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Well Done Hoseasons


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Just been reading on the NBF about a chap from Germany who booked a holiday on Mustang from Alphacraft for 11 nights commencing 3rd May through Hoseasons. 

Due to Alphacraft's decline, the booking is no more and he has been "re-located" to a Lullaby class boat from Barnes Brinkcraft. The chap did not lose any money on the booking and seems well satisfied with his intended new holiday home. It strikes me that much as some people like to denigrate Hoseasons on here, urging people to book their holidays direct, in this chap's case it is fortunate that he did not as he stood to lose a substantial sum as a creditor to the company. 

I would guess Hoseasons operate some sort of insurance bond payable by the yards which covers such eventualities.



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Hi David. Certainly sounds like he has been very lucky. And top marks to hoseasons for taking care of a customer. From my experience with them (albeit a few years back now) this doesn't surprise me, they have been brilliant with us before. 

I'm not sure what makes you say this forum denigrates hoseason. I am vocal in raising their appalling advertisement efforts of the broads but I think I have every right! in the 90's (Not sure before then as I'm a little young!) they advertised a hell of a lot better now. Richardsons alone appear to have taken that lead and are doing a good job IMHO, it would be nice to see more but yup I guess it's not cheap. As for booking with hoseasons, I believe (from what I was told before), hoseasons offer the same prices as the yard directly so there's little point in booking direct.. not sure if that's still the case now but also your money is probably safer booking with Hoseasons just in case anything were to happen to the yards.. Personally though, I'd use a credit card and book with the independents.. It's better to support local/smaller firms IMHO... cheers  

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Hi Alan,

If you book directly with the likes of NBD or Richos, you either get a discount on your next hire, or can accumulate points to get a free hire. You don't if you book the same boat through Hoseasons. I suppose the yards have to pay a commission to the agents.

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It's good to see that Hoseasons are looking after their customers well.

We have used Hoseasons since the early 80’s for both boating and holiday lodges/ cottages  and can only speak highly of the way we have been treated over the years. Granted things were a lot more personal back in the day when you were encouraged to pop in and see them when at Oulton Broad and treated like old friends but business models change and that personal touch just isn't there any more (with any business, not just with Hoseasons ).

we still use Hoseasons (and are with them next week) and the booking and payment always runs smoothly and any queries always dealt with efficiently, as well as dealing directly with Richardsons and Herbert Woods who have always been equally as professional.

It's good to hear when companies get it right instead of just when things go wrong

Well done Hoseasons.


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We tend to use Hoseasons, but will also book directly with yards that are not with them. One reason to use Hoseasons is that they offer 10% discount for CAMRA members, they will also sometimes do discounts not advertised by the yards.

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Have to admit that was one thing where Swancraft were a bit cheeky. If you booked via Hoseasons they charged you for car parking, if you booked direct they didn't, as we found out to our cost when we turned up at the yard once.

We've gone through Hoseasons in the past but with yards offering loyalty schemes if you book directly with them, and some not being in their brochure at all, there doesn't seem to be much point anymore.

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Hi Alan,

Hoseasons do still advertise but it's all "new media" these days. If you search for Norfolk Broads boat hire they are currently the top bidders for Adwords. (see attached image) That top place will cost upwards of £1 every time someone clicks on it. That's a fair point you make regarding paying by credit card, though it would not have got the German chap his holiday back unless he was prepared to pay for it again then claim it back. 




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Hi David..

I'm no fan of adwords for a number of reasons (typically they are badly implemented and this is one example (But that's how google makes its money)).. Although some people may use the internet to search for bookings.. I believe by the time they are searching they already know what they are looking for. Although we can assume the broads are well known by all. That's a bad assumption in my mind.. A company like hoseasons, who's "Job" is to get punters to book hire boats has to sell the dream to people who may not know of the broads .. they have to do this with glossy advertisements across a variety of media not "Book a cheap boat from £249", (Certainly when the drive on hireboats is now a premium market)..

Hoseasons in my eyes are falling short and should be doing more..and in a way could shoulder some of the blame for yards closing.  

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Hi Alan,

Cannot agree with you regarding Hoseasons promotion of the Broads (and other waterways). It's true that the half page adverts in newspapers have gone but there are now more "advertorials" such as the one in the link below which are sponsored by Hoseasons. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Daily Mirror chap did not pay for the boat hire. Most likely it was a shared cost between Hoseasons and Faircraft (I think Faircraft would have been referred to as Norfolk Broads Direct if they had sponsored the trip on their own). 


These "advertorials" especially the one above, are perhaps even more influential than newspaper adverts in my opinion.



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Agree David this is a good column but it hit the facebook groups and forums recently because it was one off that had not been seen for many years!

I understand your connection with Hoseasons. So perhaps best to agree to disagree on this one.

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