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Richardsons RC45 and RC35

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That is one good looking Boat. Time to start saving!

good looks come at a price, ask sharron Osborne, she falls a bit short :naughty::naughty:

That looks quite nice Clive, has it been decided yet what berth/layout configurations they might run in?


we have a couple of layouts, I cant remember them but they are basically 4 berths. as i said, they are on the back burner as the new moulds we bought have been pushed foreward and are to be started after the single level version(s)

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No Barry,

as a sedan it has a fixed wheelhouse therefore Potter and Wroxham are a no no.

No need to worry about those bridges then :grin:

That really does has a proper keel Clive.

As a hard top it has a hint of a S... S.... oh I can't seem to say it S.......... S....... Sea*ine ;)

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The new Sedan will be interesting to see these moor at Salhouse with a keel like that. It does look good though.

it has the same hull as the 45 but cut down a bit, they should draw about 18 inches.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi snowy,

the fiberglass bearers are in and the floors and internal moulding plugs are being made, the textured finishes are being applied to the decks and coachroofs etc

The polishing of the superstructure will be commenced on monday, we hope to start making the mould next monday.

over the last few weeks we have also been making room in one of the other sheds to build the boats when they are moulded, at present we have two boats in there being refitted for the fleet next year (Escapade and Corsica 2)


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I suppose now the season is coming to an end Clive, things will be getting a bit awkward, with boats needing their regular winter maintainance etc, is the RC45, or the current fleet boats going to take priority, or have you planned the work load to allow for both?. Regards ................ Neil.

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Hi Neil,

since October 19 last year when we started with 3 full time paternmakers, we now have 11 laminators, boat builders/paternmakers who are independent of the fleet who are focused on getting boats into the fleet for next year, so do not panic we will have everything as it should be for next year including some new ones. ice slice

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Neil,

since October 19 last year when we started with 3 full time paternmakers, we now have 11 laminators, boat builders/paternmakers who are independent of the fleet who are focused on getting boats into the fleet for next year, so do not panic we will have everything as it should be for next year including some new ones. ice slice

hi clive, you say independent of the stalham fleet, is this the re birth of the horizon name in boat building.

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Hi Clive, has there been any progress in taking the mould from the superstructure plug yet, and do you have any juicy piccy`s for us to savour :naughty::naughty: ?. Also, did you ever discover what was the cause of the hull plug not releasing from the mould?. You may have said earlier, but i don`t have time to trawl through all the back pages :lol: . Regards ............ Neil.

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hi clive, you say independent of the stalham fleet, is this the re birth of the horizon name in boat building.

We will be set up to build bespoke private versions of our hirefleet boats but will not have to rely on orders to keep going :)

there has been progress on the plug, the whole thing now has 2 layers of tooling gel on and 11 ounces of matt nearly all over with 6 ounces more to go,

the floor bearers have been fixed into place and progress is being made on the layout fore and aft, as is progress on the sliding canopy.

we have been a little set back due to having to clear the shed we are going to build in as there was a mountain of stuff which we have re distributed between

the other sheds, scrap yard and bin, a fair bit in the latter two!!

we have also started building the staging from which the new boats will be built, this is basically a mezzanine floor which will have benches and machinery

at the same height as the deck level of the boats.

Uploading photos takes a little planning these days but I will try and find some which do not give away too many trade secrets :naughty:;)

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Here are a few photos to show what has been going on of late...

As you can see we have made a mock up of the toilet moulding, it seems to have passed the ergonomics test of a 4 year old so we are part way there.

the superstructure has now been finished and polished, in the picture you can see some of the textured deck finish we have used, also a jacking point (big) and a blow off point (small) the jacking point has a push out centre which will have a threaded rod pushing onto it from a captive nut bonded to the mould, the blow off point is screwed on at present with a blob of plastacine in the end , when the mould is made the fiberglass will be ground off the top, the screw removed and a airline fitting screwed in to force air in and help release the mould, there are about 4 or five of each on the superstructure.

as you can see in the next picture there was extra help bought in during half term to make a start on the gel coats, there were 2 coats of gel and 17 ounces of fiberglass matt put on, the final coat is backed up in grey to make it look pretty, the plywood on top has been bonded there to hold up the steel which we will be using to make the cradle out of..

the canopy is also coming on well, you can see in the last two photos some of the work which has been going into getting the right curves on the leading edge, there will be a peak added onto the front to stop window leaks, we did plan on making a more complicated mould to include this but it made more sense to have this as an 'add on' in case of damage.







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hi clive. thanks for the updates. the picture of your son standing next to the plug and the guy working on the bow makes the whole thing look massive. thats gonna cost a fortune to more at the ferry inn :naughty: still seems like their loads more to do. are you still confident of having the first one in the water for easter next year. are the shower/bathroom sink mouldings made by you or do you buy them in and build the rest off the shower room round them ?

thanks again

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Hi Andy,

I am sure the ferry mooring will cause no trouble if you use the pub, our private moorers get free hardstanding over winter, if visitors started leaving trailered boats there, I recon I would get a bit moody :naughty::naughty:

As for the boat, the only thing we have not done 'in house' was the drawings, CAD and CNC work, All labour is on the books apart from the laminating of the mould last winter and a few weeks of sub contracted laminators who are now on the books. We will buy in things such as engine+ hydraulics, some windows (perhaps) and some stainless fittings and perhaps any plastic tanks if we use them, we cast and balance our own propellers, make our own stern gear and have our own fabrication workshops.

As for Easter, well, it is looking a bit close to the wind but we have a booking so all the stops are being pulled out and we will have to see :)

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