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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Well after fitting the modified light arch earlier this week, I finally got to measure the height difference now she is back in the water. With it "up" our air draft is 10'2" With is "down" we are only 8'10" How's that for improved bridge clearance!
  2. As Perry has posted a different link, then technically I suppose it's not really a lakesailor. However, I would suggest he takes 100 lines "I must pay more attention in class!"
  3. That's something else I need to get around to buying The mudweight that came with the boat appears to be made from resin poured around blocks of lead or stone, and weighs bugger all. I can pick it up with just a finger and thumb, so the chances of it having any effect regarding boat holding on the broads are negligible. I'd have more luck tying a rope around one if the kids and throwing them in (though I believe this practise is frowned upon these days).
  4. Glad to hear it's been sorted Luke, though I guess it would have been more satisfying if a problem had been identified? I hadn't heard of re-priming either until I spoke to Simon (Plesbit). I shall certainly fill up my filters when she's dropped back in on Friday before I start up though
  5. Defiantley not Wayne, and I think maybe we are both cynical about the same establishment eh?
  6. Hi Col, yes I have had to top up the port drive quite a bit. I've drained a drop from the starboard leg too, but in the process I think the o-ring on the drain plug has got nipped as I have a little seepage. I got a new o-ring today so will swap that tomorrow without losing too much oil (with any luck!)
  7. I'm rather hoping she wont plonk into a 30 degree list to starboard when she settles on the plane as she did before. That's be a start
  8. Sure can Jonny, but at least it's balanced by the credit card getting heavier at the same time
  9. That's a shame Luke, but I think the weather on Saturday is supposed to be a bit crap, so probably not ideal for a photo opp. I haven't decided if it'll be Sat or Sun yet, but Breydon will definately have the peace shattered on one day of the other! Got the props back on today: The outdrives and trim tabs have new aluminium anodes on, and have been tarted up with a a spray of grey paint and then grey antifoul. The hull has had two coats of antifoul too. Just a few more minor jobs to sort including a bit of black Hammerite on the prop cones before the re-launch on Friday I've also changed the thermostats in the port engine to see if that cures to cool running problem we had (never got above 60 degrees), and didn't even lose and coolant! Watch out Krakens, here we come!
  10. Ok, point taken. I suppose somebody must have thought it looked good!
  11. Oh you bling ratbag. Now I'm gonna want some too!
  12. . even worse it's followed by an A-scope Jimbo
  13. Yay, props delivered back today from Steel Developments . Now that a pretty good service I reckon, considering I only posted them last Monday! I'll be refitting them later this week once I have antifouled the outdrives, and then booked the lift back into the water for Friday. Of course, that means that this weekend is probably going to result in some totally unsuitable behaviour over Breydon as a bit of a shake-down before the Easter shenanigins! Now, if only I could remember which way round the props went. I don't want to be doing 30kts in reverse!!!!
  14. Well that was an anti-climax then! Glad it's okay mate!
  15. Good examples Pete. I don't know if there are any guideline as to how much filtering to too much, if you see what I mean, but I find it sometimes quite tricky to see the effect through the viewfinder.
  16. Can't disagree there Luke, sorry mate
  17. I think I heard it was going to be called after some bow-legged water fowl .....
  18. ok, so today, I went to Norfolk Marine with my anchor chain (christ, that's heavy!). They are going to splice me on 30m of 12mm 8 strand with a thimble the other end cheaper that I could have bought the rope from Jimmy Green and tried to splice it myself. Just one to bear in mind
  19. Wayne, if there is a pipe coming from below the "radiator" cap, then the tank you describe is definately acting as a reservoir, to collect coolant from the overflow pipe to prevent pressure build up and thus venting from the radiator type cap (which will have a psi rating). It does seem very odd that it is set below the level of the engine cap, but that may be due to poor installation or lack of practical alternative. You may find if you top up the engine filler to the top, that after running for a while, you lose coolant from the filler cap as it has nowhere else to go, and therefore the expansion tank is just like a "buffer". Frank, the only exception to the rule that Simon (plesbit) has descibed so well is if your boat is keel cooled. A lot of earlier boats did not have a raw water side as such, but simply pumped the anti-freeze coolant via a skin fitting through some copper pipes mounted on the outside of the hull beside the keel to shed heat directly to the river. This was popular some time ago, but not so much now, as the vulnerability of the pipes made them a bit of a liability. Just have a look at the coolant pipes on your engine and see if they pass to a skin fitting, which would indicate a keel cooled set-up. If you do have this system, it could be a leak outside the boat and you would never see a wet patch.
  20. But it's only at the end of your garden Luke! Just tell her you're going to prune the crocii or something, she won't know the difference.
  21. Not sure what you mean by "sturgeons", steve?
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