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Richardsons RC45 and RC35

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Those ugly monstrosities called "Brinks majesty" were only cut and shut Foster 30s, but they obviously had`nt been done properly, as one of them was the sunken wreck at Marina quays a couple of years ago.

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Clive, you mentioned about the size of the Alpha Flyingbridge models, but did`nt let on if you were also considering building a 45ft flying bridge version. Are you holding out on us, and trying to keep Dan in the dark :norty::lol: .

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Something i`ve been meaning to ask Clive,do you have any idea of how many of each class you will need for the fleet, or will you be waiting to see how the first ones let before committing to large numbers?. xmas2xmas2xmas2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Clive, would there be a maket for a large aft cockpit version like the Aquafibre 32 (example- Maffett cruisers Jay, and Sandersons Sandswift), because this would be a new more luxurious and spacious version of boats like San Luis/Pedro class, and be an alternative to boats like the Broadland Wave and Siesta classes allowing navigation under all the bridges?. Regards .................. Neil.

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Picture this then Clive?, a large fwd "island double (like on Broadland wave) coming aft to an en-suite toilet compartment with wash basin, and a seperate en-suite shower compartment opposite. Coming aft into a large main cabin with large curved "L shaped" settee and table to one side and galley opposite. Coming aft into a large raised cockpit/open air lounge. Now that WOULD be a nice boat for two. On a serious note though, is it possible to have seperate toilet/wash basin and shower compartments, or would that take up far too much space?. You have them on some of your Hamptons, so why not incorperate them on some of the bigger boats, especially if you`re building them from scratch?. There`s nothing worse than being desperate for a jimmy riddle or a dump and the wife is taking a long time in the shower. Regards .......... Neil.

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had a few hold ups after Christmas, we have released the superstructure and the internal mouldings but have not started the moulds for the showers or the cabin linings where needed, we think we are about 2 weeks behind where we wanted to be but have completed other jobs which are not part of the new build.

we hope to start the shower moulds and the other internal floor mouldings on Monday, the plan is to also have the hull out and on a trolley next week so we can start making the plugs for the rubbers/fendering and really need to have a full set of mouldings together by the middle of February. cheers

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Is it a good job that Easter is late this year?

How many are you hoping to build this year?

How are the bookings for the class looking?

Hi Martin,


3 (or more)

good ;)

the first booking is for the week after Whitsun, I have held it until then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 1st booking, has it been made by a certain mr D Horner, or is he still squatting in that hide somewhere in your yard Clive? :lol::lol: . On a serious note, has there been much progress in the last week and a half?. Regards ..................... Neil.

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Things got a bit slow after Christmas with a couple of hold ups but we are making progress again albeit behind where we wanted to be... I will have some interesting bits to report in a couple of weeks, without giving away all my secrets :naughty:

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Things got a bit slow after Christmas with a couple of hold ups but we are making progress again albeit behind where we wanted to be... I will have some interesting bits to report in a couple of weeks, without giving away all my secrets :naughty:

You little tease :norty::norty: .

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hi clive. clive as the rc 45 production gets into full swing and the fleet size starts to grow, will you start de fleeting your older af42 ? or are the new rc45s you have got planed over the next few years be addtions to your fleet not replacement for the much older af42s models you have. just to be a bit checky clive as im sure ur snowed under at this time of year is their any chance you could post a few pics of the merchant class boats you have purchased.

cheers andy

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All new boats will be additions until we get to our magic number which is not too far away, we will hen start selling off the lower earners which could be anything, or anything we get a good offer on :naughty:

I am sure that by the middle of the week someone will have some photos of a Merchant for you... ;)

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Dan must be on the case.

I`m convinced Dan has a secret hide (a bit like Bill Odie`s bird hide) secretly located in Clives yard somewhere :naughty::naughty: . Come on mr Hornster, admit it, you`ve been rumbled :lol::lol::lol:

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I`m convinced Dan has a secret hide (a bit like Bill Odie`s bird hide) secretly located in Clives yard somewhere :naughty::naughty: . Come on mr Hornster, admit it, you`ve been rumbled :lol::lol::lol:

Well I have been known to occasionally be found inside the odd boat there... occasionally even my own! :lol:

I best try and get over ASAP to get these much demanded pictures... currently trying to get a few days off to make a nice break out of it... the withdrawal symptons are getting a little much - I am coming under pressure to stop shouting out of my car window at pedestrians and motorists as the months of no boating take their toll!


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