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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. I appear to have aquired another boat . A nice Shetland family four with a Big outboard. Had a trial on the Medway today, it certainly has some get up and go, did 25 knots against the tide. That is the last time it will go that fast as we are bringing it up to Norfolk to replace the Broom Scorpio. Having the same problem as Cambridge Cabby, growing grandchildren, it will give us an extra double berth as well as a more usable runabout. Anyone want a nice Broom Scorpio
  2. I have seen Kingfisher on the river, stunning, but then so is BA and Nipper, Nipper and Nipper.
  3. Don't use the blue own brand from the Blowfield camping centre, it is thin and useless. After the last pumpout from Brooms the container of blue seemed smaller. I always add extra blue but the own brand is ineffective. I will be stocking up on a premium brand before I go back up. They may have weakened the formulation in camping shops as they are emptied more often or just started running short of ingredients.
  4. A one star is a very good indication of what is going on in the business. Even if an establishment suddenly gained a four star I would want to be sure that it was being kept up after the inspection. Being graded as one star is an indication that standards had previously slipped.
  5. The fleet looked mighty fine going past just now.
  6. Only when they go too fast, mostly when they pick up or are late back in the morning.
  7. Found a couple of photos of the blue in situ. The binding is well worth having.
  8. I have it in the scorpio, great carpet always cleans up. I also have a plain light blue fitted on Whitey in the rear cabins. Hoovers up nice and any marks wipe off. We had oil marks on it after a service, this came off without a problem. All areas are fixed with press studs in each corner and it stays firm and doesn't distort.
  9. Apparently according to Massi they would have gone through the normal lights procedure then triggered the pit lane light.
  10. It was a strange sight to see Lewis the only one on the grid for the restart and then end up last at 14th after a lap.
  11. Very quiet. The SUP was at Fairhaven, well organised with a good safety briefing.
  12. Two grandchildren collected and taken home after 5 days of SUP intro course, beach, fishing and general excessive energy. Now for a G and T in the calm.
  13. We have another named storm on it's way overnight. It is very windy at Cromer already.
  14. It is still pouring down with a good storm here at Brundall
  15. Chucking it down with thunder, lightening and hail now
  16. ExSurveyor


    Try Richard at Snugztops.
  17. ExSurveyor


    Ouch, I would get a second quote.
  18. Very quiet at Brundall, three boats at the Ferry House, 2 at church fen and four on Surlingham broad. Only 3 boats passed our mooring all afternoon.
  19. Alpo, what size boat and set up do you have.
  20. Blimey, I just scape in at 16' and 1973 for the Broom Scorpio.
  21. I believe the thread will be hidden until monday morning.
  22. Craftinsure don’t specify an age limit on under 23' craft. My small boat is 48 years old. No survey required either.
  23. £55 for renewal this year with Craftinsure.
  24. The topliner roof has a slight convex curve, no doubt for strength and rainwater dispersal.
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