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Rivers Broads & Sea's

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Chapter One

Friday 17th July

A long time coming but finally we are on Holiday. Yipeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :teddy:

Arrived at the boat yard at Wayford approximately 7pm minus the two dogs who are on their own holidays in the kennels and Connor. No Connor you ask, I will come to that later. Up for two weeks so spent the next two hours unloading the car. How many clothes can our family have? I was probably the worst to be honest. :oops:

As we loaded the boat up I am sure I could see it lowering in the water. :lol: Gave the boat a wash and had an early night.

Saturday 18th July

As usual to Lou’s discust I was awake at 5.30am. Out of bed at 6.00. Put the kettle on had a cup of tea and started on a few chores before we set of on our adventure. Problem being, although you try your hardest to keep quiet every movement echoes around the boat and it wasn’t long before loops was up having a moan about “were on holiday or something†:roll:

We had made the decision to go down to the southern broads for the two weeks as we normally spend most of our time up north. For the first few days we had agreed to meet up with some friends Terry & Sheila and head down south together. We had pre-arranged to meet at Acle at midday but needed to confirm, no phone signal in our yard so had to wait until we were underway. Carried out all the usual checks oils, filters etc.. and set off at 9am. Once underway and a mile down the river I called Terry to confirm meeting place. They had spent the evening at the Lion at Thurne and we agreed to meet at the BA moorings at Thurne Mouth at midday. We arrived at Thurne Mouth earlier than expected and we decided to go up to Thurne Dyke, as we turned in the Dyke we could see Terry & Sheila’s boat Southern Comfort and we moored up directly behind her. Terry looked directly at us but didn’t recognise us at first and you could see his beady eye on our boat ensuring we didn’t bump into him. Well I did go in faster than normal for effect. :naughty::lol: Eventually he recognised us and invited us aboard for a drink. Out come the Rum bottle, well it was past 11am and we were on holiday. :grin: We done last minute checks on tide calculations for going through Yarmouth. It was agreed to go through 2 ½ hours after high water as this ensures that you catch the flood tide pushing through Breydon. My only concern was that we were on neap tides and the clearance through the bridges would be limited. Terry’s Bayliner with the radar arch folded down still needed 8ft 6 inches in old money. Leaving it too late would be a dangerous game. Knowing we had to hit Yarmouth at 2.30pm we planned to set off at midday. Terry had always said that I am jinxed with the weather when on holiday on the broads after our 2008 experience. At 11.55am the biggest black cloud you could imagine rolled over Thurne and the skies erupted. At that point Terry nicknamed black clouds Colin clouds, Jay found this very amusing. None of us were prepared to go out in the down pour and decided to wait it out,Yarmouth Bridges again in the back of my mind. At 12.20 the skies cleared, rain stopped and we set off.

It was the usual boring uneventful trip down to Yarmouth on the ebb. As we approached Yarmouth knowing Terry had to pull over to lower his radar arch and canopy, I noticed another Colin Cloud on it’s way in. :o As it happened we all managed to moor up at Marina Keys. It was now 2.50pm, slightly behind schedule. Terry lowered his arch we lowered our canopy and we set off, still watching the cloud as we were all now open to the elements. We approached the bridges and they showed a clearance of 8ft 7in. Phew. Terry slid under with less than 2inches to spare.

Now the fun starts. We entered Breydon got through the lift bridge and Terry struggled to pull his arch back up as the canopy was acting as a sail against the head on wind. Once up, Terry decided to try out his twin 7.4 litre V8 Mercruisers. Yes I did say 7.4 litre V8 :o . Although he does have a gas conversion to help keeps cost down. As he opened up the Bayliner he went past us just before hitting the plane we fell into the hole of water he left behind him. :shocked What fun it was though, little did we now this was in preparation for another adventure a few days later. Terry soon stopped playing when he looked at his fuel reserves depleting. :lol: . It was a rough crossing for the rest of Breydon as it was now strong wind against tide. HJ II handled it with ease. We were heading up the Yare towards Reedham hoping to get a mooring.

As we approached Reedham Railway Bridge it was again raining, not wanting to get wet Terry called up the bridge on VHF to get it opened, timing was excellent as we passed straight through. The quay heading at Reedham village was packed solid with boats so we continued through on to the Ferry Inn moorings. As we were planning to eat in the pub that night we managed to moor directly outside. Once settled me and Terry went into the bar to book a table, it had to be in the main bar as they had their two dogs Barney & Snowy with them, Of course we had to have a pint or two as well. Real ale, I must add as I have now been fully converted from Lager by Rod (Flying Fortress) & Mark of the Mbird variety. Anyway, the table was booked for 8pm.

At 7.45pm we all wandered over to the pub, dogs included to have a quick drink before our table was ready. At the bar we advised them that we were there and had reserved a table in the bar area, the barmaid looked at the list, found our name and went silent for a while, she then went off to speak to they guy organising the restaurant, there was an element of heated conversation and flaying arms. She returned, apologising as she told us the table we had reserved had been given to someone else by the man organising restaurant, but they shouldn’t be long and we are welcome to wait. They had just started their starters, so I guess we were in for a long wait. :mad: Not very impressive we all thought, surely a reservation means exactly that. It was very busy and time was moving on. When Terry ordered the next round of drinks he asked the barmaid again how long, all he got was a very vague response. To be fair I believe she felt very awkward about something she had no control over. Then as luck would have it a couple moved of the table next to the bar, we asked if we could squeeze on that table. We did and they set the table. After a period of time and no service I found some spare menus on the bar. Not knowing how to order, Terry asked the man organising the place if we have to order at the bar. He responded very arrogantly, “No, I will be with you when I can, can’t you see I am busyâ€. That was like a red rag to a bull with Terry. His arrogance continued throughout the evening. When he finally came over to take our order, Terry asked him how our reservation got messed up, he gave every excuse under the sun and then blamed it on the couple sitting at the table, that they had ignored the reservation sign. :liar Surely it should be down to him to move them off. Oh well! Moving on. I must say once our food arrived it was very good. Although, Lou, ordered Coq Au Van, expecting chicken with bacon in a red wine sauce, what she got was a piece of chicken on a bed of rice with a tomato and mixed pepper sauce on top. Closer to a chicken chasseur we think. Lou enjoyed it so nothing was said, translation issue we thought. :lol:

We went back to our boat for coffee and a nightcap.

Chapter 2 coming soon

Click on pictures to view, one day I will sort this problem :mad:






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Thanks for the comments Guys

Barry, yes the showers are free, but we wasn't dirty enough at that stage. :lol:

Jupes, not a chance, I bet you will wishing for your holiday to end now. :o

Jill, not on my system, what is less KiB ?

I will post up Chapter Two shortly


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Chapter Two

As part of our itinerary I pre-booked both ourselves & Southern Comfort into Oulton Broad Yacht Station for Sunday evening and we also booked HJ II for Monday evening as Terry and Sheila were going back through Yarmouth on Monday afternoon.

Sunday 19th July

Again woke very early as I always do on the broads, got up quietly and made a cup of tea. Although quite a wind there was clear skies and bright sunshine. I sat up top and enjoyed the views. Next up was Jay, so he had his instructions to make another cup of tea. 8am the River Ferry bust into life and shortly afterwards Terry emerged from Southern Comfort getting Barney and Snowy organised to take for a walk. Lou then decided to arise from her slumber. We noticed a Birchwood 370 moored down the way and Lou was certain it was the boat for sale a few weeks earlier at Waterside Marine Potter Heigham. When we had HJ II on the market, this was a boat we were considering but it was about 10K above our budget. Lou being Lou got talking to the new owner and she was right it was the same boat. It turned out it was a repossession through Barclays Finance and he put a silly bid in and eventually got it for 20K under the asking price. :o Gutted we are. Strange times we are currently in. :mrgreen:

When Terry left with the dogs he had two Golden Retrievers, when he returned he had Barney and another dog which looked along the lines of an Italian Spinone. :? Oh! It was Snowy, normally an almost white Retriever, hence the name, now was a very dark tan in colour. It turns out he found the muddiest of mud pools and dived straight in. Terry spent the next hour attempting to get him clean. With little success. :lol::lol: It is times like this we were glad our two are in kennels. :grin:

One of my projects this holiday was to polish the superstructure bit by bit. I did look in the engine room to find the polish but that was as far as I got. There’s always another day. :naughty:

At approximately 11.30am we set off for the trip down to Oulton Broad. Almost as soon as we cast off, another Colin Cloud came over and the skies opened, great, will have to wait for Reedham Bridge to open. As we approached Reedham the bridge was already open and we past straight through. :bow As we passed through the bridge there was a hire craft, can’t remember the name, think it was one of Clives, Blue and bright orange, don’t quote me though. Anyway, he was clearly in a rush, came through the bridge about 10 foot off my stern and as soon as we got through he passed me at god only knows speed. :mad: I was doing about 6mph and that was difficult to maintain on the outgoing tide. He must have been doing over 10mph. The best is yet to come, as he was speeding up behind Southern Comfort I noticed two BA river inspector launches moored down by the new Reedham moorings, one had an inspector standing up with a speed gun. In no time at all the other pulled out and went after the offending craft. :twisted: By this time we were going down the new cut, the launch pulled alongside the hire craft and one of the Rangers jumped on board. He was on board for most of the length of the cut. I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall for that one.

As we approached Somerleyton bridge another craft requested the opening over the VHF and again it opened as we approached, luck was on our side today.

Terry & Sheila had not been on Oulton Broad for many years and had never moored at the Yacht Station, so a new experience for them. We entered Oulton Broad and I called up the Yacht Station. I had booked two moorings on the outer pontoon with electric. It turned out they only had one side on and one stern on. We had the tender on the back so Terry agreed to the stern on mooring. We had to moor temporarily on the short term mooring on the left why we waited for the previous boat to vacate. Myself & Jay run round to help Terry & Sheila moor up. Within an hour we were able to move onto our mooring and get settled. Weather wise we had a day of sunshine and showers, and a few more Colin clouds. Terry and I went to sample the local ale houses with a view to booking for an evening meal and of course the local ales. We ended up in the Lady of the Lake, but it took us a couple of pints to establish that they don’t serve meals Sunday evening. Went back to discus our eating plans with the girls and it was agreed to go over to the Balti Raj Indian Restaurant. Had a great meal even though Terry, who normally goes for one of the hottest curries, struggled with the heat of his selection. I must apologise to both Rod & Mark, had to drink Larger, but that is allowed in Indians, isn’t it. :bow

Now, where is Connor? I here you say. Well, Connor being his Granddads Grandson has developed an interest in Classic Motorbikes. In fact Alan Connor’s Granddad restores classic old English motorbikes as a hobby. He has bought Connor a BSA Bantam D14 sportsman and they are both in the process of a full restoration project that is now in its closing stages. Connor wanted to go with Alan to a classic bike show on the back of his Norton 500 on this first Sunday of our holiday, so it was arranged for him to stay with Nan & Granddad and they would bring him up to meet us at Oulton Broad on the Monday. In turn we agreed to take them out on the boat for the day and have a meal out. So we booked one of Adam & Suzanne’s (Jupiters Mist) favourites, the Dukes Head at Somerleyton.

Monday 20th July

Again awake early 5.30ish, crept off the boat and went for a walk around the Oulton Broad Park. Another very nice morning, bright sunshine and little wind. You just can’t beat an early morning on the Broads, silence, stillness, especially as there was a light mist hovering over the broad. :grin: Went back to the boat and watched Peter and the troops open up for another day at the Yacht Station. I was looking over at Mutford Lock, as I always do, many of a time I have watched boats pass through envious of what it must be like. Little did I know that may change in the very near future.

At about 9.00am Lou managed to drag herself out of bed after missing what was a glorious morning. I had to pop over to Jeckles in the hope of purchasing a new handheld VHF, which I did. The in-laws Pat and Alan turned up with Connor at around 10.00am. :cry That’s our peace over then. I went around to the Yacht Station Office to let them know that we were going out for the day. They told me we would probably put us on the outside of the pontoon when we return as they were expecting a 53 footer later in the day.

We set off for Somerleyton, still not a cloud in the sky but the wind was picking up again. Terry & Sheila had agreed to join us at the Dukes Head for lunch, then after, they would set off back up north. So the table was booked for eight at 1.30pm. We approached Somerleyton bridge, put a call in for it to open and was advised that they were waiting for a train and it would open in ten minutes. It was actually about 20 minutes we had to hang around for. Having displacement hull we were holding position quite well in the wind. Terry on the other hand having a planning hull, even with his bow thrusters was being blown all over the place. :lol: Eventually, the bridge opened and we moored up on the BA moorings. By this time the clouds were moving in, including a few Colin type.

We walked up to the Dukes Head and checked in, got settled with a drink. I must say for the red blooded males amongst us they entertainment could not have been bettered, they had, what is best described as a very attractive young window cleaner, Bo Dereck lookalike cleaning all the windows around the restaurant, if anyone knows the design it has Georgian style small pained windows so it took sometime. :grin: Lou and her mum thought that her partner wasn’t bad either, so we were all entertained. As usual the food was excellent.

We said our good buys to Terry and Sheila and set off back to Oulton Broad. On arrival I called up the yacht station and they guided us in to our mooring. Got set up and Pat and Alan made a move as they had a long drive in front of them. Lou walked them to their car. It turned out that they got a ticket with a £50.00 find because it turned out they did not put enough funds in for the day. Alan argued he put in the correct £3.50 but the ticket he had only stated £1.00. He suspected the other money fell straight through. As it happens he appealed this and had the ticket revoked.

Then the 53 footer Prunella arrived and safetly moored up. I must say it is a very impressive looking vessel, I was looking for uncle albert Del boy & Rodney on board but couldn't see them. :lol: Picture below.

I noticed Lou standing behind an Antares on the other side of the Yacht Station talking to who was onboard. Connor went to be nosey. Shortly afterwards Connor came to get me and told me it was someone from the forum. I wandered round to find it was John & Mary-Jane (Hockham Admiral). We got talking and they suggested that we join them and go through Mutford Lock at 9.00am the following morning and go down to the Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club in preparation for the Lowestoft Air Show. Firstly, John said he would ride is bike down at 8.00am in the morning to the RNSYC to ensure we would have a mooring as they were not taking reservations. Apprehensively and excitedly we agreed to the plans. Later in the evening John suggested we go and have a couple of beers at the Lady of the Lake. Of course it would be rude not to. So we go for a couple or five. cheersbar I must say, with my interest in planes and Johns history as an ex RAF & Commercial pilot it was a very enjoyable and educational evening.


Chapter Three to follow shortly.

Some more pictures below, Click on as usual.





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One of my projects this holiday was to polish the superstructure bit by bit. I did look in the engine room to find the polish but that was as far as I got. There’s always another day. :naughty:

Adam couldn't agree more ;) . Holidays are not for shining and polishing!!

I imagine you remember which day of the week this was so that you can repeat the experience lol :naughty:

Good story Col, thanks. Will you meet your deadline of Friday lunchtime?? :naughty::dance

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Got to agree on the Reedcutters front - with the slight caveat that we've not been there this season. But 2006/07/08 we always liked the food, drink and atmosphere. I particularly enjoyed the mushroom risotto.

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  • 1 month later...

Fantastic tale Col!

Of course Lager is permitted to accompany an Indian, but with most curries I eat I find a fire hose to be more appropriate :lol:

From a complete numpty's point of view, when you say you called the Oulton Broad Yacht Station, do you mean by VHF or by phone (if by phone can I have the number please)? We haven't moored in Oulton Broad for a few years now, as the last time was so noisy outside the Wherry hotel with cars revving etc at chuck-out time.

See you at the weekend :wave

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Col said:

I noticed Lou standing behind an Antares on the other side of the Yacht Station talking to who was onboard. Connor went to be nosey. Shortly afterwards Connor came to get me and told me it was someone from the forum. I wandered round to find it was John & Mary-Jane (Hockham Admiral). We got talking and they suggested that we join them and go through Mutford Lock at 9.00am the following morning and go down to the Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club in preparation for the Lowestoft Air Show. Firstly, John said he would ride is bike down at 8.00am in the morning to the RNSYC to ensure we would have a mooring as they were not taking reservations. Apprehensively and excitedly we agreed to the plans. Later in the evening John suggested we go and have a couple of beers at the Lady of the Lake. Of course it would be rude not to. So we go for a couple or five. cheersbar I must say, with my interest in planes and Johns history as an ex RAF & Commercial pilot it was a very enjoyable and educational evening.

Col,Hi, we've just picked up this thread and like the others find it both interesting, amusing and well written!

Just wonder what other secrets (indiscretions?) you're about to reveal over the next four days!! It was a good time, wasn't it?


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