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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. I am not a big fan of Fb. I limit my friends to family and some forum contacts. My biggest complaint is fb insisting on showing me groups I might like. Our fb group is moderated to the same standards as the forum to weed out any rubbish or misinformation, many groups seem to have little or no moderation, these I delete. I do find it useful to keep in contact and see what the more distant branches of my family are up to.
  2. The link works for me, it invite you to join and then create an account or sign in to fb if you have an account.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/norfolkbroadsnetwork/?ref=share_group_link
  4. Try searching the web for Norfolk broads network facebook group. The second result should take you to the group. It is a private group that you have to join. From Fb, search norfolk broads network, in full, rather than nbn.
  5. If you search norfolk broads network on facebook groups it should come up. You probably landed on the old nbn page that existed originally. I should really be capable of doing a link, but I am not
  6. Double vacuum impregnation with a decent fungicide.
  7. Max and Lewis will have to be on best behaviour with championship points at risk instead of time penalties. That will be a bigger test for Max than Lewis.
  8. I missed nothing The request remains.
  9. We live in an imperfect world, full of imperfect people, governed by imperfect laws. We will never change them on a Norfolk Broads discussion forum. Can I draw members attention to Grendel's earlier post, "can we please limit the discussion to the topic, ie Covid," More exactly, to the booster . Thanks.
  10. Now you know how the Queen feels
  11. The track is dangerous and should be removed. It might work earlier in the season but for the penultimate race, when the pressure is so intense, it will only result in accidents and a ruined race.
  12. Andrew, I will let you know in 12 months . If the last 20 months have taught us anything it is to prepare for the unexpected.
  13. Wow, that is something worthy of a bucket list. Biggles flies again.
  14. I had my first ever covid test the other week while on the boat as smallest grandson was confirmed positive two days after he had spent the day with us, mostly snuggled up to me. I couldn't complete the throat swab, I continually gagged and even Matron couldn't see the back of my throat using a tounge depresser. I had requests from the grandchildren for a video of the next attempt. I apparently have a deformed tounge. strangely, twin brother has the same problem. The good news is the new swabs are nasal only so if I need to test again it will cause less hysterical laughter from my caring family.
  15. Thanks Spooky, Shell Brundall is my closest. I can't imagine getting through 2000 litres too quickly
  16. I am not going to risk E10 in my outboard unless I will use it all up during any visit, I believe it only has a life of 3 weeks. Anyone know if E10 can be improved by using additives to prolong its shelf-life.
  17. Looking for something in the loft and I came across a good size bit of fabric. It is what Richardsons used on a number of boats and I obtained some for a repair to a previous boat but obviously I got more than I needed. It is 1.9m x 1.45m with enough for a good size cushion left over. It is a fairy classic red and would, preferably, be ideal for someone who has the same fabric. A donation to the forum coffers would be appreciated. PM me for details.
  18. A little bit of condensation goes a long way.
  19. Hands up and apology time. Whilst trying to learn and navigate the Admin sections of the forum, I appear to have accidentally deleted a very small number of posts. Grendal has worked his magic and reinstated most of them. Sorry folks, I promise to try harder in future. This new role is a very steep learning curve.
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