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Windows 10 Last Chance

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On ‎18‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 0:12 PM, grendel said:

based on value for money I choose Lubuntu - fast free and works, once a week it asks if I want to update, which it does in the background. Even if it wants to reboot, that only takes about 20 seconds, added bonus was that I was given the laptop free as it was too slow on XP, and it needed a new battery. last night I rebooted my win10 machine, and it took 30 minutes to reboot, sort out updates and come back online, and even then told me some of the updates had failed.

My only issue with ubuntu is the same one I have with Mac - neither run my CAD software.

other than that I need to play with one of my old desktop machines to create a file server (prior to upgrading an old machine that is currently a file server to ubuntu.


A few weeks ago a friend asked me  if I would upgrade a Dell laptop for her , cut a long story short there was compatibility issues with windows 10 so I wiped the laptop clean and installed Ubuntu , first time I have ever used it and I must say I am very very impressed and would definitely consider using if my self in the future...

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Well thought I had put a reply on  this thread yesterday, but this morning I can't find it, so I reprise that message and add further information.

My parents second machine is an old Dell Optiplex 745, core2, 2Gigs memory, it's not fast.

It's on a fast cable broadband though and when the W10 assistant said it was compatible I went ahead, it downloaded W10 in under 10 minutes. One hour later it was at 99%, several hours later it was still at 99%, in the mean time I went on line and found this was common, and the general instruction is just leave the machine on there is no quick fix, if you try rebooting at this time you may cause other problems. 

So at 8 hours of 99% I went to bed, 6 hours later I got up to the message  Welcome to Windows 10, 15 minutes after that it was done ( express settings) everything where it was all programmes functional.

Now 30 minutes later and I'm sitting next to the machine ( typing on a tablet) although it's fully useable the machine is still doing its nut in the background, high CPU use, disk accesses, internet use. My guess is W10 is down loading updates that have been issued since the last issue of W10, it may be other programmes are doing the same. Oh it's just gone quiet so make that a total of 40 minutes background computer fury. 

All done, I'm happy, because in 110 minutes I've got a 402 mile drive back down to the broads....

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2 hours ago, TheQ said:

Well thought I had put a reply on  this thread yesterday, but this morning I can't find it, so I reprise that message and add further information.

My parents second machine is an old Dell Optiplex 745, core2, 2Gigs memory, it's not fast.

It's on a fast cable broadband though and when the W10 assistant said it was compatible I went ahead, it downloaded W10 in under 10 minutes. One hour later it was at 99%, several hours later it was still at 99%, in the mean time I went on line and found this was common, and the general instruction is just leave the machine on there is no quick fix, if you try rebooting at this time you may cause other problems. 

So at 8 hours of 99% I went to bed, 6 hours later I got up to the message  Welcome to Windows 10, 15 minutes after that it was done ( express settings) everything where it was all programmes functional.

Now 30 minutes later and I'm sitting next to the machine ( typing on a tablet) although it's fully useable the machine is still doing its nut in the background, high CPU use, disk accesses, internet use. My guess is W10 is down loading updates that have been issued since the last issue of W10, it may be other programmes are doing the same. Oh it's just gone quiet so make that a total of 40 minutes background computer fury. 

All done, I'm happy, because in 110 minutes I've got a 402 mile drive back down to the broads....

One of the first computers I upgraded to 10 done the same , the files downloaded in minutes but the installation took hours I had sat all night watching it went to bed in the end got up in the morning and it was finally done took about 17 hours can't tell why , other computers your finished in a hour , but that is good you finally cracked it ... cheers ...

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54 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

One of the first computers I upgraded to 10 done the same , the files downloaded in minutes but the installation took hours I had sat all night watching it went to bed in the end got up in the morning and it was finally done took about 17 hours can't tell why , other computers your finished in a hour , but that is good you finally cracked it ... cheers ...

I can type louder than you!! :hardhat:

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42 minutes ago, smellyloo said:

Thanks for explaining that Cheshirecat. I was trying to think of a way of asking why you chose to type in big without causing offence. Not for the first time I seem to have failed so my appologies to you.

No need to worry you have not offended me I can assure you , even if you had just asked why do You type in large print I would have just answered you , so don't panic I don't have a problem cheers ...

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3 hours ago, grendel said:

CheshireCat - do you have a text reading program? - just wondering how you read the replies we send in small (what we would refer to as normal) text.

Yes Grendel I use a screen reader called Jaws for windows and I also have also got a copy of Zoomtext both really great programs ... cheers ...

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I am at present cuddling our blind cat, she has rapidly gone so since having most of the last few of her teeth out, but apart from missing the litter tray occasionally it doesnt seem to bother her much. she always manages to find my lap and her food.

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she got a bad tooth infection so the teeth had to go, when we got the 3 of them she had the most teeth (about 6) they had been breeders and all had needed teeth removing for their well being, we think the infection or the extraction may have hit a nerve, but she is a happy old soul.

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Animals and very resilient with the right person caring for them plenty of love and a good home they will get over most things you clearly provide a great home for your cat . I am lucky enough to be a guide dog owner now on dog number 5 and they have all been absolutely wonderful I consider my self to be very lucky he is a picture of my current dog his name is Austin ...


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5 hours ago, riyadhcrew said:

He is beautiful and it would be great to meet him one of these days.

Well riyadhcrew we try to go to the forum meets when we can so if you go we may meet up at one , but we are out and about on the river most weekends summer and winter Christmas and New Year so if you see us come and introduce your self our boat is called The Corsican ... cheers ...

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On ‎21‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 6:41 AM, riyadhcrew said:

We will be at the summer meet next month. Floating from 22nd to the 29th July.

Hopefully we will meet up there we are hoping to go my mate just needs to see what work he has booked in so fingers crossed cheers ...

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41 minutes ago, riyadhcrew said:

Hi Geoffrey,

We will be at Acle Bridge for dinner on the Friday night (22nd July) and will head for Oulton at 6.00am on the Saturday morning.

We moor at Acle have not looked at tides yet but you clearly have , we could have a bit of a convoy if that suits you cheers ...

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5 minutes ago, riyadhcrew said:

Just checked the Shorebase tide tables again and they show low water slack at 7.54am on the Saturday morning. A convoy would be great fun and company.

Well that would be very nice , Steve is checking what work he has in and then we will get sighed up I will pm nearer the time ...

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3 minutes ago, Polly said:

Austin is lovely but the biggest con artist in the business, as you can see from the photo, he is a poor starving animal....at least that is what he wants you to think at BBQ time. :liar

Yes your not wrong polly he is a master at looking hard dun by ...

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