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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. It was a strange sight to see Lewis the only one on the grid for the restart and then end up last at 14th after a lap.
  2. Very quiet. The SUP was at Fairhaven, well organised with a good safety briefing.
  3. Two grandchildren collected and taken home after 5 days of SUP intro course, beach, fishing and general excessive energy. Now for a G and T in the calm.
  4. We have another named storm on it's way overnight. It is very windy at Cromer already.
  5. It is still pouring down with a good storm here at Brundall
  6. Chucking it down with thunder, lightening and hail now
  7. ExSurveyor


    Try Richard at Snugztops.
  8. ExSurveyor


    Ouch, I would get a second quote.
  9. Very quiet at Brundall, three boats at the Ferry House, 2 at church fen and four on Surlingham broad. Only 3 boats passed our mooring all afternoon.
  10. Alpo, what size boat and set up do you have.
  11. Blimey, I just scape in at 16' and 1973 for the Broom Scorpio.
  12. I believe the thread will be hidden until monday morning.
  13. Craftinsure don’t specify an age limit on under 23' craft. My small boat is 48 years old. No survey required either.
  14. £55 for renewal this year with Craftinsure.
  15. The topliner roof has a slight convex curve, no doubt for strength and rainwater dispersal.
  16. This model was the complete redesign after the first three didn't let and the subsequent alterations didn't work. The four poster with the basin in the helm was never going to catch on. I did look at the original model to see if I could alter it to a twin cabin but it just wasn't practical or economic.
  17. My boat has a flat full length roof some 26' x 12'. It has bulkheads dividing the internal space and just one support pole, offset in the salon that has a clever swivel table attached. It appears very stable and no distortion after 32 years.
  18. I always enjoy watching, especially if it is from a good mooring.
  19. Media hype in action again, say food will be short and people will panic buy, creating a shortage, then the media can claim they were right.
  20. I think we have enough potential members to form a clumsy club.
  21. Today I broke a bone in my foot, what is going on with everyone.
  22. I hope natural caution will remain as long as numbers are rising. Went to the barbers yesterday and no staff were wearing masks, I went in with a mask on and they all donned masks. I thanked them. B and Q today, probably 95% in masks.
  23. I liked the format.If you are onsite all weekend it will help to keep people occupied, in Hungary we tend to not bother with a friday and explore the city instead.
  24. Some boats have a separate tank for the loo, others draw from the main tank. Have you got an extra filler near the pump out point.
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