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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. I've no doubt it's possible but personally I'd never feel comfortable trying to deceive the boatyard. I couldn't deal with the worry of being found out.
  2. All businesses, hire operators included accept risks that they manage through mitigation measures. Hire operators by their nature accept risks with every customer that takes one of their boats out so even if they identified a particular risk with solo hirers, they could have accepted that risk and managed it accordingly.
  3. I think they will be Vaughan, given the tiny number of people affected. The episode hasn't changed my mind about hiring with them in the future and indeed I have two (non-solo) bookings with them this year after my cancelled trip. In my mind, its value for money that makes them stand out, not just in terms of pricing but in terms of the standard of boat you get for the money and the way everything on the boat 'just works' with no hassle.
  4. I couldn't disagree more Andrew. No company, whatever their reputation, should be exempt from negative feedback. It's because I'm a loyal Richardsons customer that I feel so let down on this one and I and others are absolutely entitled to be negative. As Vaughan says, if this had been a simple change in policy applicable to new bookings only then that would have been acceptable. It's the cancellation of existing bookings which is unacceptable.
  5. It's not boring in the slightest, if you're bored with the thread then stop reading the updates and let those of us with a strong interest in it carry on.
  6. I still have Hoseasons' interior photos of Caprice in my head. In its day it certainly was a unique take on an Alpha 32.
  7. All spot on Andy, as is your any day to any day policy which very handily enabled me to replace the Thursday-Tuesday Richardsons break that I lost. I'm really looking forward to Lady of Freedom on 26 April.
  8. One to add based on good feedback on the other thread : Bridgecraft.
  9. From Barnes Brinkcraft Facebook page: With all the uncertainly around solo boaters at the moment, we are happy to let you know that we have no plans to change our current policy. If your holiday has been cancelled, please contact our booking office on 01603 782625 who will be happy to help! #notlongtilsummer ?
  10. Given the change in policy re solo/single parent hiring that Richardsons have made, it seems a good time to discuss which operators still allow solo hires (assuming experienced hirer) . The ones I'm aware of are: Freedom Boating Barnes Brinkcraft Silverline Martham Boats
  11. Clive, as one of the loyal customers who's had their booking cancelled, I appreciate your taking the time to respond. I accept any business has to sometimes make difficult decisions about the service it chooses to offer its customers. I also understand you want to make the change "before a problem". However I'm still at a loss as to how the issue is so urgent that existing bookings for loyal customers have had to be cancelled? What would the risk to your business have been had you honoured the existing bookings and simply declined to accept new ones?
  12. Thanks for your kind words, Grace and others who've offered supportive words as well. Well, I am sorted! Out goes Symphony from Richardsons, in comes Lady of Freedom from Freedom Boat Hire which I've booked today for the exact same dates. I'm pretty pleased with that because it seems an age since I was last on the South Broads. This will be my first Southern start since 2006 and my first non-Richardsons hire since 2012 (which was with Freedom when they were in Horning). I'm long overdue a change. I spoke to Chris from Richardsons again to cancel the booking and he offered me a £50 voucher as well as the refund which I thought was a nice gesture.
  13. You may be right about the legal contract thing Vaughan but I suspect the conditions of booking say words to the effect "we can cancel if we feel like for any reason we want". In any case its left a bitter taste in the mouth and I've already been looking into booking an alternative.
  14. Well about half an hour after my last post I received a phone call from Chris Clarke, marina manager at Richardsons. He explained that the policy for solo adults hiring has changed, this being a reluctant policy decision on their part and not related to insurance. It's partly due to "incidents in the past" and partly to come in to line with Hoseasons' policy thereby avoiding having different policies for different booking routes. For my April trip (which was to be solo, no children) , he gave me the option of either a full refund or a free upgrade (subject to availability) to allow someone else to accompany me. I need to think what to do now, it's knocked me for six a bit. I was impressed by Chris' handling of the call which he dealt with sympatheticly. I can sort of understand the decision, albeit it irks me they're still happy to hire to anyone else who walks of the street as long as there's at least 2 adults. What I'm unimpressed with is the timing - could they not have waited until 2019 bookings to implement thereby leaving existing bookings unaffected?
  15. You've got me worried now, Robin but thanks for the info. My solo trip is booked for 26th April and I haven't received a phone call yet. I will phone them to clarify because I'd hate to turn up on the day to be told "Oh sorry, you should have received a phone call to cancel".
  16. Thanks for sharing, Steve. I'm still finding this policy unfathomable to be honest. I'm hiring solo (without children) from Richardsons this year and whilst they did query the booking at the time and checked I had experience they accepted it fine as they always have. Presumably however if I phoned them now and asked to amend the booking and said my 7 year old nephew was coming with me they'd say no. So how does being accompanied by one (well behaved) child make me more of a risk?
  17. If Richardsons have stopped hiring to single parents then I'm disappointed in them. My children are grown up now but I have very happy memories of Richardsons boats when they were young and I was the only adult.
  18. Hi Mark. You'll enjoy Loddon. My personal preference for overnight is Pyes Mill because its a lovely quiet spot and the short walk to the town is also lovely. Regarding the rest of the trip, I love Breydon but I would find the long slog between Great Yarmouth and Acle too much to have to do two days running. Just my preference though, you go for it if you want to do it.
  19. Great pics once again, thanks for sharing.
  20. Hopefully the yards that hire to experienced solo hirers also hire to single parents. Yards that do so are Richardsons, Freedom (both of whom I've used when solo), Barnes Brink craft, Silver line and possibly Broads Boating Company. Herbert Woods and I think NBD have a very strange 'minimum 2 adults' policy. They'd rather hire to two novices than one person who knows exactly what they're doing.
  21. Great pics Jay. I've hired Aqua fibre 38s and I've always enjoyed the side hatch. I always enjoyed the freedom it gives you to get your head outside when the roof is closed, even when it's raining. I can see you're enjoying that too.
  22. Thank you for sharing, Chris. I hope you have happy times hiring. I've never hired a woody but I do like the look of Tumblehome. Let us know how you get on.
  23. Brilliant to see the photos of Independence on the Broads at last. Wow, what a tale and what a fuel bill. It makes £150 fuel deposit for a week on a hire cruiser seen like a few pence. Robin, the Captains Blog will be even more compulsory viewing this year.
  24. Well done team, what an effort. Good luck Robin and tomorrow's crew for the trip to Brundall. What a thread! Alas with work and life I haven't been able to keep up with the thread through the day but I've enjoyed catching up this evening (12 pages since I last looked at 9am this morning!).
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