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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Some boats have a separate tank for the loo, others draw from the main tank. Have you got an extra filler near the pump out point.
  2. Had a GI fitted for 9 years here and previously 7 years on the medway. Both exhire boats that don't have annodes fitted. Never had any issyes to the metal work.
  3. You will never guess what showed up when I googled, Big Boy at Toolstation
  4. C4 are also showing qualifying live at 5pm on the friday. Should be a busy weekend.
  5. Brundall has very few public moorings anyway and it is a hike up hill to the shops. At least shore based accomadation will usually have a car to go to the local shops. Boat services are mainly used by local based boats and are all behind on the riveride estate. The fact that Brooms are investing in the site must be a good sign, at least mid term. I am not sure the pods would be for me, all in close proximity but they will appeal to a certain market. The site would be more likely to be developed for housing if it lacked investment or was closed and derelict.
  6. Kingfisher looked beautiful going past Brundall Gardens just now, a stunning boat.
  7. They seem to be making investment in the fleet, day boats, service booth, day boats and now houseboats. Most of these can be sold on but probably at a loss.
  8. Mould will grow behind a picture, wardrobes and units as the surface temperature is lower allowing condensation to form. Mould in any above ground property is easy to rectify wilth the right measures. Two different tenants can live in a property with vastly different experiences. The vast majority of condensation formation is caused by lifestyle. A good landlord or agent would have installed solutions and deep cleaned the property before reletting it. They would have found the mould behind the picture and steam cleaned all soft furnishings, don't necessarily write the flat off but insist on adequate heating, not night heaters, sufficient extraction and preferably a passive ventilation system.
  9. Relative atmospheric moisture levels at 82% is likely to be enviromental rather than structural. Does it have humidity sensor extractor fans, are they turned off. It is easy to reduce moisture levels with moderate heat and ventilation, the problem comes with maintaining it below 63%, this takes disapline. No washing drying indoors, unvented dryers, including condenser dryers. A decent dehumidifier will work wonders. The exception to this is a lower ground floor flat, never own or rent one, in 40 years I found very few that weren't a problem. Have a 'discussion' with the agent, take it higher than the branch bod as well as a discussion with the landlord.
  10. ExSurveyor


    The old MIL was spraying army truck during the war. Women have been into space.
  11. It is a new thing with the update. Badges hold no fascination so I will ignore them, I certainly won't get upset by something outside the Forums control and I will ignore everyones badge and judge the member on the merit of their posts, like we all have always done.
  12. The final visible badge is Grand Master, is Grand Phoophoo Valve a hidden rank.
  13. It did seem like a rookie mistake, as you say not safe.
  14. Wood boring weevil, as opposed to common furniture beetle ( woodworm ) They exist on concealed, previously decayed timbers, rather than causing damage to sound timbers. Somewhere onboard is a quantity of decaying softwood.
  15. Just up past the small basin / workshop, It happened in the small private dyke. One of the boats in the article seems to be moored outside the house, I noticed it on my camera but don't have any footage of when it happened. I will find out if they have been around the outside of my boat next week, inside is fine.
  16. Right next door to me, Bar stewards need a good flagging. ( that isn't spell check, just me not venting )
  17. It is not unknown for buyers to leave surveys to the last minute and then be a pain in the butt chasing every five minutes for the report. What many miss is the fact that they have already paid for the valuation report, these can be upgraded to a Home buyers report and they save the initial valuation fee. My son is working Saturday's to keep up with demand. Stamp duty allowances drop from £500k to £250k at the end of the month and then to £125k in September. Demand is still high. I have a sale that has been ongoing since August 2019. An error by solicitors on a lease extension in 2012 came to light during the sale. The original solicitors are still as incompetent and have failed to action any remedy. They are now facing a claim approaching £20k. They have finally appointed a consultant to sort it out but I have doubts it will be completed any time soon. Dealing with incompetent solicitors can be very frustrating. A good firm is worth their weight in gold.
  18. Get the NHS ones if they are offered. I stopped wearing my private one four years ago as I found it overloaded my brain after I started having migraines. Strange thing is after having 90 in 9 months my hearing improved and I no longer really need the aid. A friend has NHS aids and they are excellent.
  19. Definitely not that high at the moment.
  20. "Old proper Broads boats didn't have wifi. EE is almost nonexistent around the Brundall area, O2 is average.
  21. Many people enjoy the extras that go with shore power, each to their own.
  22. We need the mods to lock the thread until monday mornings.
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