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Everything posted by mbird

  1. They don't come more common than me mate!
  2. Have you been practising over the winter Simon? They are all cracking shots, but for me the very first one with the church behind the field of rape it the clincher. I also brushed the dust of Mr Canon on Monday and took it to the bike racing at Snetterton. Unfortunately I didn't manage to get any really good action shots, and the weather was a mixture of freezing wind and horizontal rain/hail, so not exactly ideal bike riding or photography conditions. The ride back up the A11 was a bit hairy with a very strong cross wind, meaning SWMBO and my bikes had to be ridden at odd lean angles with the kids on the back wondering what the hell was happening! Anyway, I wasn't going to post any photos, but seeing as you are hinting.... These aren't good pictures, but a snapshot of the day:
  3. Unfortunately my eldest is reluctant to get into holes, and my youngest is a bit too young, so I have had to train myself to fold up small and only occassionally get stuck . Mind you, I do have a "Sharon" which is quite handy for those spaces I simply can't get into, but it would be much more useful if it had extendable arms
  4. Simon Is there actually a sensor on the engine? My BMC just took a feed from the alternator for the revs.
  5. I never realised it was called that. I've learned something again today . I think you are in the right area though, as that is roughly the sort of stretch I was thinking it looked like, just by the amount of trees etc. I would guess there is road access, and I reckon when the season starts again a cruise up the river on a Sunday would help show the location by the anglers there.
  6. I think I tend to agree with Jonathan on this that Southwold should still be the first choice for the first time in a strange harbour for many of us, subject to further investigation. If the worst come to the worst and we can't get in for any reason, it is only a short hop back to Lowestoft. I would love to go further and am quite happy to if Southwold is a no-no, but I would think one or two of the other novices might be a bit put off?
  7. I'm not too sure where that is Steve?
  8. Difficult to pinpoint the location. I'd hazard a guess that is around the Rockland area, as below there it is more ready, and above Brundall more tree lined.
  9. Perry, that second photo looking up the mast with the sun behind the main is a masterpiece. I love it
  10. Lovely looking yacht Martin, and I am jealous, as I've long wanted to sail around the Greek Islands (one day when the kids bugger off maybe!). As for associating, ANYONE can associate with the salty bottoms whether their bottoms are salty or not. We're all NBN members after all
  11. Sea fishing is something my eldest boy is really keen to try now we've got out bottom salty, but really don't know where to start ..... any help gratefully received!
  12. It's not often I'm accused of being posh, or indeed having a bigger one than someone else
  13. I haven't change the oil in my lumps yet, as it was pretty clean on the dipsticks. I do need to top up though, as it seems the port one uses a drop or two. I am going to go with a cheaper one that I know Brundall Marinse Services use (not sure of the make though). Afterall, Volvo don't make oil, just stick a label on it and double the price!
  14. It was a surprise to see you at Reedham, Ian but sorry we had no time to stop for a chat as the bridge was in the process of opening for us! I'm not sure about getting to Southwold before Whitsun, as it's still that bit of fear of the unknown, but who knows! At least getting a few miles down the coast and back safely boosted our confidence in the boat as well as our own ability. Sharon helmed for some way, and I made her slow to a stop and then get back up on the plane just so she knew what to expect should she have to do it for any reason. Jack also took the helm for a couple of miles too! We couldn't have asked for better conditions, even if the breeze was a bit on the cool side, but my face and forehead still look like bloody beetroot this evening . My parents thoroughly enjoyed the weekend with us too, even though my Mum was adamant she didn't want to go to sea, and she ended up loving it. We even got to see half a dozen seals too!! The chartplotter is a massive comfort too, along with the large scale leisure folio charts I bought from Luke, and suddenly everything seems to make sense when you are looking at buoys and trying to visualise where the Stanford channel is !!! Another week or two and we'll be booking a bridge lift at Yarmouth to do that run up the coast, but this weekend was a resounding success and doubled the number of salty trips we have taken
  15. Well we got a bit braver this morning, and after brekkie headed out of Lowestoft at just after 9:00 having plotted a course on the chartplotter (a Standard Horizon CP300i, Jonathan) to Southwold. Flat calm sea and glorious sunshine again, and we were at Southwold in less than 25 mins with no dramas. We didn't attempt the harbour as we were only out for an hour before the 11:15 bridge lift. The return trip was only slighty more bouncy as we were against wind and tide, but still flat calm. We have found the ideal cruising speed at about 24kts through the water which equates to around 3200 rpm. So that's two courses saves on the plotter that I know work
  16. After spendin ga very pleasant evening enjoying the hospitality of Luke and Claire, we locked through this morning and under the bridge only to be presented with a very inviting flat-calm sea at Lowestoft! Although my Mum really didn't want to go out, as she was on the bopat she didn't really have a choice, so a quick 30 minute blast about was had. Our first time on the salt with no other salty bottoms for moral support! I must admit though, the chart plotter gives a huge comfort factor! I'm glad the wind forecast was wrong yet again, and we are now enjoying a beer and the sun in RNSYC
  17. Just as a post script, I found a little on/off switch on the bottom of the unit that I must have knocked, so the original set is now working again. However, the range problem is still an issue as when out at sea this morning (yes we went out with no other salty-bottoms for moral support ) Lowestoft could only read us when we were about 200 yds from the harbour entrance!!!
  18. Easter was our first time out ever too Annie, so don't be worried about being a wus! There are a lot of very friendly helpful people here without whom I don't know if I would have been brave enough either!
  19. Many many thanks to Jim for coming to Brundall today with his metre. It seems my VHF is putting out absolutley nothing in the way of transmit power, which is why my range is down to about 100 yds! By coincidence, when we put the unit back where it should be (in a locker) it now fails to turn on at all, so there was obviously something rather amiss inside the box! Time for a DSC set then
  20. Hi Wayne A few compact camera were tested on this weeks Gadget Show. The Panasonic DMC-TZ210 came out best but may be a little pricey at £290. My boys have a Fuji Finepix S1200 that they share which produces some lovely shots, although the colours can seem a little washed out at times.
  21. I think you'd be very lucky to get away without bleeding Wayne, but I haven't changed the filters on mine yet, so I may be taking rubbish! I dunno if it helps, but I've scanned the couple of pages from my engine owners manual for you just incase there are any similarities. Fuelfilter.pdf
  22. Hi Wayne We have ordered ours from Yachtbits.com. Their prices are cheaper than most but not quite the cheapest, but as they are based in Lowestoft (under the name K M Electronics) I was able to actually see one working before I commited. I don't think there is anyone else in this region who supplies Standard Horizon kit. It's the same place I ordered my depth sounder system from a few weeks back.
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