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Posts posted by Matt

  1. When we were down there earlier this month I asked about the hirefleet and were told they have two 35's and two 30's for the fleet (Dan has them down as 29 footers on "the other side"?). Whenever they have a spare build slot they will build another boat for the hirefleet.

    For anyone that knows the yard they will be run for the basin next to Pedro boats.

    For those looking to visit Brundall or the Yare pub Brooms do have some visitor moorings next to the fuel pump. I am unsure if there is a charge.

  2. Sorry If my posts came across wrong. I was just trying to point out that everybody sees things differently and has a different outlook on life.

    If your friends had been moored elsewhere they would have still been playing on the roof but your friends would have been none the wiser so why worry about it?

  3. I imagine That will not pass under Potter Heigham bridge. However, there are plenty of boat yards before the bridge that you will be able to moor in. You could even book a mooring spot slap bang outside the hotel should you prefer.

  4. That's a very responsible attitude to take. So if, unbeknown to you, one of your children did get into a spot of bother and had an accident of some sort, you'd expect us to say 'Not one of mine - not my responsibilty', as we watched him/her go down for the third time.

    Of course not. If something happened I would hope that somebody would assist. But that is totally different to "having kittens" about something that may not happen.

    Where do you stop worrying? What if they had just need sitting on the roof? What if they had LJ's on?

  5. That's just too much worry!

    I have my own children to worry about, let alone worry about anyone else's. although mine would not be running around the roof at 11pm, with or without a LJ on!

  6. Sorry I should have paid more attention but without knowing your boat height Beccles bridge is passable for us about two hours before and after high tide so you may be able to pass through before low tide meaning less going against the tide!

    Whatever route you take I hope you have a cracking time.

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