hat has been taken off to you.
  5. One for all you ex matelots. HMS Cavalier in Chatham historic dockyard.
  6. In a couple of weeks time I am up for 6 weeks, I thought about Hungary for F1 but the flights are all over the place.
  7. Sundays race was a good example of what F1 should be, an engaging race.
  8. Next step MM is to learn to play the saw, much safer than DIY
  9. I have used this one with good results. I follow it up with a couple of coats of a good ceramic car polish, that usually lasts for 12 months and is worth the extra cost.
  10. Pleased to report I now have use of the Shetland, all works completed and tested.
  11. Thats what it started as then the steering was stiff, after many hours trying to dismantle the bottom half they found damage, labour was 2.5k, the cowl alone was £650. Then they add on recovery and launching. Meanwhile I have been paying £1400 a year for a mooring for a boat I couldn't use. It's been an interesting process.
  12. Update… Allegedly the work is now completed and the boat has been launched, I will inspect the work and check the outboard is running properly with a quick trip up river before I pass the invoice to the 3rd party insurers for payment. After being out of commission for 8 months and a bill for £4500 it had better be flawless. Haven Knox Johnson have been outstanding and I am not even insured with them, that may change.
  13. I am up early tomorrow until sunday to do some gelcoat repairs , change a basin waste and change the galley doors and drawers. I am on my own because I don't have any friends Typically, after a nice week we have a thunderstorm warning for thursday and rain for saturday.
  14. Moved to fishing section,
  15. Thanks, I had been told it isn't possible to stream from sky go, I did try with a chromecast without success. The onboard tv has netflix preloaded but I can't get Prime to load. I might need a more smart tv
  16. I told both my boys that I didn't want to see them today, they are both fathers with young children and I would rather they build memories with them. The grandchildren had other ideas and wanted to pop in to see grandad 🥰 My 6'6" son sent me this earlier
  17. I stream F1 to my tablet onboard via the marina Wifi, it can't be streamed to the TV though.
  18. An update on yesterdays post, I did find this funny after my last post.
  19. I sometimes monitor Ebay for cheap solid wood furniture locally, the other week I spotted a sad looking mango wood coffee table for £5 and grabbed it. Also a victorian walnut cabinet for £20. Both items were carefully stripped down and the timber sorted. This weeks project was to turn the coffee table into a robust and rustic bird table.
  20. The houseboats are built in Poland.
  21. I think Equity may have a new member. The Paddington sketch was superb.
  22. I was suprised by how many were gas fueled this time.
  23. How have so many people found gas bottles to fuel all these beacons tonight.
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