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Happy St George's Day !


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We went for a meal to celebrate a family birthday yesterday, we had a bit of a drive and do you know I never saw one St George's cross flag, why don't we celebrate being who we are like the good old Scots and Irish?

At least, when I played darts with my brothers (if you can call hitting anything other then the actual dartboard, playing darts lol) we had St George's cross flights in our darts :party:

On a serious note, a few years ago when we were just dating, my other half did a spot of cabbing in South London, the cab drivers were banned from displaying the flag on their cars during a world cup tournament in case it upset members of the community who were not English, needless to say a few of them did, anyway, and good on them

I am not racist in any way, shape or form but I am English and proud :trophy


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I completely missed it until I read some of these posts last night!!

Not a bean on the radio about it. I am as guilty as most I suppose but it is something we need to shout about. And it's not racism it's about being English. 

It always amazes me how wherever you go in the world there will be a st Patrick's day celebration or happy hour in a pub. 

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9 minutes ago, Gracie said:

I am not racist in any way, shape or form but I am English and proud :trophy


Neither am I Grace ik have many friends that hail from all over the World.... But for some reason in the 1950's they were trying to get the boy scout movement to ban St Georges day parades on the grounds of Racism!!!!

When had the pubs we could automatically get an extension on march 1st, March 17th and 30th November without asking for it.... But on applying for 23rd April every time turned down without a reason????????? Also we was told to take down the Cross of St George on many occasions as it was a sign of (get this) racists and we had had an Asian barmaid working who didnt bat an eyelid at the flag, but did get very vocal with the guy from the council that it should be flown as respect for ENGLANDS Patron Saint George.

Gets off my soap box ..................


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