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Barnes Brinkcraft Webcam Currently Down


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41 minutes ago, ranworthbreeze said:

The webcam at Barnes Brinkcraft is currently down.


The Oulton Broad webcam (Norfolk Live only have one operational webcam working)is still down it must have been off  now for two to three weeks, I am missing my Broads fix. 



By now Alan, Gracie will be knocking seven bells out of anyone who says what is it like in Wroxham today !:naughty: She will be forced to drink more wine and go and buy even more shoes ! Poor lady.


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It's back up and running, thank goodness, you wouldn't believe the amount of chocolate and wine I've been forced to consume and the shoes I've purchased on line........ Oh no, hang on, that's just a normal week for me :naughty: 

Seriously, it's great to have it back :clap


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I have just been browsing the web cams, it looks stunning on the Broads at the moment, the sun is shining, the water is like a mirror, curtains closed on the boats moored at Wroxham, it's a morning like this I would be up at the crack of dawn with a steaming cup of coffee and a fishing rod. It really puts everything into perspective for me, it doesn't matter if there's going to be a sailing regatta or some such, or someone ran their engines a bit too late last night, there's no such thing as a private v hirers debate, because it's mornings like this that hopefully make us all realise the Broads are beautiful and there for all of us to enjoy and we all have one major thing in common, a love affair with anything Broadland

So whatever you're doing today, whether it be sailing, fishing, motor boating or telling really bad jokes in the jokes section (eh Pops and Ray?) just enjoy and think about how lovely it is to have such a nice forum to share our views (even though half our avatars are missing at the moment lol)

Today's Sermon is over ;)

Have a great day everyone

Grace :kiss

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22 hours ago, Gracie said:

It's back up and running, thank goodness, you wouldn't believe the amount of chocolate and wine I've been forced to consume and the shoes I've purchased on line........ Oh no, hang on, that's just a normal week for me :naughty: 

Seriously, it's great to have it back :clap


There were some very nice handbags online in the sale at Debenhams last weekend. :dance

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3 hours ago, SwanR said:

There were some very nice handbags online in the sale at Debenhams last weekend. :dance

There is always one ! Eh Jean !:naughty: Make that two....SWMBO in Italy on hols was a nightmare with bag hunting! Still is. lol


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