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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. I would be happy to achieve that as a final version 😁
  2. My local shell garage increased the price of diesel by 4 p at lunch time. I won’t be going there again.
  3. Governments have no money of their own, they allocate our money that is collected by a variety of means. Unless you happen to be live in a country with untold wealth under your feet, then they sometimes collect less and allocate more. I am off to Norway.
  4. The extra take from fuel duty caused by the recent increases is 4p, the corresponding increase in the VAT take is 1p, All that is needed now if for the forecourts to pass on the savings they will make from the reduced cost fuel they will be buying now. It is the cost of fuel they ordered over the last month that we will carry on paying for, hopefully, short term. As soon as Aldi and Morrisons reduce theirs the others will follow. Well that is the theory.
  5. It looks like the cars are easier to follow, some good racing between Ferrari and Red Bull before the engine retired.
  6. The Mercedes cars are a long way off what they should be, as are the Maclarens. Williams showed some promise which is good to see. Who put the sugar in the Red Bull fuel tanks ?
  7. An interesting result. Nice to see Ferarri making a strong return.
  8. I am an insomniac, it is still early for me, I am still watching
  9. If members didn't break the Terms of service we wouldn't need a moderation team. However, If a member baits or insults another, the post may be hidden while the mod team discuss it. A great, factual post can be ruined by the addition of a 'snide' comment, this can be made worse by the recipient responding. If a member quotes from a post that is subsequently hidden, the new post will also be hidden. Since being asked to take over responsibility for the forum, I have been suprised by the amount of admin needed to keep this forum running, I have been disappointed by the amount of work the moderation team have to do to try and keep members within the agreed guidelines that make this a friendly forum. They are accused of over moderating and under moderating, I am disappointed that some members think the rules don't apply to them, they do. If the Mods feel the need to hide a post or posts to discuss them, please resist the urge to keep stirring the pot and questioning the action. I am determined that the hard work undertaken by previous Admins and moderators to make this the friendly forum will not be thrown away so please, all members, treat each other with respect.
  10. Marine Power at Brundall Gardens Marina have recently done a full refurb on a Scorpio, including the windscreen, worth a call. BGM is the home of the original broom speedboat manufacturers.
  11. It was fitted when I purchased the boat, it is a Formica rather than teak but looked ok. It might be worth trying Project plastics in Essex for a screen.
  12. The rarest part is the chrome trim. Sadly I threw the original screen away last year or you would have been welcome to it.
  13. Welcome Tony, I recently sold my Broom Scorpio. I replaced the windscreen myself, a right pig of a job. If you have the original it can be used as a template. I used a company from Cambridge, it wasn't a great fit. A good source of advice is a facebook group, Broom Speed Boats. Good luck.
  14. I suspect the marshalls are going to be busy sweeping up bits that fall off the cars.
  15. Mercedes are still having problems with dolphins 😁
  16. A very good question πŸ˜‚ Hopefully discussion on the race can be held over until the Monday morning, please. I will leave it open this season unless a 'spoiler' is posted early. Any thoughts on what the new season will bring ?
  17. Do you have a battery charger on the shore power, I did the same, run the engine whilst still charging from shore and alternator and melted some wires. I did have a smart change over thing that failed.
  18. If you have internet your supplier should be able to supply a voice over line device that transmits calls over the internet. We had one at work as we had no phone signal.
  19. Marine power at Brundall Gardens, they are Suzuki dealers.
  20. Businesses make commercial decisions all the time. We are grateful for Richardsons long support of the forum and have thanked the Board for their support.
  21. We are delighted to welcome our latest sponsor, Norfolk Boat Sales. Their new advert can be seen in the sponsors panel. Thank you Norfolk Boat Sales for your support.
  22. I was due to go to a birthday party lthe weekend before last but decided I wasn't comfortable with it as we were due to look after our daughter in law following a big operation this week. It turns out 6 of ourr circle of friends caught covid that evening. They are all 50 to 60+ age range and vaccinated, some felt worse than others but all suffered enough to be laid up for a week. Had they not been vaccinated they may well have been a lot worse. If the NHS offer me a booster I will roll up my sleeve, it offers protection against serious illness that I will be grateful for.
  23. Great news, Our brilliant tech expert has fixed the Paypal button. Thank you. Payments are now possible for moorings, could you add to the thread when payment is made to enable the Events team to keep track.
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