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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. To stay south is your choice Paul, but the situation in Wroxham isn't the situation on the whole north. I know it can be frustrating in the summer, but the often raised notion there is complete absence of mooring anywhere is a myth. Hire yards outside of Wroxham have much better availability and moorings of other types can still be found. Last August we managed to moor for the night without significant issue.
  2. Whilst it's true that hire yards will tend to say yes if you ask politely, I'm Wroxham there's often physically no space to say yes or if there is then the answer's still no because their own boats are due back.
  3. I think Broadland Saturn at Richardsons is that design. I hired Crown Gem solo which has a one piece design and I had no issues with raising. I guess it's down to the individual set up but there seems no reason Robin's canopy should have to be awkward.
  4. Indeed Alan and as I found it's very much an issue for hirers as well. The boatyards have four or five turnaround days per week.
  5. I've been turned down at Faircraft Loynes unfortunately, more than once. You give good advice Howard, with Wroxham being a bit rubbish nowadays for hire base moorings, worse since Royalls finished. I discovered this to my cost last May, when, unable to pass through the bridge, on a Friday lunch time I was unable to moor in Wroxham anywhere and I only wanted a water stop.
  6. Thanks again for writing Helen. I really like the mooring at St Benedicts Church, an underrated spot in my view.
  7. Thanks for sharing your knowledge oldgregg, really useful. You have a very pessimistic view of Broads moorings which I don't share but let's save that discussion for another time.
  8. Hi again Helen, still enjoying this and great photos. I like the one with Seren asleep on the sofa and Graham having to make do with a camping chair! I'm surprised you plan around the tides so much on the south Broads. They make a big difference to your rate of progress and fuel of course but my preference is to give myself freedom and take pot luck as far as the tides are concerned. Similarly with Great Yarmouth, I'll plan for slack but I'm quite happy with an hour either side if necessary.
  9. I've never been but I'd be interested to hear how you get on as I've long wanted to try the Caledonian.
  10. Helen, I really like the picture of Seren looking out the front window as you're heading for Cantley. She looks to be taking a keen interest in the river ahead.
  11. Ant wild moorings tend to be quite good for the avoidance of rhond anchor faffing as you can often use trees.
  12. Great start and photos Helen. I enjoy your detailed write ups. I've never hired a boat with onshore power but I can see the benefit with that extra heater you brought.
  13. Thank you for explaining, John, I understand better now
  14. Roof terrace bar could be nice if it comes off. I can imagine a good view along the river in both directions.
  15. John, I'm sorry if you think I have a sense of humour failure. I've no problem at all with making a joke about a serious situation, that's part of life. I may be being thick here, but I'm not getting the joke and my concern is you're stirring a tired old topic just to stimulate a reaction.
  16. John, I'm afraid I don't understand the joke, nor why you've posted. The NP subject has been debated to death on here and very recently as well. Let's just respect opinions and drop it now.
  17. Well it seems a common theme has come in answer to my question, namely don't leave the helm and be prepared with a suitable container. That makes a lot of sense. I guess nosing into the reeds would be an option in some locations but I wouldn't want to end up on the mud on the lower Bure.
  18. I'm very sad. I never met Richard in person but he came across as a very kind and thoughtful chap. Before he moved his boat to the Thames and having read my account on here of my Thames holiday in 2016, he sent me a PM to ask my advice about the Thames as a waterway. He thanked me for the replies I sent and hopefully it helped him make the decision to move. A sad loss.
  19. I'm sure you can picture the scene and a situation I've found myself in once or twice. Say, for example, you're solo, somewhere in the wilds of the lower Bure and you are 'caught short'. What is the best option? Option 1: I'm the absence of boat traffic (hopefully), bring the boat to a standstill mid-river and be away from the helm for as short time as possible. Option 2: As above but don't rush, the boat won't go far and any traffic appearing can go round it anyway. Option 3: On no account leave the helm. Pee on the floor if you have to. Option 4: None of the above.
  20. John, you appear to be making the case for the swim because other Broads activities are risky and this event is no worse. Are you saying this event is acceptable and the location is fine, purely because risks already exist for other things? If the answer is yes, I find that bizarre.
  21. Yes, as long as the idiot behaves reasonably (which, despite the image of hirers, 99% do) and as long as there's not 200 barely visible swimmers in the same piece of water.
  22. Breydon by night, wow, I didn't realise syndicate boats had navigation lights. That must be a great advantage, albeit if I'm getting up for a 3am start there's normally an airport or a ferry crossing involved.
  23. Great pics again Jay. I have happy memories of the Burgh Castle moorings. Is there some limited space by the Fisherman's?
  24. Actually Vaughan I think there'll be plenty of boats around including a fair smattering of hire craft. Don't forget Monday and Friday starts are equally as popular as Saturdays now.
  25. This is a difficult issue and one worthy of discussion and debate on here. I'm not against people accepting risks to partake in a sport of their choice, be that rock climbing, motor sport, deep sea diving or whatever. People taking part should be free to make up their own minds. Open water swimming undoubtedly falls in to a high risk category for the reasons already discussed on this thread and if people want to do it fair enough - but not on the Waveney in high summer please. With this event, those choosing to participate are impacting on the enjoyment and freedom of others, in particular boaters who will have an anxious time avoiding swimmers if they choose to use the stretch that day. I don't accept the "it's only one day in the year" argument presented by the organiser because boaters, especially hirers, can only enjoy their boats a limited number of days each year and 1st July might be one of those days. If I was on the Broads that day I would either have to avoid the stretch or accept being scared to death attempting it.
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